1: # include "r.h"
   3: char *keyword []{
   4:     "do", "DO", /* have to be first */
   5:     "if", "IF",
   6:     "else", "ELSE",
   7:     "for", "FOR",
   8:     "repeat", "REPEAT",
   9:     "until", "UNTIL",
  10:     "while", "WHILE",
  11:     "break", "BREAK",
  12:     "next", "NEXT",
  13:     "define", "DEFINE",
  14:     "include", "INCLUDE",
  15:     0};
  17: #include "y.tab.c"
  19: int keytran[]{
  20:     0, 0,
  21:     XIF, XIF,
  22:     XELSE, XELSE,
  23:     XFOR, XFOR,
  24:     REPEAT, REPEAT,
  25:     UNTIL, UNTIL,
  26:     XWHILE, XWHILE,
  27:     XBREAK, XBREAK,
  28:     NEXT, NEXT,
  31:     0};
  33: int svargc;
  34: char    **svargv;
  35: int infile  0;
  36: int fd  0;
  37: int ninclude    0;
  38: int filestack[10];
  39: int linect[10];
  41: main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {
  42:     contfld = errorflag = 0;
  43:     if(argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-'){
  44:         if(argv[1][1]=='6')
  45:             contfld=6;
  46:         argc--;
  47:         argv++;
  48:     }
  49:     svargc = argc;
  50:     svargv = argv;
  51:     filestack[0] = infile = fd = ninclude = linect[0] = 0;
  52:     if(--svargc>0)
  53:         if( (fd = filestack[0] = copen(svargv[++infile],'r')) < 0 ) {
  54:             error("can't open %s", svargv[infile]);
  55:             cexit(1);
  56:         }
  57:     yyparse();
  58:     cexit(errorflag);
  59: }
  61: int peek    -1;
  62: int nextchar    '\n';
  64: getc(){
  65:     nextchar = (peek<0) ? gchar(): peek;
  66:     peek = -1;
  67:     return(nextchar);
  68: }
  70: int gcp 0;
  71: char    gcbuf[300];
  72: int apos    -1;
  74: gchar(){
  75:     extern int linect[], nnames;
  76:     extern char *names[], *nameptr[];
  77:     int c,i,atype,t;
  78:     if( c=gcbuf[gcp++] )
  79:         return(c);
  80:    loop:
  81:     for(gcp=0; (c=gcbuf[gcp]=cgetc(fd))!='\0' ; gcp++ ){
  82:         if( gcbuf[0]== '%' ){
  83:             while(putchar(cgetc(fd))!='\n');
  84:             gcp = -1;
  85:             ++linect[ninclude];
  86:             continue;
  87:         }
  88:         if( (atype=alphanum(c)) && apos < 0 ){
  89:             apos = gcp;
  90:             continue;
  91:         }
  92:         if( !atype )
  93:             if( apos >= 0 ){
  94:                 gcbuf[gcp] = '\0';
  95:                 if( nnames>0 && (t=lookup(&gcbuf[apos],names))>=0){
  96:                     for(i=0;gcbuf[apos++]=nameptr[t][i];i++);
  97:                     gcp = apos-1;
  98:                 }
  99:                 apos = -1;
 100:                 gcbuf[gcp] = c;
 101:             }
 102:         if( c < ' ' && (c!='\n' && c!='\t') )   /* strip crap */
 103:             c = gcbuf[gcp] = ' ';
 104:         if( c=='#' ){
 105:             gcbuf[gcp] = '\n';
 106:             while( (c=cgetc(fd))!='\n' && c!='\0');
 107:         }
 108:         if( c=='"' || c=='\'' ){
 109:             while( (gcbuf[++gcp]=t=cgetc(fd)) != c )
 110:                 if( t=='\n' ) {
 111:                     error("unbalanced quote");
 112:                     gcbuf[gcp] = c;
 113:                     gcbuf[++gcp] = c = '\n';
 114:                     goto newline;
 115:                 }
 116:             continue;
 117:         }
 118:     newline:
 119:         if( c=='\n' ){
 120:             gcbuf[gcp+1] = '\0';
 121:             gcp = 1;
 122:             ++linect[ninclude];
 123:             return(gcbuf[0]);
 124:         }
 125:     }
 126:     if(ninclude){
 127:         cclose(filestack[ninclude--]);
 128:         fd = filestack[ninclude];
 129:         goto loop;
 130:     }
 131:     cclose(filestack[ninclude]);
 132:     if(--svargc>0){
 133:         if( (fd = filestack[ninclude] = copen(svargv[++infile],'r')) < 0) {
 134:             error("can't open %s", svargv[infile]);
 135:             cexit(1);
 136:         }
 137:         linect[0] = 0;
 138:         goto loop;
 139:     }
 140:     return(0);
 141: }
 143: inclstat(){
 144:     int i,c;
 145:     char fname[100];
 146:     while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' );
 147:     peek = c;
 148:     for(i=0; (fname[i]=c=getc())!='\n' && c!=';' && c!=' ' && c!='\t'; i++);
 149:     fname[i] = '\0';
 150:     if( (fd = copen(fname,'r')) < 0 ) {
 151:         error("can't open %s", fname);
 152:         cexit(1);
 153:     }
 154:     else {
 155:         filestack[++ninclude] = fd;
 156:         linect[ninclude] = 0;
 157:     }
 158: }
 160: lookup(string,tbl) char *string; char *tbl[]; {
 161:     register i,j, r;
 162:     for(i=0; tbl[i]!=0; i++){
 163:         for( j=0; (r=tbl[i][j])==string[j] && r!='\0'; j++);
 164:         if( r == string[j] )
 165:             return(i);
 166:     }
 167:     return( -1 );
 168: }
 170: char    str[200];
 171: int strp;
 172: int nstr;
 174: yylex(){
 175:     int c, type;
 176:   top:
 177:     while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t' );
 178:     yylval = c;
 179:     switch(c){
 181:     case '\0':
 182:         return('\0');
 183:     case ';':
 184:         return(SCOL);
 185:     case'{':
 186:         return(LCURL);
 187:     case '}':
 188:         return(RCURL);
 189:     }
 190:     peek = c;
 191:     nstr = getstr(str);
 192:     yylval = &str[0];
 193:     if( alldigits(str) )
 194:         return(DIGITS);
 195:     type = lookup(str,keyword);
 196:     if( keytran[type]==XDEFINE ) {
 197:         defstat();
 198:         goto top;
 199:     } else if( keytran[type]==XINCLUDE ) {
 200:         inclstat();
 201:         goto top;
 202:     } else if( type > 1 )
 203:         return(keytran[type]);
 204:     else if( type < 0 )
 205:         return(XGOK);
 206:     while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' );
 207:     peek = c;
 208:     if( c>='a' && c<='z' || c>='A' && c<='Z' )
 209:         return(NEWDO);
 210:     else
 211:         return(OLDDO);
 212: }
 214: getstr(s) char *s; {
 215:     int  c, sp;
 216:     for (sp=0; (c=s[sp++]=getc())!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!='{' && c!='}'
 217:         && c!=';' && c!='(' && c!=')' ; )
 218:             if( c=='\'' || c=='"' )
 219:                 while( (s[sp++]=getc())!=c );
 220:     peek = c;
 221:     s[--sp]='\0';
 222:     return(sp);
 223: }
 225: alldigits(s) char *s; {
 226:     int c;
 227:     if( *s == '\0' )
 228:         return(0);
 229:     while( (c = *s++) != '\0' )
 230:         if( c<'0' || c>'9' )
 231:             return(0);
 232:     return(1);
 233: }
 235: int dbg 0;
 237: yyerror(){;}
 239: alphanum(c) int c; {
 240:     if(c>='0' && c<='9') return(1);
 241:     if(c>='a' && c<='z') return(1);
 242:     if(c>='A' && c<='Z') return(1);
 243:     return(0);
 244: }
 246: #define MAXNAMES    100
 248: char    *names[MAXNAMES];
 249: char    *nameptr[MAXNAMES];
 250: int nnames  0;
 252: defstat(){
 253:     int c,i,index;
 254:     extern int peek,nstr;
 255:     extern char str[];
 256:     char *getvec();
 257:     while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' );
 258:     peek = c;
 259:     for(nstr=0; c=getc(); nstr++ ){
 260:         if(c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') break;
 261:         str[nstr] = c;
 262:     }
 263:     peek = c;
 264:     str[nstr] = '\0';
 265:     if( (index=lookup(str,names)) >= 0 )
 266:         nameptr[index] = 0;
 267:     else if( (index = nnames++)>=MAXNAMES-1 ){
 268:         error("too many defined names");
 269:         cexit(1);
 270:     }
 271:     names[index] = getvec(nstr+1);
 272:     for( i=0; names[index][i]=str[i]; i++ );
 273:     while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' );
 274:     peek = c;
 275:     for( i=0; (c=getc())!='\n' && c!='\0'; i++ )
 276:         str[i] = c;
 277:     str[i] = '\0';
 278:     nameptr[index] = getvec(i+1);
 279:     for( i=0; nameptr[index][i]=str[i]; i++ );
 280: }

Defined functions

alldigits defined in line 225; used 1 times
alphanum defined in line 239; used 1 times
  • in line 88
defstat defined in line 252; used 1 times
gchar defined in line 74; used 1 times
  • in line 65
getc defined in line 64; used 16 times
getstr defined in line 214; used 1 times
inclstat defined in line 143; used 1 times
lookup defined in line 160; used 3 times
main defined in line 41; never used
yyerror defined in line 237; never used
yylex defined in line 174; never used

Defined variables

apos defined in line 72; used 7 times
dbg defined in line 235; never used
fd defined in line 36; used 10 times
filestack defined in line 38; used 7 times
gcbuf defined in line 71; used 14 times
gcp defined in line 70; used 16 times
infile defined in line 35; used 5 times
keytran defined in line 19; used 3 times
keyword defined in line 3; used 1 times
linect defined in line 39; used 6 times
nameptr defined in line 249; used 5 times
names defined in line 248; used 5 times
nextchar defined in line 62; used 2 times
ninclude defined in line 37; used 10 times
nnames defined in line 250; used 3 times
nstr defined in line 172; used 7 times
peek defined in line 61; used 16 times
str defined in line 170; used 12 times
strp defined in line 171; never used
svargc defined in line 33; used 3 times
svargv defined in line 34; used 5 times

Defined macros

MAXNAMES defined in line 246; used 3 times
Last modified: 1975-05-14
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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