#once #create message .EQ delim $$ .EN .pl 1 .ll 55 This script is designed to teach you the "eqn" language for typing mathematics. There are two versions of the program. "eqn" is for use on the phototypesetter; "neqn" is for use on a terminal like a DASI or GSI, or a Model 37 teletype. The lessons are mostly written under the assumption that you will be using neqn on a DASI or GSI or teletype; a few things that are specific to eqn on the typesetter are left to the end. The terminal MUST be a DASI or GSI or teletype, or you will get some rather startling results from this script. To verify that everything is working, this message should come out with subscripts, superscripts, Greek letters and so on. If it doesn't, we're in trouble. .sp Summation sign: $ sum $ .sp Letter pi: $ pi $ .sp Subscript and superscript: $ x sub i ~=~ y sup j $ .sp If this looks ok, type yes. Otherwise, type no. .pl 1 # #once neqn message | nroff -T$term #copyin #user #uncopyin #match yes #fail Do you have the right kind of terminal? If you are using a DASI or GSI, make sure the switch labeled "PLOT" inside the cover is set to ON. If these fail, call for help; otherwise type yes the next time. #log #next 1.1a