#print You should also understand a few simple commands. When UNIX types a "%" at you, you can type a command. For example, if you type "date" the computer will tell you the current date and time. If you see "%" and type "who", UNIX will tell you who is logged on at present. There are many other commands, too. You must type a RETURN at the end of each command line. Try the "date" command now: find out what date it is, and after the computer has responded, type "ready". And don't forget the RETURN! #copyin #user #uncopyin grep date .copy >/dev/null #bad day You were supposed to type "date" (without quotes). The computer is very intolerant of spelling errors. Try again. #bad "date" Don't type those quote marks. Try again. #bad time The time command does not tell you the wall-clock time. Try date next time. #log #next 0.1c 5