#once #create message .ND .EQ delim $$ .EN .LP The problem is really that we need a way to tell neqn that in spite of blanks, a group of things (like the $pi$ and the +1) have to be kept together as a single superscript. The way that this is done is to enclose the group in braces - the characters { and } - like this: .EQ x sup {pi + 1} .EN This tells neqn that everything inside the braces belongs to the superscript, in spite of blanks and tildes. (You don't need blanks before and after braces themselves - like tildes, they act as delimiters.) Modify the file "Example" so that the output looks like the following, then type "ready". (To get $==$, type ==.) .pl 1 #once #create Ref .LP .EQ x sup {pi +1} == y sup z sup {alpha + beta} .EN .pl 1 #once #create Example .LP .EQ replace me .EN .pl 1 # #once neqn Ref | nroff >X1 & #once neqn message Ref | nroff -T$term %s/tinyms - #user neqn Example | nroff >X2 #cmp X1 X2 #log #next 5.1c 10 5.2b 5