#once #create message .ND .EQ delim $$ .EN .LP You will get lots of practice using braces as we go along. One thing to keep in mind is that braces can appear ______within braces. (Remember that I said that anywhere you could use an "x" you could put something in braces instead. So to get this: .EQ e sup {x sup {pi +1} + y sup {pi +1}} .EN you can type e sup {x sup {pi +1} + y sup {pi +1}} The big superscript (the one on the "e") has a pair of braces that take in everything. Then the "x" and the "y" each have braces to delimit their superscripts. Of course the braces have to go in the right places, or you won't get the output you want. To verify that you are still following this lesson, modify "Example" so it looks like this, then type "ready". .pl 1 #once #create Ref .LP .EQ e sup {{x sup {pi +1} + y sup {pi +1}} over 2} .EN .pl 1 #once #create Example .LP .EQ e sup {x sup {pi +1} + y sup {pi +1}} .EN .pl 1 # #once neqn Ref | nroff >X1 & #once neqn message Ref | nroff -T$term %s/tinyms - #user neqn Example | nroff >X2 #cmp X1 X2 #fail Don't forget that you need braces for the overall superscript, and also for the "over" part. #log #next 5.1e 10 5.2d 5