PI(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		    PI(1)

     pi - Pascal interpreter code translator

     pi [ -blnpstuwz ] [ -i name ...  ] name.p

     Pi translates the program in the file name.p leaving inter-
     preter code in the file obj in the current directory.  The
     interpreter code can be executed using px. Pix performs the
     functions of pi and px for `load and go' Pascal.

     The following flags are interpreted by pi; the associated
     options can also be controlled in comments within the pro-
     gram as described in the Berkeley Pascal User's Manual.

     -b    Block buffer the file output.

     -i    Enable the listing for any specified procedures and
	   functions and while processing any specified include

     -l    Make a program listing during translation.

     -n    Begin each listed include file on a new page with a
	   banner line.

     -p    Suppress the post-mortem control flow backtrace if an
	   error occurs; suppress statement limit counting.

     -s    Accept standard Pascal only; non-standard constructs
	   cause warning diagnostics.

     -t    Suppress runtime tests of subrange variables and treat
	   assert statements as comments.

     -u    Card image mode; only the first 72 characters of input
	   lines are used.

     -w    Suppress warning diagnostics.

     -z    Allow execution profiling with pxp by generating
	   statement counters, and arranging for the creation of
	   the profile data file pmon.out when the resulting
	   object is executed.

     file.p		 input file
     file.i		 include file(s)
     /usr/share/pascal/pi_stringstext of the error messages
     /usr/share/pascal/how_pi*basic usage explanation
     obj		 interpreter code output

Printed 11/26/99						1

PI(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		    PI(1)

     Berkeley Pascal User's Manual
     pcc(1), pix(1), px(1), pxp(1), pxref(1)

     For a basic explanation do


     In the diagnostic output of the translator, lines containing
     syntax errors are listed with a flag indicating the point of
     error.  Diagnostic messages indicate the action which the
     recovery mechanism took in order to be able to continue
     parsing.  Some diagnostics indicate only that the input is
     `malformed.' This occurs if the recovery can find no simple
     correction to make the input syntactically valid.

     Semantic error diagnostics indicate a line in the source
     text near the point of error.  Some errors evoke more than
     one diagnostic to help pinpoint the error; the follow-up
     messages begin with an ellipsis `...'.

     The first character of each error message indicates its

		    E	      Fatal error; no code will be gen-
		    e	      Non-fatal error.
		    w	      Warning - a potential problem.
		    s	      Non-standard Pascal construct warn-

     If a severe error occurs which inhibits further processing,
     the translator will give a diagnostic and then `QUIT'.

     Charles B. Haley, William N. Joy, and Ken Thompson

     Formal parameters which are procedures and functions are not

     The keyword packed and the function dispose are recognized
     but have no effect.

     For clarity, semantic errors should be flagged at an
     appropriate place in the source text, and multiple instances
     of the `same' semantic error should be summarized at the end
     of a procedure or function rather than evoking many diagnos-

Printed 11/26/99						2

PI(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		    PI(1)

     When include files are present, diagnostics relating to the
     last procedure in one file may appear after the beginning of
     the listing of the next.

Printed 11/26/99						3

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