tbw-I: define tb_s3_sram_memctl_stim -> tb_s3_sram_memctl_stim.dat C write full word 16 cells 235.0 ns 2: stim write 00000 1111 30201000 nbusy= 0 255.0 ns 3: stim write 00001 1111 31211101 nbusy= 1 295.0 ns 5: stim write 00002 1111 32221202 nbusy= 1 335.0 ns 7: stim write 00003 1111 33231303 nbusy= 1 375.0 ns 9: stim write 00004 1111 34241404 nbusy= 1 415.0 ns 11: stim write 00005 1111 35251505 nbusy= 1 455.0 ns 13: stim write 00006 1111 36261606 nbusy= 1 495.0 ns 15: stim write 00007 1111 37271707 nbusy= 1 535.0 ns 17: stim write 00008 1111 38281808 nbusy= 1 575.0 ns 19: stim write 00009 1111 39291909 nbusy= 1 615.0 ns 21: stim write 0000a 1111 3a2a1a0a nbusy= 1 655.0 ns 23: stim write 0000b 1111 3b2b1b0b nbusy= 1 695.0 ns 25: stim write 0000c 1111 3c2c1c0c nbusy= 1 735.0 ns 27: stim write 0000d 1111 3d2d1d0d nbusy= 1 775.0 ns 29: stim write 0000e 1111 3e2e1e0e nbusy= 1 815.0 ns 31: stim write 0000f 1111 3f2f1f0f nbusy= 1 C read 16 cells 855.0 ns 33: stim read 00000 30201000 nbusy= 1 895.0 ns 35: stim read 00001 31211101 nbusy= 1 935.0 ns 37: stim read 00002 32221202 nbusy= 0 940.0 ns 37: moni 30201000 CHECK OK 955.0 ns 38: stim read 00003 33231303 nbusy= 0 960.0 ns 38: moni 31211101 CHECK OK 975.0 ns 39: stim read 00004 34241404 nbusy= 0 980.0 ns 39: moni 32221202 CHECK OK 995.0 ns 40: stim read 00005 35251505 nbusy= 0 1000.0 ns 40: moni 33231303 CHECK OK 1015.0 ns 41: stim read 00006 36261606 nbusy= 0 1020.0 ns 41: moni 34241404 CHECK OK 1035.0 ns 42: stim read 00007 37271707 nbusy= 0 1040.0 ns 42: moni 35251505 CHECK OK 1055.0 ns 43: stim read 00008 38281808 nbusy= 0 1060.0 ns 43: moni 36261606 CHECK OK 1075.0 ns 44: stim read 00009 39291909 nbusy= 0 1080.0 ns 44: moni 37271707 CHECK OK 1095.0 ns 45: stim read 0000a 3a2a1a0a nbusy= 0 1100.0 ns 45: moni 38281808 CHECK OK 1115.0 ns 46: stim read 0000b 3b2b1b0b nbusy= 0 1120.0 ns 46: moni 39291909 CHECK OK 1135.0 ns 47: stim read 0000c 3c2c1c0c nbusy= 0 1140.0 ns 47: moni 3a2a1a0a CHECK OK 1155.0 ns 48: stim read 0000d 3d2d1d0d nbusy= 0 1160.0 ns 48: moni 3b2b1b0b CHECK OK 1175.0 ns 49: stim read 0000e 3e2e1e0e nbusy= 0 1180.0 ns 49: moni 3c2c1c0c CHECK OK 1195.0 ns 50: stim read 0000f 3f2f1f0f nbusy= 0 1200.0 ns 50: moni 3d2d1d0d CHECK OK C write selected bytes in first 16 cells 1215.0 ns 51: stim write 00000 0000 70605040 nbusy= 0 1220.0 ns 51: moni 3e2e1e0e CHECK OK 1240.0 ns 52: moni 3f2f1f0f CHECK OK 1235.0 ns 52: stim write 00001 0001 71615141 nbusy= 2 1295.0 ns 55: stim write 00002 0010 72625242 nbusy= 1 1335.0 ns 57: stim write 00003 0011 73635343 nbusy= 1 1375.0 ns 59: stim write 00004 0100 74645444 nbusy= 1 1415.0 ns 61: stim write 00005 0101 75655545 nbusy= 1 1455.0 ns 63: stim write 00006 0110 76665646 nbusy= 1 1495.0 ns 65: stim write 00007 0111 77675747 nbusy= 1 1535.0 ns 67: stim write 00008 1000 78685848 nbusy= 1 1575.0 ns 69: stim write 00009 1001 79695949 nbusy= 1 1615.0 ns 71: stim write 0000a 1010 7a6a5a4a nbusy= 1 1655.0 ns 73: stim write 0000b 1011 7b6b5b4b nbusy= 1 1695.0 ns 75: stim write 0000c 1100 7c6c5c4c nbusy= 1 1735.0 ns 77: stim write 0000d 1101 7d6d5d4d nbusy= 1 1775.0 ns 79: stim write 0000e 1110 7e6e5e4e nbusy= 1 1815.0 ns 81: stim write 0000f 1111 7f6f5f4f nbusy= 1 C read back 1855.0 ns 83: stim read 00000 30201000 nbusy= 1 1895.0 ns 85: stim read 00001 31211141 nbusy= 1 1935.0 ns 87: stim read 00002 32225202 nbusy= 0 1940.0 ns 87: moni 30201000 CHECK OK 1955.0 ns 88: stim read 00003 33235343 nbusy= 0 1960.0 ns 88: moni 31211141 CHECK OK 1975.0 ns 89: stim read 00004 34641404 nbusy= 0 1980.0 ns 89: moni 32225202 CHECK OK 1995.0 ns 90: stim read 00005 35651545 nbusy= 0 2000.0 ns 90: moni 33235343 CHECK OK 2015.0 ns 91: stim read 00006 36665606 nbusy= 0 2020.0 ns 91: moni 34641404 CHECK OK 2035.0 ns 92: stim read 00007 37675747 nbusy= 0 2040.0 ns 92: moni 35651545 CHECK OK 2055.0 ns 93: stim read 00008 78281808 nbusy= 0 2060.0 ns 93: moni 36665606 CHECK OK 2075.0 ns 94: stim read 00009 79291949 nbusy= 0 2080.0 ns 94: moni 37675747 CHECK OK 2095.0 ns 95: stim read 0000a 7a2a5a0a nbusy= 0 2100.0 ns 95: moni 78281808 CHECK OK 2115.0 ns 96: stim read 0000b 7b2b5b4b nbusy= 0 2120.0 ns 96: moni 79291949 CHECK OK 2135.0 ns 97: stim read 0000c 7c6c1c0c nbusy= 0 2140.0 ns 97: moni 7a2a5a0a CHECK OK 2155.0 ns 98: stim read 0000d 7d6d1d4d nbusy= 0 2160.0 ns 98: moni 7b2b5b4b CHECK OK 2175.0 ns 99: stim read 0000e 7e6e5e0e nbusy= 0 2180.0 ns 99: moni 7c6c1c0c CHECK OK 2195.0 ns 100: stim read 0000f 7f6f5f4f nbusy= 0 2200.0 ns 100: moni 7d6d1d4d CHECK OK C read and write with waits 2220.0 ns 101: moni 7e6e5e0e CHECK OK 2240.0 ns 102: moni 7f6f5f4f CHECK OK 2275.0 ns 104: stim write 00010 1111 30201000 nbusy= 0 2335.0 ns 107: stim write 00011 1111 31211101 nbusy= 0 2375.0 ns 109: stim write 00012 1111 32221202 nbusy= 0 2395.0 ns 110: stim write 00013 1111 33231303 nbusy= 1 2495.0 ns 115: stim read 00010 30201000 nbusy= 0 2540.0 ns 117: moni 30201000 CHECK OK 2555.0 ns 118: stim read 00011 31211101 nbusy= 0 2595.0 ns 120: stim read 0000e 7e6e5e0e nbusy= 0 2600.0 ns 120: moni 31211101 CHECK OK 2615.0 ns 121: stim read 0000f 7f6f5f4f nbusy= 0 C read and write mixed, with waits 2640.0 ns 122: moni 7e6e5e0e CHECK OK 2660.0 ns 123: moni 7f6f5f4f CHECK OK 2675.0 ns 124: stim write 00014 1111 34241404 nbusy= 0 2735.0 ns 127: stim read 00012 32221202 nbusy= 0 2780.0 ns 129: moni 32221202 CHECK OK 2795.0 ns 130: stim write 00015 1111 35251505 nbusy= 0 2855.0 ns 133: stim read 00013 33231303 nbusy= 0 2895.0 ns 135: stim write 00016 1111 36261606 nbusy= 0 2900.0 ns 135: moni 33231303 CHECK OK 2935.0 ns 137: stim read 00014 34241404 nbusy= 0 2975.0 ns 139: stim write 00017 1111 37271707 nbusy= 0 3000.0 ns 140: moni 34241404 CHECK OK 3015.0 ns 141: stim read 00015 35251505 nbusy= 1 3055.0 ns 143: stim write 00018 1111 38281808 nbusy= 1 3100.0 ns 145: moni 35251505 CHECK OK 3095.0 ns 145: stim read 00016 36261606 nbusy= 2 3155.0 ns 148: stim write 00019 1111 39291909 nbusy= 1 3200.0 ns 150: moni 36261606 CHECK OK 3195.0 ns 150: stim read 00017 37271707 nbusy= 2 3295.0 ns 155: stim write 0001a 1111 3a2a1a0a nbusy= 0 3300.0 ns 155: moni 37271707 CHECK OK 3315.0 ns 156: stim write 0001b 1111 3b2b1b0b nbusy= 1 3395.0 ns 160: stim read 00018 38281808 nbusy= 0 3415.0 ns 161: stim read 00019 39291909 nbusy= 0 3440.0 ns 162: moni 38281808 CHECK OK 3460.0 ns 163: moni 39291909 CHECK OK 3475.0 ns 164: stim write 0001c 1111 3c2c1c0c nbusy= 0 3495.0 ns 165: stim write 0001d 1111 3d2d1d0d nbusy= 1 3575.0 ns 169: stim read 0001a 3a2a1a0a nbusy= 0 3595.0 ns 170: stim read 0001b 3b2b1b0b nbusy= 0 3620.0 ns 171: moni 3a2a1a0a CHECK OK 3635.0 ns 172: stim write 0001e 1111 3e2e1e0e nbusy= 0 3640.0 ns 172: moni 3b2b1b0b CHECK OK 3655.0 ns 173: stim write 0001f 1111 3f2f1f0f nbusy= 1 3715.0 ns 176: stim read 0001c 3c2c1c0c nbusy= 0 3735.0 ns 177: stim read 0001d 3d2d1d0d nbusy= 1 3780.0 ns 179: moni 3c2c1c0c CHECK OK 3795.0 ns 180: stim write 00014 0100 74645444 nbusy= 0 3800.0 ns 180: moni 3d2d1d0d CHECK OK 3815.0 ns 181: stim write 00015 0101 75655545 nbusy= 1 3875.0 ns 184: stim read 0001e 3e2e1e0e nbusy= 0 3895.0 ns 185: stim read 0001f 3f2f1f0f nbusy= 1 3935.0 ns 187: stim write 00016 0110 76665646 nbusy= 0 3940.0 ns 187: moni 3e2e1e0e CHECK OK 3960.0 ns 188: moni 3f2f1f0f CHECK OK 3955.0 ns 188: stim write 00017 0111 77675747 nbusy= 2 4015.0 ns 191: stim read 00010 30201000 nbusy= 1 4055.0 ns 193: stim read 00011 31211101 nbusy= 1 4095.0 ns 195: stim write 00018 1000 78685848 nbusy= 0 4100.0 ns 195: moni 30201000 CHECK OK 4120.0 ns 196: moni 31211101 CHECK OK 4115.0 ns 196: stim write 00019 1001 79695949 nbusy= 2 4175.0 ns 199: stim read 00012 32221202 nbusy= 1 4215.0 ns 201: stim read 00013 33231303 nbusy= 1 4255.0 ns 203: stim write 0001a 1010 7a6a5a4a nbusy= 0 4260.0 ns 203: moni 32221202 CHECK OK 4280.0 ns 204: moni 33231303 CHECK OK 4275.0 ns 204: stim write 0001b 1011 7b6b5b4b nbusy= 2 4335.0 ns 207: stim write 0001c 1100 7c6c5c4c nbusy= 1 4375.0 ns 209: stim read 00014 34641404 nbusy= 1 4415.0 ns 211: stim read 00015 35651545 nbusy= 1 4455.0 ns 213: stim read 00016 36665606 nbusy= 0 4460.0 ns 213: moni 34641404 CHECK OK 4475.0 ns 214: stim write 0001d 1101 7d6d5d4d nbusy= 0 4480.0 ns 214: moni 35651545 CHECK OK 4500.0 ns 215: moni 36665606 CHECK OK 4495.0 ns 215: stim write 0001e 1110 7e6e5e4e nbusy= 2 4555.0 ns 218: stim write 0001f 1111 7f6f5f4f nbusy= 1 4595.0 ns 220: stim read 00017 37675747 nbusy= 1 4635.0 ns 222: stim read 00018 78281808 nbusy= 1 4675.0 ns 224: stim read 00019 79291949 nbusy= 0 4680.0 ns 224: moni 37675747 CHECK OK 4695.0 ns 225: stim read 0001a 7a2a5a0a nbusy= 0 4700.0 ns 225: moni 78281808 CHECK OK 4715.0 ns 226: stim read 0001b 7b2b5b4b nbusy= 0 4720.0 ns 226: moni 79291949 CHECK OK 4735.0 ns 227: stim read 0001c 7c6c1c0c nbusy= 0 4740.0 ns 227: moni 7a2a5a0a CHECK OK 4755.0 ns 228: stim read 0001d 7d6d1d4d nbusy= 0 4760.0 ns 228: moni 7b2b5b4b CHECK OK 4775.0 ns 229: stim read 0001e 7e6e5e0e nbusy= 0 4780.0 ns 229: moni 7c6c1c0c CHECK OK 4795.0 ns 230: stim read 0001f 7f6f5f4f nbusy= 0 4800.0 ns 230: moni 7d6d1d4d CHECK OK 4820.0 ns 231: moni 7e6e5e0e CHECK OK 4840.0 ns 232: moni 7f6f5f4f CHECK OK 5015.0 ns 241: DONE real 0m0.052s user 0m0.040s sys 0m0.012s