1: #
   2: /*
   3: **	COPYRIGHT
   4: **
   5: **	The Regents of the University of California
   6: **
   7: **	1977
   8: **
   9: **	This program material is the property of the
  10: **	Regents of the University of California and
  11: **	may not be reproduced or disclosed without
  12: **	the prior written permission of the owner.
  13: */
  17: /*
  18: **  This header file contains everything that we at Berkeley
  19: **	think might vary from system to system.  Before
  20: **	compiling INGRES you should eyeball this file to see
  21: **	if your system is consistant with us.
  22: **
  23: **	History:
  24: **		8/15/79 (eric) (6.2/7) -- added xV7_UNIX flag.
  25: **			Changed 'struct inode' to 'struct stat'
  26: **			for v7 compatibility, and changed the
  27: **			member names.
  28: */
  33: /*
  34: **  UNIX version flags.
  35: **	The following flags define what version of UNIX is being run.
  36: **	They should be set as follows:
  37: **
  38: **	Bell-style version six UNIX, with 8-bit user id's and 8-bit
  39: **	group id's, fetched with calls to getuid() and getgid()
  40: **	respectively, and stored in the passwd file as two separate
  41: **	eight-bit fields:
  42: **		Set the xV6_UNIX flag only.
  43: **
  44: **	Berkeley-style version 6/7x-05a UNIX, with a single 16-bit
  45: **	user id and no group id (and no getgid() or setgid() calls),
  46: **	and stored in the passwd file as two separate eight-bit fields,
  47: **	combined to make a single 16-bit field:
  48: **		Set the xB_UNIX flag only.
  49: **
  50: **	Bell-style version seven UNIX, with 16-bit user id's and
  51: **	16-bit group id's, fetched with calls to getuid() and
  52: **	getgid() respectively, and stored in the passwd file as
  53: **	two separate 16-bit fields:
  54: **		Set the xV7_UNIX flag only.
  55: */
  57: /* set for version seven */
  58: /* # define	xV6_UNIX	/* Bell v6 UNIX flag */
  59: # define    xV7_UNIX    /* Bell v7 UNIX flag */
  60: /* # define	xB_UNIX		/* Berkeley UNIX flag */
  63: /*
  64: **  Maximum number of open files per process.
  65: **  Must match 'NOFILE' entry in /usr/sys/param.h
  66: */
  68: # define    MAXFILES    30
  71: /*
  72: **	USERINGRES is the UNIX login name of the INGRES superuser,
  73: **		normally "ingres" of course.  The root of this persons
  74: **		subtree as listed in /etc/passwd becomes the root of
  75: **		the INGRES subtree.
  76: */
  78: # define    USERINGRES  "ingres"
  81: /*
  82: **  Structure for 'gtty' and 'stty'
  83: */
  85: # ifndef xV7_UNIX
  86: struct sgttyb
  87: {
  88:     char    sg_ispeed;
  89:     char    sg_ospeed;
  90:     char    sg_erase;
  91:     char    sg_kill;
  92:     int sg_flags;
  93: };
  94: # endif
  95: # ifdef xV7_UNIX
  96: # include   <sgtty.h>
  97: # endif
 100: /*
 101: **  Structure for 'fstat' and 'stat' system calls.
 102: */
 104: # ifndef xV7_UNIX
 105: struct stat {
 106:     char    st_minor;   /* +0: minor device of i-node */
 107:     char    st_major;   /* +1: major device */
 108:     int st_ino; /* +2 */
 109:     int st_mode;    /* +4: see below */
 110:     char    st_nlinks;  /* +6: number of links to file */
 111:     char    st_uid;     /* +7: user ID of owner */
 112:     char    st_gid;     /* +8: group ID of owner */
 113:     char    st_sz0;     /* +9: high byte of 24-bit size */
 114:     int st_sz1;     /* +10: low word of 24-bit size */
 115:     int st_addr[8]; /* +12: block numbers or device number */
 116:     int st_actime[2];   /* +28: time of last access */
 117:     int st_modtime[2];  /* +32: time of last modification */
 118: };
 120: #define IALLOC  0100000
 121: #define IFMT    060000
 122: #define     IFDIR   040000
 123: #define     IFCHR   020000
 124: #define     IFBLK   060000
 125: # endif
 126: # ifdef xV7_UNIX
 127: # include   <sys/types.h>
 128: # include   <sys/stat.h>
 129: # endif
 132: /*
 133: **  SETEXIT
 134: **	In version 7, setexit is not defined:  this fakes it.
 135: */
 137: # ifdef xV7_UNIX
 138: # include   <setjmp.h>
 139: # define    setexit()   setjmp(Sx_buf)
 140: extern jmp_buf  Sx_buf;     /* defined in iutil/reset.c */
 141: # endif

Defined struct's

sgttyb defined in line 86; never used
stat defined in line 105; never used

Defined macros

IALLOC defined in line 120; never used
IFBLK defined in line 124; never used
IFCHR defined in line 123; never used
IFDIR defined in line 122; never used
IFMT defined in line 121; never used

Usage of this include

unix.h used 33 times
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