COF-11(5) Retro Project Manual COF-11(5) NNAAMMEE cof-11 - compound output format for absolute loader images DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ccooff--1111 files contain both the full symbol table and the absolute binary of an aassmm--1111 compilation in an easy to process text format. It is usu- ally used to transfer the compilation result when aassmm--1111 is embedded. A ccooff--1111 has a symbol section with a list of name-value pairs and a data section with a list of word or byte blocks. Each block has a word/byte indicator, the starting address, and a blank-separated list of values. All numerical values are in octal format. sym { => ... } dat { w { ... } b { ... } ... } The symbol table also contains local labels in the form incnum => 001154 incnum:1$ => 001160 incnum:100$ => 001200 with the normal label followed by a ':' and the local label. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS aassmm--1111 --ccooff llpp1111wwrriittee..mmaacc produces a ccooff--1111 file like (shortened for brevity) sym { ...end => 001000 bend => 001310 bnum => 001202 btxt => 001206 incnum => 001154 incnum:1$ => 001160 incnum:100$ => 001200 perr => 001150 ... dat { w 000004 { 000006 000000 000012 000000 000016 000000 000022 000000 000026 000032 000000 000036 000000 } w 000240 { 000242 000000 000246 000000 000252 000000 } ... b 001202 { 060 060 060 060 072 040 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 110 111 112 ... } } SSEEEE AALLSSOO aassmm--1111(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2022-05-13 COF-11(5)