#print Now you should understand the special characters del and ^U: del cancels the previous character typed (delete or rubout) ^U cancels the line being typed and puts you on a new line (called control-u) These are the default characters used by the system. Commonly, del is replaced ^H (or backspace). ^U is typed by holding down the CTRL (for control) key and pressing the letter 'u'. The reason that there are the two characters '^' and 'U' to represent one special character is that ^U usually will not print on the screen. If you make a typing mistake, you can use del and ^U to correct it before you finish the line and the computer won't ever know about it. For example, what will the computer really receive if you type assuming ^H is used instead of del st^Hhe^Uthf^He at it? Figure this out in your head and reply "answer WORD" where WORD is the word as it will be interpreted, and don't forget RETURN. For example, if you think it will get "dog", type answer dog #copyin #user #uncopyin #match the #bad answerthe Leave a space between "answer" and "the". #log #next 0.1b 5