1: #
   3: /*
   4: **  PR_TREE.C -- Query tree printing routines
   5: **
   6: **	Defines:
   7: **		pr_tree() -- print out query tree
   8: **		pr_qual() -- print out qualofocation tree
   9: **		pr_attname() -- print out attribute name of domain
  10: **
  11: **	Required By:
  12: **		display DBU --[display.c]
  13: **
  14: **	Trace Flags:
  15: **		10
  16: **
  17: **	History:
  18: **		11/15/78 -- (marc) written
  19: */
  23: # include   "../symbol.h"
  24: # include   "../ingres.h"
  25: # include   "../tree.h"
  26: # include   "../aux.h"
  28: char    *pr_trim();
  29: char    *resultres();
  31: struct tab
  32: {
  33:     char    t_opcode;
  34:     char    *t_string;
  35: };
  38: struct tab  Uop_tab[] =
  39: {
  40:     opPLUS,     "+ ",
  41:     opMINUS,    "- ",
  42:     opNOT,      "not[ERROR]",
  43:     opATAN,     "atan",
  44:     opCOS,      "cos",
  45:     opGAMMA,    "gamma",
  46:     opLOG,      "log",
  47:     opASCII,    "ascii",
  48:     opSIN,      "sin",
  49:     opSQRT,     "sqrt",
  50:     opABS,      "abs",
  51:     opEXP,      "exp",
  52:     opINT1,     "int1",
  53:     opINT2,     "int2",
  54:     opINT4,     "int4",
  55:     opFLOAT4,   "float4",
  56:     opFLOAT8,   "float8",
  57: };
  58: struct tab  Bop_tab[] =
  59: {
  60:     opADD,      "+",
  61:     opSUB,      "-",
  62:     opMUL,      "*",
  63:     opDIV,      "/",
  64:     opPOW,      "**",
  65:     opEQ,       "=",
  66:     opNE,       "!=",
  67:     opLT,       "<",
  68:     opLE,       "<=",
  69:     opGT,       ">",
  70:     opGE,       ">=",
  71:     opMOD,      "%",
  72: };
  74: struct tab  Cop_tab[] =
  75: {
  76:     opDBA,      "dba",
  77:     opUSERCODE, "usercode",
  78:     opDATE,     "date",
  79:     opTIME,     "time",
  80: };
  82: struct tab  Aop_tab[] =
  83: {
  84:     opCOUNT,    "count",
  85:     opCOUNTU,   "countu",
  86:     opSUM,      "sum",
  87:     opSUMU,     "sumu",
  88:     opAVG,      "avg",
  89:     opAVGU,     "avgu",
  90:     opMIN,      "min",
  91:     opMAX,      "max",
  92:     opANY,      "any",
  93: };
  95: /*
  96:  * This structure must be IDENTICAL to that in readtree.c
  97:  */
  98: struct rngtab
  99: {
 100:     char    relid[MAXNAME];
 101:     char    rowner[2];
 102:     char    rused;
 103: };
 105: extern struct rngtab    Rangev[];
 106: int         Resultvar;
 107: struct descriptor   Attdes;
 108: int         Tl_elm;
 109: int         Dom_num;
 110: char            *Resrel;
 113: /*
 114: ** tree:	tl_clause ROOT tl_clause
 115: **
 116: **	prints out a tree assuming a mdVIEW-like mode
 117: **
 118: */
 120: pr_tree(root)
 121: struct querytree    *root;
 122: {
 124: #	ifdef xZTR1
 125:     if (tTf(10, -1))
 126:         printf("pr_tree: root %u Resultvar %d Resrel %s\n",
 127:         root, Resultvar, Resrel);
 128: #	endif
 130:     printf("%s ", pr_trim(resultres(),
 131:         MAXNAME));
 133:     pr_dom_init();
 134:     Tl_elm = 0;
 136:     /* print target list */
 137:     printf("(\n");
 138:     pr_tl_clause(root->left, TRUE);
 139:     putchar(')');
 141:     /* print qualification */
 142:     if (root->right->sym.type != QLEND)
 143:     {
 144:                 printf("\nwhere ");
 145:         pr_qual(root->right);
 146:     }
 147:     putchar('\n');
 148: }
 150: /*
 151: ** tl_clause:	TREE
 152: **	|	tl_clause RESDOM expr
 153: **
 154: ** target_flag = "in a target list (as opposed to in a by list)"
 155: */
 157: pr_tl_clause(t_l, target_flag)
 158: struct querytree    *t_l;
 159: int         target_flag;
 160: {
 161:     register        fl;
 163:     fl = target_flag;
 165: #	ifdef xZTR1
 166:     if (tTf(10, 1))
 167:         printf("tl_clause target %d Tl_elm %d\n", fl, Tl_elm);
 168: #	endif
 170:     if (t_l->sym.type != TREE)
 171:     {
 172:         pr_tl_clause(t_l->left, fl);
 173:         if (Tl_elm)
 174:         {
 175:             printf(", ");
 176:             if (fl)
 177:                 putchar('\n');
 178:         }
 179:         /* print out info on result variable */
 180:         pr_resdom(t_l, fl);
 181:         pr_expr(t_l->right);
 182:         Tl_elm++;
 183:     }
 184: }
 186: /*
 187: ** print out info on a result attribute.
 188: ** this will be done only if the RESDOM node
 189: ** is inside a target_list and if the Resultvar >= 0.
 190: ** Resultvar == -1 inside a target list indicates that this is
 191: ** a retrieve to terminal.
 192: */
 194: pr_resdom(resdom, target_flag)
 195: struct querytree    *resdom;
 196: int         target_flag;
 197: {
 199: #	ifdef xZTR1
 200:     if (tTf(10, 2))
 201:         printf("pr_resdom: target_flag %d\n", target_flag);
 202: #	endif
 204:     if (target_flag)
 205:     {
 206:         printf("\t");
 207:         pr_attname(resultres(), ((struct qt_res *)resdom)->resno);
 208:         printf(" = ");
 209:     }
 210: }
 212: /*
 213: ** give a relation name, and the attribute number of that
 214: ** relation, looks in the attribute relation for the name of the
 215: ** attribute.
 216: */
 219: pr_attname(rel, attno)
 220: char        *rel;
 221: int     attno;
 222: {
 223:     struct tup_id       tid;
 224:     struct attribute    key, tuple;
 225:     register        i;
 227: #	ifdef xZTR1
 228:     if (tTf(10, 3))
 229:         printf("pr_attname: rel %s attno %d\n",
 230:         rel, attno);
 231: #	endif
 233:     if (attno == 0)
 234:     {
 235:         printf("tid");
 236:         return;
 237:     }
 238:     opencatalog("attribute", 0);
 239:     clearkeys(&Attdes);
 240:     setkey(&Attdes, &key, rel, ATTRELID);
 241:     setkey(&Attdes, &key, &attno, ATTID);
 242:     i = getequal(&Attdes, &key, &tuple, &tid);
 243:     if (i)
 244:         syserr("pr_attname: bad getequal %d rel %s attno %d",
 245:         i, rel, attno);
 246:     printf("%s", pr_trim(tuple.attname, MAXNAME));
 247: }
 249: /*
 250: ** expr:	VAR
 251: **	|	expr BOP expr
 252: **	|	expr UOP
 253: **	|	AOP AGHEAD qual
 254: **		  \
 255: **		   expr
 256: **	|	BYHEAD	  AGHEAD qual
 257: **	        /    \
 258: **	tl_clause     AOP
 259: **			\
 260: **			 expr
 261: **	|	INT
 262: **	|	FLOAT
 263: **	| 	CHAR
 264: **	|	COP
 265: **
 266: */
 268: pr_expr(ex)
 269: struct querytree    *ex;
 270: {
 271:     register            op;
 272:     register            tl_elm;
 273:     register struct querytree   *e;
 275:     e = ex;
 276:     switch (e->sym.type)
 277:     {
 278:       case VAR:
 279:         pr_var(e);
 280:         break;
 282:       case BOP:
 283:         if (((struct qt_op *)e)->opno == opCONCAT)
 284:         {
 285:             printf("concat(");
 286:             pr_expr(e->left);
 287:             printf(", ");
 288:             pr_expr(e->right);
 289:             putchar(')');
 290:         }
 291:         else
 292:         {
 293:             putchar('(');
 294:             pr_expr(e->left);
 295:             pr_op(BOP, ((struct qt_op *)e)->opno);
 296:             pr_expr(e->right);
 297:             putchar(')');
 298:         }
 299:         break;
 301:       case UOP:
 302:         if ((op = ((struct qt_op *)e)->opno) == opMINUS || op == opPLUS || op == opNOT)
 303:         {
 304:             pr_op(UOP, ((struct qt_op *)e)->opno);
 305:             pr_expr(e->left);
 306:             putchar(')');
 307:         }
 308:         else
 309:         {
 310:             /* functional operators */
 311:             pr_op(UOP, ((struct qt_op *)e)->opno);
 312:             pr_expr(e->left);
 313:             putchar(')');
 314:         }
 315:         break;
 317:       case AGHEAD:
 318:         if (e->left->sym.type == AOP)
 319:         {
 320:             /* simple aggregate */
 321:             pr_op(AOP, ((struct qt_op *)e->left)->opno);
 322:             pr_expr(e->left->right);
 323:             if (e->right->sym.type != QLEND)
 324:             {
 325:                 printf("\where ");
 326:                 pr_qual(e->right);
 327:             }
 328:             putchar(')');
 329:         }
 330:         else
 331:         {
 332:             /* aggregate function */
 333:             pr_op(AOP, ((struct qt_op *)e->left->right)->opno);
 334:             pr_expr(e->left->right->right);
 335:             printf(" by ");
 336:             /* avoid counting target list elements
 337: 			 * in determining wether to put out
 338: 			 * commas after list's elements
 339: 			 */
 340:             tl_elm = Tl_elm;
 341:             Tl_elm = 0;
 342:             pr_tl_clause(e->left->left, FALSE);
 343:             Tl_elm = tl_elm;
 344:             if (e->right->sym.type != QLEND)
 345:             {
 346:                 printf("\n\t\twhere ");
 347:                 pr_qual(e->right);
 348:             }
 349:             putchar(')');
 350:         }
 351:         break;
 353:       case INT:
 354:       case FLOAT:
 355:       case CHAR:
 356:         pr_const(e);
 357:         break;
 359:       case COP:
 360:         pr_op(COP, ((struct qt_op *)e)->opno);
 361:         break;
 363:       default:
 364:         syserr("expr %d", e->sym.type);
 365:     }
 366: }
 367: pr_const(ct)
 368: struct querytree    *ct;
 369: {
 370:     register struct querytree   *c;
 371:     register char           *cp;
 372:     register            i;
 373:     char                ch;
 374:     double              d;
 376:     c = ct;
 377:     switch (c->sym.type)
 378:     {
 379:       case INT:
 380:         if (c->sym.len == 1)
 381:             printf("%d", i1deref(c->sym.value));
 382:         else if (c->sym.len == 2)
 383:             printf("%d", i2deref(c->sym.value));
 384:         else    /* i4 */
 385:             printf("%d", i4deref(c->sym.value));
 386:         break;
 388:       case FLOAT:
 389:         if (c->sym.len == 4)
 390:             d = f4deref(c->sym.value);
 391:         else
 392:             d = f8deref(c->sym.value);
 393:         printf("%-10.3f", f8deref(c->sym.value));
 394:         break;
 396:       case CHAR:
 397:         printf("\"");
 398:         cp = (char *) c->sym.value;
 399:         for (i = c->sym.len; i--; cp++)
 400:         {
 401:             if (any(*cp, "\"\\[]*?") == TRUE)
 402:                 putchar('\\');
 404:             if (*cp >= ' ')
 405:             {
 406:                 putchar(*cp);
 407:                 continue;
 408:             }
 409:             /* perform pattern matching character replacement */
 410:             switch (*cp)
 411:             {
 412:               case PAT_ANY:
 413:                 ch = '*';
 414:                 break;
 416:               case PAT_ONE:
 417:                 ch = '?';
 418:                 break;
 420:               case PAT_LBRAC:
 421:                 ch = '[';
 422:                 break;
 424:               case PAT_RBRAC:
 425:                 ch = ']';
 426:                 break;
 428:               default:
 429:                 ch = *cp;
 430:             }
 431:             putchar(ch);
 432:         }
 433:         putchar('"');
 434:         break;
 436:       default:
 437:         syserr("bad constant %d", c->sym.type);
 438:     }
 439: }
 442: /*
 443: ** pr_op: print out operator of a certain type
 444: */
 446: pr_op(op_type, op_code)
 447: int     op_type, op_code;
 448: {
 449:     register struct tab *s;
 450:     register int        opc;
 452:     opc = op_code;
 453:     switch (op_type)
 454:     {
 455:       case UOP:
 456:         s = &Uop_tab[opc];
 457:         printf("%s(", s->t_string);
 458:         break;
 460:       case BOP:
 461:         s = &Bop_tab[opc];
 462:         printf(" %s ", s->t_string);
 463:         break;
 465:       case AOP:
 466:         s = &Aop_tab[opc];
 467:         printf("%s(", s->t_string);
 468:         break;
 470:       case COP:
 471:         s = &Cop_tab[opc];
 472:         printf("%s", s->t_string);
 473:         break;
 474:     }
 475:     if (opc != s->t_opcode)
 476:         syserr("pr_op: op in wrong place type %d, code %d", op_type,
 477:         s->t_opcode);
 478: }
 480: /*
 481: ** print a VAR node: that is, a var.attno pair
 482: ** at present the var part is the relation name over which var
 483: ** ranges.
 484: */
 486: pr_var(var)
 487: struct querytree    *var;
 488: {
 489:     register struct querytree   *v;
 491: #	ifdef xZTR1
 492:     if (tTf(10, 4))
 493:         printf("pr_var(var=%d)\n", var);
 494: #	endif
 495:     v = var;
 496:     pr_rv(((struct qt_var *)v)->varno);
 497:     putchar('.');
 498:     pr_attname(Rangev[((struct qt_var *)v)->varno].relid, ((struct qt_var *)v)->attno);
 499: }
 501: /*
 502: ** qual:	QLEND
 503: **	|	q_clause AND qual
 504: **
 505: */
 507: pr_qual(ql)
 508: struct querytree    *ql;
 509: {
 510:     register struct querytree   *q;
 513:     q = ql;
 514:     pr_q_clause(q->left);
 515:     if (q->right->sym.type != QLEND)
 516:     {
 517:         printf(" and ");
 518:         pr_qual(q->right);
 519:     }
 520: }
 522: /*
 523: ** q_clause:	q_clause OR q_clause
 524: **	|	expr
 525: */
 527: pr_q_clause(qc)
 528: struct querytree    *qc;
 529: {
 530:     register struct querytree   *q;
 533:     q = qc;
 534:     if (q->sym.type == OR)
 535:     {
 536:         pr_q_clause(q->left);
 537:         printf(" or ");
 538:         pr_q_clause(q->right);
 539:     }
 540:     else
 541:         pr_expr(q);
 542: }
 545: char *pr_trim(string, len)
 546: char    *string;
 547: int len;
 548: {
 549:     static char buf[30];
 550:     register    l;
 551:     register char   *s;
 553:     s = string;
 554:     l = len;
 555:     bmove(s, buf, l);
 556:     for (s = buf; l && *s != ' ' && *s; --l)
 557:         s++;
 558:     *s = '\0';
 559:     return (buf);
 560: }
 562: pr_dom_init()
 563: {
 564:     Dom_num = 0;
 565: }
 567: pr_ddom()
 568: {
 569:     printf("d%d = ", Dom_num++);
 570: }
 572: pr_range()
 573: {
 574:     register int    i;
 576:     for (i = 0; i <= MAXVAR; i++)
 577:     {
 578:         if (Rangev[i].rused)
 579:         {
 580:             printf("range of ");
 581:             pr_rv(i);
 582:             printf(" is %s\n",
 583:               pr_trim(Rangev[i].relid, MAXNAME));
 584:         }
 585:     }
 586: }
 588: pr_rv(re)
 589: int re;
 590: {
 591:     register    i, j;
 592:     register char   ch;
 594:     i = re;
 595:     ch = Rangev[i].relid[0];
 597: #	ifdef xZTR1
 598:     if (tTf(10, 6))
 599:         printf("pr_rv(%d) ch '%c'\n", i, ch);
 600: #	endif
 602:     for (j = 0; j <= MAXVAR; j++)
 603:     {
 604:         if (!Rangev[j].rused)
 605:             continue;
 606:         if (ch == Rangev[j].relid[0])
 607:             break;
 608:     }
 609:     if (j < i)
 610:         printf("rv%d", i);
 611:     else
 612:         printf("%c", ch);
 613: }
 616: char    *resultres()
 617: {
 618:     extern char *Resrel;
 620: #	ifdef xZTR1
 621:     if (tTf(10, 5))
 622:         printf("resultres : Resultvar %d, Resrel %s\n",
 623:         Resultvar, Resrel);
 624: #	endif
 625:     if (Resultvar > 0)
 626:         return (Rangev[Resultvar].relid);
 627:     if (Resrel == 0)
 628:         syserr("resultres: Resrel == 0");
 630:     return (Resrel);
 631: }
 633: any(ch, st)
 634: char    ch;
 635: char    *st;
 636: {
 637:     register char   *s;
 638:     register char   c;
 640:     for (s = st, c = ch; *s; )
 641:         if (*s++ == c)
 642:             return (TRUE);
 643:     return (FALSE);
 644: }

Defined functions

any defined in line 633; used 1 times
pr_attname defined in line 219; used 3 times
pr_const defined in line 367; used 1 times
pr_ddom defined in line 567; never used
pr_dom_init defined in line 562; used 1 times
pr_expr defined in line 268; used 10 times
pr_op defined in line 446; used 6 times
pr_q_clause defined in line 527; used 3 times
pr_qual defined in line 507; used 6 times
pr_resdom defined in line 194; used 1 times
pr_rv defined in line 588; used 4 times
pr_tl_clause defined in line 157; used 3 times
pr_tree defined in line 120; used 1 times
pr_trim defined in line 545; used 4 times
pr_var defined in line 486; used 1 times
resultres defined in line 616; used 3 times

Defined variables

Aop_tab defined in line 82; used 1 times
Attdes defined in line 107; used 4 times
Bop_tab defined in line 58; used 1 times
Cop_tab defined in line 74; used 1 times
Dom_num defined in line 109; used 2 times
Resrel defined in line 110; used 5 times
Resultvar defined in line 106; used 7 times
Tl_elm defined in line 108; used 7 times
Uop_tab defined in line 38; used 1 times

Defined struct's

rngtab defined in line 98; used 2 times
  • in line 105(2)
tab defined in line 31; used 10 times
Last modified: 1995-02-12
Generated: 2016-12-26
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