VBOMCONV(1)                  Retro Project Manual                  VBOMCONV(1)

       vbomconv - generate files and actions from vbom manifest files

       vbomconv [--trace] --ghdl_i_cmd | --ghdl_i vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] [--xlpath=path] --ghdl_a_cmd | --ghdl_a vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] [--xlpath=path] --ghdl_m_cmd | --ghdl_m vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --ghdl_export=path vbom

       vbomconv [--trace] --vsyn_prj | --vsim_prj vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --vsyn_export=path | --vsim_export=path vbom

       vbomconv [--trace] --xst_prj | --isim_prj vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --xst_export=path | --isim_export=path vbom

       vbomconv [--trace] --dep_ghdl vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --dep_xst | --dep_isim vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --dep_vsyn | --dep_vsim vbom

       vbomconv [--trace] --get_top vbom
       vbomconv [--trace] --flist vbom
       vbomconv --help

       vbomconv  is the central tool in a build system for VHDL projects. Each
       VHDL source file has an associated  manifest  file  in  vbom(5)  format
       which  contains  a  list of used libraries and instantiated components,
       and the name of the associated VHDL source file.  The instantiated com-
       ponents  are  defined via their vbom file.  All file names are relative
       to the current directory.  A recursive  traversal  through  all  vbom's
       gives  for  each VHDL entity all the source files needed to compile it,
       with duplicates removed and in proper compilation order, thus libraries
       first and top-level design last.

       The  vbomconv tool does this traversal of vbom files and generates, de-
       pending on command-line options, the files and/or  commands  needed  to
       run  a  synthesis  tool or to build a simulation model.  Currently sup-
       ported is synthesis with Xilinx ISE xst and Xilinx Vivado  and  simula-
       tion  with  ghdl(1),  Xilinx ISE ISim, or Xilinx Vivado xsim.  vbomconv
       therefore currently generates

       - ghdl  commands for analysis, inspection and make step
       - vsyn  project setups for Vivado synthesis
       - vsim  project setups for Vivado simulation
       - xst   project files for ISE synthesis
       - ISim  project files for ISE simulation
       - make  dependency files

       The key advantage of this approach is that the  individual  vbom  files
       are easy to maintain. They reflect the libraries and components used in
       the VHDL source they describe, a structural change in the  VHDL  source
       usually  implies an update of the vbom. The project files are automati-
       cally generated from this 'local' information, which can  be  of  great
       help in projects with many top-level designs with a large number of en-
       tities in different constellations.

       vbomconv is usually embedded in a GNU make(1)-based build system.   The
       Makefile's  in general just contain a few definitions and includes, the
       whole vbomconv magic is encapsulated in some pattern rules for  simula-
       tion and synthesis.  Some are given in the EXAMPLES section.

   Principle of Operation
       vbomconv will start with processing the vbom file given as an argument.
       Each file name extracted from a vbom is prepended  with  the  directory
       path of the vbom.  This ensures that all file names are relative to the
       working directory under which vbomconv was started,  even  though  each
       vbom file holds only file names that are relative to the vbom.

       vbomconv  expects that the entries in the vbom's are ordered, libraries
       first, then the components in the order they are instantiated, and  fi-
       nally  the name of the associated source file.  Each .vhd file is added
       to a table of source files.  Each .vbom file is  added  to  a  list  of
       vbom's to be processed if it hasn't been processed yet.  The sub-vbom's
       are processed in the order they were found which leads to breadth-first
       traversal of the vbom tree.

       After all vbom's are processed a ranking algorithm will generate an or-
       dered list of source files in proper compilation  order.  This  ensures
       that libraries are compiled before a source refers to them with a 'use'
       clause, and that entities are compiled before they are referred  to  by
       an explicit instatiation.

       The vbom file format supports conditional inclusion of files via a con-
       dition prefix.  The main purpose of this mechanism  is  to  handle  li-
       braries and components which are only referred in
           -- synthesis translate_off
           -- synthesis translate_on
       sections and are used only for simulation.

       The  vbom  file format has a logical name mechanism to support the con-
       figuration mechanism of VHDL. A logical name can be defined with
           <lname> = <filename>
       and it can be used with
          ${lname := default}
       The first definition seen in the vbom traversal is  taken,  all  others
       are  ignored.  The  filename in the usage clause is the default used in
       case the logical name wasn't defined.

       Last but not least are 5 directives defined in the vbom file format:

              allows to specify the top-level design name in case  it  differs
              from the stem of the vbom file name.

              allows to specify additional system libraries. Currently used to
              indicate that the unisim, unimacro,  or  simprim  libraries  are
              needed by ghdl.

              specifies  that  file  is a constraint file for Vivado synthesis
              and should be included in the constraints fileset.

              specifies that file is a Tcl script to be executed when building
              the  Vivado project. The Tcl script generated by --vsyn_prj will
              contain statements with source file.

              specifies that a file.ucf file is to be generated by cpp(1) from
              a  file.ucf_cpp  source  file.  This allows modularizing ISE ucf

       The full description of the file format and examples  are  given  in  a
       separate man page vbom(5).

       The vbomconv command has the form

           vbomconv [options] [action] vbom

       and  must  be called, except for the --help case, with exactly one vbom

              Gives a detailed trace, written to stderr, of the vbom file tra-
              versal and processing, the process of source file ranking to de-
              termine the compilation order, and of the  final  internal  file
              list and property table.

              Defines the location where the ghdl compiled Xilinx unisim, uni-
              macro, or simprim libraries are located. This option  is  manda-
              tory for --ghdl_a and --ghdl_m commands when the design contains
              a @lib directive.  These compiled  libs  are  typically  created
              with    the   xviv_ghdl_unisim(1)   command   for   Vivado   and
              xise_ghdl_unisim(1) or xise_ghdl_simprim(1) commands for ISE en-

       --help Prints  a  usage summary to stdout and quits. This action is the
              only one not requiring a vbom file.

              These four actions write to stdout dependency rules  for  inclu-
              sion  in  Makefiles.  Together with an appropriate pattern rule,
              they allow to automatize the dependency handling, see the  EXAM-
              PLES section for practical usage.

              --dep_ghdl  creates  the  dependencies for ghdl based simulation
              models and produces the following types of dependencies
                 <stem> : <stem>.dep_ghdl
                 <stem> : *.vhd
                 <stem>.dep_ghdl : *.vbom

              --dep_xst creates the dependencies for xst synthesis make  flows
              and produces the following types of dependencies
                 <stem>.ngc : <stem>.dep_xst
                 <stem>.ngc : *.vhd
                 <stem>.dep_xst : *.vbom
              with  * indicating that one rule will be generated for each file

              If a @ucf_cpp directive was found also rules describing the  ucf
              file handling are added
                 <stem>.ncd : <stem>.ucf
                 include sys_w11a_n2.dep_ucf_cpp
              If this mechanism is used the Makefile must contain, usually via
              another include, a pattern rule to create the .dep_ucf_cpp file,
              for example
                  %.dep_ucf_cpp : %.ucf_cpp
                          cpp -I${RETROBASE}/rtl -MM $*.ucf_cpp |\
                              sed 's/.o:/.ucf:/' > $*.dep_ucf_cpp

              --dep_isim  creates  the dependencies for ISE ISim based simula-
              tion models and produces the following types of dependencies
                 <stem>_ISim : <stem>.dep_isim
                 <stem>_ISim : *.vhd
                 <stem>.dep_isim : *.vbom

              --dep_vsyn creates the dependencies for  Vivado  synthesis  make
              flows and produces the following types of dependencies
                 <stem>.bit : <stem>.dep_vsyn
                 <stem>.bit : *.vhd *.xdc
                 <stem>_syn.dcp : *.vhd *.xdc
                 <stem>_rou.dcp : *.vhd *.xdc
                 <stem>.dep_vsyn : *.vbom

              --dep_vsim creates the dependencies for Vivado xim based simula-
              tion models and produces the following types of dependencies
                 <stem>_XSim : <stem>.dep_vsim
                 <stem>_XSim : *.vhd
                 <stem>.dep_vsim : *.vbom

              The --ghdl_i_cmd action writes to stdout a "ghdl -i" command for
              the  ghdl  inspection  step with all source file names in proper
              compilation order. The --ghdl_i action immediately executes this
              command via exec(3).

              The  --ghdl_a_cmd  action  writes  to stdout a list of "ghdl -a"
              commands for the ghdl analysis step.  The commands are in proper
              compilation  order.  The  --ghdl_a  action  immediately executes
              these commands via exec(3).

              The --ghdl_m_cmd action writes to stdout a "ghdl -m" command for
              the  ghdl inspection make with all required library and external
              object file qualifiers.  The --ghdl_m  action  immediately  exe-
              cutes this command via exec(3).

              These  two  actions  write to stdout a project file suitable for
              ISE xst or ISim, respectively.  The VHDL  source  files  are  in
              proper compilation order. See the EXAMPLES section for practical
              usage in a make flow.

              This action writes to stdout a Tcl script  suitable  as  project
              definition  for  Vivado  synthesis.  This script is source'ed or
              eval'ed and defines the source fileset and the constraints file-
              set. The VHDL source files are in proper compilation order.

              This  action writes to stdout a shell script which will generate
              the Vivado simulation snapshot and a short forwarder script  for
              starting the simulation.

              These  actions create a flat copy of all source files needed for
              an xst synthesis or a ghdl or ISim simulation model in  the  di-
              rectory  path.   The  sub directory structure is lost, all files
              will be in directory path. This is for example helpful for  set-
              ting up an ISE project.

              Returns  the top-level entity name to stdout.  Is by default the
              stem of the vbom file name, or given by a @top directive  picked
              up during vbom traversal.

              Write an alphabetically sorted list of all source and vbom files
              to stdout.  This  information  for  example  helps  to  build  a
              project  export  tool.   Note that in contrast to most other ac-
              tions the files are not in compilation but in alphabetic  order,
              and that also the vbom files are included in this list.

       Returns a non-zero exit status when the vbom file is not found or read-
       able or none or multiple actions are given.

       The --ghdl_a, --ghdl_i, or --ghdl_m actions use exec(3) to execute  the
       ghdl  command.   In these cases, the caller will see the exit status of

           Controls the language for the generated models used by xsim. Can be
           set to Verilog or VHDL. If not defined Verilog is used.  It affects
           --vsim_prj but also --dep_vsim.  Use  rm_dep(1) to force  regenera-
           tion of dependency files when this environment variable is set, un-
           set, or changed.

           Extra options for the ghdl compile stage. If not specified "-O2 -g"
           is  taken  to enable optimization (is not default for gcc backend!)
           and debug symbols (needed for assertion failure backtrace).

           If defined and set to '1' ghdl(1)  models  will  be  compiled  with
           gcov(1)  coverage  support. This option is only available when ghdl
           was compiled with gcc backend, the llvm and mcode  backend  do  not
           support  coverage  analysis. The generated ghdl options will be ap-
           pended after the ones given by VBOMCONV_GHDL_OPTS. Note that no de-
           fault options are assumed, so '-Ox' or '-g' options must be explic-
           itly given via VBOMCONV_GHDL_OPTS.  The additional ghdl options are

       +o Duplicate file elimination fails when one source file is  refered  to
         by  different  vbom's with different paths, like for example the file
         aa/bb/cc/foo.vdh seen from aa/xx/yy via
         The synthesis and simulation tools will react with sometimes hard  to
         trace error messages.
         To  avoid this problem ensure that the building of the relative paths
         is always done with the minimal number of ../ to reach the file.

       +o The handling of ucf files with the @ucf_cpp directive is a kludge and
         should be revised.

   Auto-Dependency Generation
       The  --dep_xst,  --dep_ghdl, and --dep_isim actions allow to set up to-
       gether with the auto-rebuild and restart semantics of the  GNU  make(1)
       include  directive  to fully automatize the proper generation of depen-
       dencies.  Just add to the Makefile a pattern rule to create the  depen-
       dency  rule  files  from  the vbom files and include them. In case they
       don't yet exist or are out of date make(1) will  (re-)create  them  and
       restart. Example for using --dep_xst in a Makefile :

           VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom)
           %.dep_xst: %.vbom
                   vbomconv --dep_xst $< > $@
           include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst)

       After  renames  and deletions of source files the dependency rule files
       can have dangling entries which cause 'No rule to make target'  errors.
       In that case, just delete all '.dep_*' files. The script rm_dep(1) will
       do that recursively for a whole directory tree.

   Xst Synthesis
       A simple make(1) flow for synthesis with xst using ISE  xflow  and  the
       --xst_prj action and a pattern rule looks like

           %.ngc: %.vbom
                   if [ ! -d ./ise ]; then mkdir ./ise; fi
                   (cd ./ise; vbomconv --xst_prj ../$< > $*.prj)
                   (cd ./ise; touch $*.xcf)
                   xtwi xflow -wd ise -synth xst_vhdl.opt $*.prj
                   (cd ./ise; chmod -x *.* )
                   if [ -r ./ise/$*.ngc ]; then cp -p ./ise/$*.ngc .; fi
                   if [ -r ./ise/$*_xst.log ]; then cp -p ./ise/$*_xst.log .; fi

       It  creates  a  working directory ./ise, the xst project file, runs xst
       via ISE xflow, and copies the ngc and log files back into  the  working
       directory.  The ISE environment is started with xtwi(1) wrapper.

   Ghdl Simulation
       A  simple  make(1)  flow  for building a ghdl simulation model from the
       sources described by a vbom file is  given  by  the  following  pattern

           % : %.vbom
                   vbomconv --ghdl_i $<
                   vbomconv --ghdl_m $<

   Collecting Statistics
       A simple way to determine the number of sources involved in a synthesis
       or simulation model is to count with wc(1) the lines of a --xst_prj  or
       --isim_prj output like in

           vbomconv --xst_prj     sys_w11a_n2.vbom | wc
           vbomconv --ghdl_a_cmd  tb_w11a_n2.vbom  | wc
           vbomconv --isim_prj    tb_w11a_n2.vbom  | wc

       vbom(5), rm_dep(1), ghdl(1), xtwi(1), xtwv(1), cpp(1),
       xviv_ghdl_unisim(1), xise_ghdl_simprim(1), xise_ghdl_unisim(1)

       Walter F.J. Mueller <W.F.J.Mueller@gsi.de>

Retro Project                     2018-11-09                       VBOMCONV(1)
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