#print There is one other thing you have to do before you can use a character as a delimiter - you have to tell neqn that you are going to. To do this, as the very first thing in your input you must put these three lines: .EQ delim $$ .EN (If you like, other characters than $ can be used, but we will stick to dollar signs here.) Until you do this, $ signs have no special significance to neqn. Modify the file "Example" by adding the "delim" lines to the beginning, and check that $ signs are now significant. Type "ready" when you are done. #once #create Ref .EQ delim $$ .EN .LP Now is the $times$ for all good $mu$ $epsilon$ $nu$ to come to the aid of their party. .pl 1 #once #create Example .LP Now is the $times$ for all good $mu$ $epsilon$ $nu$ to come to the aid of their party. .pl 1 #user #cmp Ref Example #log #next 6.1c 10