1: .globl  alterchar
   2: .globl  plausible
   3: .globl  stats
   4: .globl  allocate, release
   5: .globl  copy
   6: .globl  bufchar, getbuf
   7: .globl  swap
   8: .globl  w, r, a, l
   9: .globl  w1, flag, u1, fixct
  10: /
  11: /	routine to rewrite the character pointer to by
  12: /	read pointer.  The read pointer is advanced.
  13: /	the string is extended if necessary.
  14: /	there is no error return.
  15: /
  16: /	movb	ch,r0
  17: /	mov	...,r1
  18: /	jsr	pc,alterchar
  19: /	mov	r1,...
  20: /
  21: alterchar:
  22:         mov     r2,-(sp)
  23:         mov     r1,-(sp)
  24:         mov     r0,nchar
  25:         jsr     pc,plausible
  26:         inc     stats+8.
  27: 1:      cmp     r(r1),l(r1)     /W,L
  28:         blt     3f
  29:         mov     l(r1),r0
  30:         inc     r0
  31:         sub     a(r1),r0        /W-A+1
  32:         jsr     pc,allocate
  33:         mov     (sp),r0
  34:         jsr     pc,copy
  35:         jsr     pc,swap
  36:         jsr     pc,release
  37:         mov     (sp),r1
  38: /
  39: 3:      mov     r(r1),r0
  40:         jsr     pc,bufchar
  41:         bec     2f
  42:         jsr     pc,getbuf
  44: 2:      movb    nchar,(r0)
  45:         mov     nchar,r0        /to preserve r0 for user
  46:         inc     r(r1)
  47:         mov     $1,w1(r2)
  48:         cmp     r(r1),w(r1)
  49:         ble     3f
  50:         mov     r(r1),w(r1)
  51: 3:
  52:         inc     flag
  53:         bne     1f
  54:         jsr     pc,fixct
  55:         br      2f
  56: 1:
  57:         mov     flag,u1(r2)
  58: 2:
  59:         mov     (sp)+,r1
  60:         mov     (sp)+,r2
  61:         rts     pc
  62: /
  63: nchar:  .=.+2

Defined functions

alterchar declared in line 1; defined in line 21; used 4 times
nchar defined in line 63; used 3 times
Last modified: 1975-05-14
Generated: 2016-12-26
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