TI_RRI(1)                    Retro Project Manual                    TI_RRI(1)

       ti_rri - Rlink Backend Server

       ti_rri [OPTION]...  [COMMAND]...

       The  ti_rri  command creates a tclsh(1)-based Rlink backend server ses-
       sion. After loading all basic packages and shared libraries that imple-
       ment the Tcl binding of the Rlink server the command

         - creates  the  default rlc and rls commands representing the connec-
           tion and the server objects
         - loads additional Tcl packages when requested with --pack
         - sets up logging and debug according to  --log,  --logl, --dmpl, and
         - sets up connection timeout according to  --tout
         - starts an additional process if requested with --run
         - opens a connection when requested with --fifo, --term, or --cuff
         - and  finally  executes all remaining COMMANDS arguments as Tcl com-

       If no COMMANDS are present or if the --int options are given an  inter-
       active  mode  is entered with all features of tclsh(1) with tclreadline

              load, with 'package require', additional packages.  plist  is  a
              comma-separated  list  of  package names. Note that the packages
              rutiltpp, rlinktpp, and rlink are automatically  loaded  already
              by ti_rri.

              execute  the  shell command cmd as a subprocess before the rlink
              port is opened. This is mainly used to start ghdl(1)-based  test
              benches, usually via the tbw(1) wrapper script.

              open a fifo type rlink port. It uses a named pipe and is usually
              employed in conjunction with the --run option.   Optional  argu-
              ments are

              name   name  prefix  for  the  named pipe file names. Default is
                     'rlink_cext_fifo'.  Two fifo's are generated, one with  a
                     '_tx' and one with a '_tx' appended to the name prefix.

              opts   comma-separated list of further fifo port options:
                     keep   fifo is kept open on exit
                     xon    software flow control (xon/xoff)
                     noinit defer link initialization (debug or test benches)

              Note:  in  general the default pipe names are used, thus name is
              rarely specified. If only options are given an empty name  field
              must be specified like in --fifo=,xon.

              open a serial port type rlink port. Optional arguments are

              name   tty  device  name,  default  is  'USB0'. If name does not
                     start with '/' the name is prefixed with '/dev/tty'.  The
                     special device name 'USBD' triggers the auto-detection of
                     a Digilent board with an FT2232C-based interface.

              baud   serial port baud rate, default is  '115k'.  Allowed  baud
                     rate settings are:
                        2400,  4800, 9600, 19200, 19k, 38400, 38k, 57600, 57k,
                        115200, 115k,  230400,  230k,  460800,  460k,  500000,
                        500k,  921600,  921k,  1000000,  1000k,  1M,  1500000,
                        1500k, 2000000, 2000k, 2M,  2500000,  2500k,  3000000,
                        3000k,  3M,  4000000,  4000k,  4M, 5000000, 5000k, 5M,
                        6000000, 6000k, 6M, 1000000,  10000k,  10M,  12000000,
                        12000k, 12M

              opts   comma-separated list of further term port options:
                     break  send a break, do autobaud
                     cts    hardware flow control (cts/rts)
                     xon    software flow control (xon/xoff)
                     noinit defer link initialization (debug or test benches)

              open  a  USB via Cypress FX2 type rlink port. Optional arguments

              name   USB path,  default  derived  from  environment  variables
                     RETRO_FX2_VID and RETRO_FX2_PID.

              opts   comma-separated list of further cuff port options:
                     trace  trace USB activities
                     noinit defer link initialization (debug or test benches)

              set log file name. Default is to write to stdout(3).

              set rlink logging level. Default is '2', allowed values are:
              0  no logging
              1  log rlink commands with communication errors
              2  log rlink commands with failed checks
              3  log all rlink commands

              set  rlink dump level. Default is '0', allowed values are as for
              the --logl option.

              set I/O trace level. Default is '0', allowed values are:
              0  no I/O trace
              1  trace buffer activities
              2  trace character activities

              set connection timeout. Default is '1.'. Must be >0. . Should be
              set  to  a larger value when slow simulators are connected, e.g.
              post-implementation timing models.

       --int  enter interactive mode even when further Tcl commands are  given
              on the ti_rri command line.

       --help print help text and exit

       --     all following arguments are treated as Tcl commands.

       For arguments of the form '@<name>.tcl' the respective file is sourced.
       All other arguments are treated as Tcl commands and executed with eval.

       ti_rri --fifo --run='tbw tb_tst_rlink_n4d'
           Starts the ghdl(1) test bench 'tb_tst_rlink_n4d' located in CWD via
           tbw(1).  It  is assumed that the local tbw.dat file configures fifo
           communication for the test bench.

       ti_rri --fifo=,xon --run='tbw tb_tst_rlink_arty'
           Like above, starts arty rather n4d test bench. The rlink  is  oper-
           ated  with  software  flow control. Note the comma in front of xon,
           required to ensure that the default pipe name is used !

       ti_w11(1), ghdl(1), tbw(1), tclsh(1)

       Walter F.J. Mueller <W.F.J.Mueller@gsi.de>

Retro Project                     2017-01-08                         TI_RRI(1)
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