GITHUB_MD2HTML(1) Retro Project Manual GITHUB_MD2HTML(1) NAME github_md2html - convert markdown to HTML with GitHub API SYNOPSIS github_md2html [OPTION]... FILE... DESCRIPTION Converts Markdown files to HTML using the GitHub converter API. FILE can either be a file name or a directory name (e.g. '.'). If it's a directory, the whole sub-tree will be scanned and all files with an ex- tension of .md will be converted. The created HTML files have the ex- tension .md.html. Unless the -force option is given the script checks whether the .md.html file already exists and converts only when the markdown file is newer than the HTML file. OPTIONS -force re-create all files, even when they exist and are up-to-date. -standalone modify local links for usage with a local browser. All links pointing to a local .md file will be redirected to the .md.html file and all links pointing to a local directory will be redi- rected to a in case the directory README exists. This mode is useful when one wants to inspect the files directly with a browser. -trace trace link mapping in -standalone mode. -verbose print status of each inspected file. The default is to list only converted files. -context cont defines the GitHub repository context. -dump print HTTP request and response. -help print help text. EXIT STATUS In case of an error, an exit status 1 is returned. EXAMPLES github_md2html -s . will convert all .md files in the current sub-tree in standalone mode. AUTHOR Walter F.J. Mueller <> Retro Project 2018-11-03 GITHUB_MD2HTML(1)