TRAVERSE(3WI)	    UNIX Programmer's Manual	    TRAVERSE(3WI)

     traverse - recursively traverse a directory

     traverse (path, func)
     char *path;
     int  (*func) ();

     func (path, filetype, position)
     char *path;

     traverse applies its argument function func to its argument
     file pathname path.  If path is a directory, then traverse
     applies func to all its entries.  This traversal is in depth
     first order so that files are processed in the order that
     they are stored in the directory.

     The argument func should take three parameters: a file name,
     a file type, and a position.  The call looks like this for
		    (*func) (path, 'd', position);
     and like this for other files:
		    (*func) (path, 'f', position);
     The position is 0 when path is first encountered and 1 when
     traverse is done.	This is used to allow processing before
     and after a directory is processed.

     list (name, type, pos)
     char *name;
	  if (type == 'd')
	       printf ("%s %s\n", pos ? "Leaving" : "Entering", name);
	  else /* type == 'f' */
	       printf (" %s\n", name);

     Gary Perlman

     There are no diagnostics when directories cannot be

Printed 11/26/99	December 16, 1984			1

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