1: static  char sccsid[] = "@(#)cc.c 4.13 9/18/85";
   2: /*
   3:  * cc - front end for C compiler
   4:  */
   5: #include <sys/param.h>
   6: #include <stdio.h>
   7: #include <ctype.h>
   8: #include <signal.h>
   9: #include <sys/dir.h>
  11: char    *cpp = "/lib/cpp";
  12: char    *ccom = "/lib/c0";
  13: char    *ccom1 = "/lib/c1";
  14: char    *c2 = "/lib/c2";
  15: char    *as = "/bin/as";
  16: char    *ld = "/bin/ld";
  17: char    *crt0 = "/lib/crt0.o";
  19: char    tmp0[30];       /* big enough for /tmp/ctm%05.5d */
  20: char    *tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3, *tmp4, *tmp5;
  21: char    *outfile;
  22: char    *savestr(), *strspl(), *setsuf();
  23: int idexit();
  24: char    **av, **clist, **llist, **plist;
  25: int cflag, eflag, oflag, pflag, sflag, wflag, exflag, proflag;
  26: int Mflag, debug;
  27: int exfail;
  28: char    *chpass;
  29: char    *npassname;
  31: int nc, nl, np, nxo, na;
  33: #define cunlink(s)  if (s) unlink(s)
  35: main(argc, argv)
  36:     char **argv;
  37: {
  38:     char *t;
  39:     char *assource;
  40:     int i, j, c;
  42:     /* ld currently adds upto 5 args; 10 is room to spare */
  43:     av = (char **)calloc(argc+10, sizeof (char **));
  44:     clist = (char **)calloc(argc, sizeof (char **));
  45:     llist = (char **)calloc(argc, sizeof (char **));
  46:     plist = (char **)calloc(argc, sizeof (char **));
  47:     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
  48:         if (*argv[i] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) {
  50:         case 'S':
  51:             sflag++;
  52:             cflag++;
  53:             continue;
  54:         case 'o':
  55:             if (++i < argc) {
  56:                 outfile = argv[i];
  57:                 switch (getsuf(outfile)) {
  59:                 case 'c':
  60:                     error("-o would overwrite %s",
  61:                         outfile);
  62:                     exit(8);
  63:                 }
  64:             }
  65:             continue;
  66:         case 'O':
  67:             oflag++;
  68:             continue;
  69:         case 'p':
  70:             proflag++;
  71:             crt0 = "/lib/mcrt0.o";
  72:             if (argv[i][2] == 'g')
  73:                 crt0 = "/usr/lib/gcrt0.o";
  74:             continue;
  75:         case 'w':
  76:             wflag++;
  77:             continue;
  78:         case 'E':
  79:             exflag++;
  80:         case 'P':
  81:             pflag++;
  82:             if (argv[i][1]=='P')
  83:                 fprintf(stderr,
  84:     "cc: warning: -P option obsolete; you should use -E instead\n");
  85:             plist[np++] = argv[i];
  86:         case 'c':
  87:             cflag++;
  88:             continue;
  89:         case 'M':
  90:             exflag++;
  91:             pflag++;
  92:             Mflag++;
  93:             /* and fall through */
  94:         case 'D':
  95:         case 'I':
  96:         case 'U':
  97:         case 'C':
  98:             plist[np++] = argv[i];
  99:             continue;
 100:         case 'L':
 101:             llist[nl++] = argv[i];
 102:             continue;
 103:         case 't':
 104:             if (chpass)
 105:                 error("-t overwrites earlier option", 0);
 106:             chpass = argv[i]+2;
 107:             if (chpass[0]==0)
 108:                 chpass = "012p";
 109:             continue;
 110:         case 'B':
 111:             if (npassname)
 112:                 error("-B overwrites earlier option", 0);
 113:             npassname = argv[i]+2;
 114:             if (npassname[0]==0)
 115:                 npassname = "/usr/c/o";
 116:             continue;
 117:         case 'd':
 118:             if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
 119:                 debug++;
 120:                 continue;
 121:             }
 122:             continue;
 123:         }
 124:         t = argv[i];
 125:         c = getsuf(t);
 126:         if (c=='c' || c=='s' || exflag) {
 127:             clist[nc++] = t;
 128:             t = setsuf(t, 'o');
 129:         }
 130:         if (nodup(llist, t)) {
 131:             llist[nl++] = t;
 132:             if (getsuf(t)=='o')
 133:                 nxo++;
 134:         }
 135:     }
 136:     if (npassname && chpass ==0)
 137:         chpass = "012p";
 138:     if (chpass && npassname==0)
 139:         npassname = "/usr/new";
 140:     if (chpass)
 141:     for (t=chpass; *t; t++) {
 142:         switch (*t) {
 144:         case '0':
 145:             ccom = strspl(npassname, "c0");
 146:             continue;
 147:         case '1':
 148:             ccom1 = strspl(npassname, "c1");
 149:             continue;
 150:         case '2':
 151:             c2 = strspl(npassname, "c2");
 152:             continue;
 153:         case 'p':
 154:             cpp = strspl(npassname, "cpp");
 155:             continue;
 156:         }
 157:     }
 158:     if (nc==0)
 159:         goto nocom;
 160:     if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
 161:         signal(SIGINT, idexit);
 162:     if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
 163:         signal(SIGTERM, idexit);
 164:     if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
 165:         signal(SIGHUP, idexit);
 166:     if (pflag==0)
 167:         sprintf(tmp0, "/tmp/ctm%05.5d", getpid());
 168:     tmp1 = strspl(tmp0, "1");
 169:     tmp2 = strspl(tmp0, "2");
 170:     tmp3 = strspl(tmp0, "3");
 171:     if (pflag==0)
 172:         tmp4 = strspl(tmp0, "4");
 173:     if (oflag)
 174:         tmp5 = strspl(tmp0, "5");
 175:     for (i=0; i<nc; i++) {
 176:         if (nc > 1 && !Mflag) {
 177:             printf("%s:\n", clist[i]);
 178:             fflush(stdout);
 179:         }
 180:         if (!Mflag && getsuf(clist[i]) == 's') {
 181:             assource = clist[i];
 182:             goto assemble;
 183:         } else
 184:             assource = tmp3;
 185:         if (pflag)
 186:             tmp4 = setsuf(clist[i], 'i');
 187:         av[0] = "cpp"; av[1] = clist[i];
 188:         na = 2;
 189:         if (!exflag)
 190:             av[na++] = tmp4;
 191:         for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
 192:             av[na++] = plist[j];
 193:         av[na++] = 0;
 194:         if (callsys(cpp, av)) {
 195:             exfail++;
 196:             eflag++;
 197:         }
 198:         if (pflag || exfail) {
 199:             cflag++;
 200:             continue;
 201:         }
 202:         if (sflag) {
 203:             if (nc==1 && outfile)
 204:                 tmp3 = outfile;
 205:             else
 206:                 tmp3 = setsuf(clist[i], 's');
 207:             assource = tmp3;
 208:         }
 209:         av[0] = "c0";
 210:         av[1] = tmp4; av[2] = tmp1; av[3] = tmp2; na = 4;
 211:         if (proflag)
 212:             av[na++] = "-P";
 213:         if (wflag)
 214:             av[na++] = "-w";
 215:         av[na] = 0;
 216:         if (callsys(ccom, av)) {
 217:             cflag++;
 218:             eflag++;
 219:             continue;
 220:         }
 221:         av[0] = "c1"; av[1] = tmp1; av[2] = tmp2;
 222:         av[3] = oflag ? tmp5 : tmp3;
 223:         av[4] = 0;
 224:         if (callsys(ccom1, av)) {
 225:             cflag++;
 226:             eflag++;
 227:             continue;
 228:         }
 229:         if (oflag) {
 230:             av[0] = "c2"; av[1] = tmp5; av[2] = tmp3; av[3] = 0;
 231:             if (callsys(c2, av)) {
 232:                 unlink(tmp3);
 233:                 tmp3 = assource = tmp5;
 234:             } else
 235:                 unlink(tmp5);
 236:         }
 237:         if (sflag)
 238:             continue;
 239:     assemble:
 240:         cunlink(tmp1); cunlink(tmp2); cunlink(tmp4);
 241:         av[0] = "as"; av[1] = "-V";
 242:         av[2] = "-u"; av[3] = "-o";
 243:         if (cflag && nc==1 && outfile)
 244:             av[4] = outfile;
 245:         else
 246:             av[4] = setsuf(clist[i], 'o');
 247:         av[5] = assource;
 248:         av[6] = 0;
 249:         if (callsys(as, av) > 1) {
 250:             cflag++;
 251:             eflag++;
 252:             continue;
 253:         }
 254:     }
 255: nocom:
 256:     if (cflag==0 && nl!=0) {
 257:         i = 0;
 258:         av[0] = "ld"; av[1] = "-X"; av[2] = crt0; na = 3;
 259:         if (outfile) {
 260:             av[na++] = "-o";
 261:             av[na++] = outfile;
 262:         }
 263:         while (i < nl)
 264:             av[na++] = llist[i++];
 265:         if (proflag)
 266:             av[na++] = "-lc_p";
 267:         else
 268:             av[na++] = "-lc";
 269:         av[na++] = 0;
 270:         eflag |= callsys(ld, av);
 271:         if (nc==1 && nxo==1 && eflag==0)
 272:             unlink(setsuf(clist[0], 'o'));
 273:     }
 274:     dexit();
 275: }
 277: idexit()
 278: {
 280:     eflag = 100;
 281:     dexit();
 282: }
 284: dexit()
 285: {
 287:     if (!pflag) {
 288:         cunlink(tmp1);
 289:         cunlink(tmp2);
 290:         if (sflag==0)
 291:             cunlink(tmp3);
 292:         cunlink(tmp4);
 293:         cunlink(tmp5);
 294:     }
 295:     exit(eflag);
 296: }
 298: error(s, x)
 299:     char *s, *x;
 300: {
 301:     FILE *diag = exflag ? stderr : stdout;
 303:     fprintf(diag, "cc: ");
 304:     fprintf(diag, s, x);
 305:     putc('\n', diag);
 306:     exfail++;
 307:     cflag++;
 308:     eflag++;
 309: }
 311: getsuf(as)
 312: char as[];
 313: {
 314:     register int c;
 315:     register char *s;
 316:     register int t;
 318:     s = as;
 319:     c = 0;
 320:     while (t = *s++)
 321:         if (t=='/')
 322:             c = 0;
 323:         else
 324:             c++;
 325:     s -= 3;
 326:     if (c <= MAXNAMLEN && c > 2 && *s++ == '.')
 327:         return (*s);
 328:     return (0);
 329: }
 331: char *
 332: setsuf(as, ch)
 333:     char *as;
 334: {
 335:     register char *s, *s1;
 337:     s = s1 = savestr(as);
 338:     while (*s)
 339:         if (*s++ == '/')
 340:             s1 = s;
 341:     s[-1] = ch;
 342:     return (s1);
 343: }
 345: callsys(f, v)
 346:     char *f, **v;
 347: {
 348:     int t, status;
 349:     char **cpp;
 351:     if (debug) {
 352:         fprintf(stderr, "%s:", f);
 353:         for (cpp = v; *cpp != 0; cpp++)
 354:             fprintf(stderr, " %s", *cpp);
 355:         fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 356:     }
 357:     t = vfork();
 358:     if (t == -1) {
 359:         printf("No more processes\n");
 360:         return (100);
 361:     }
 362:     if (t == 0) {
 363:         execv(f, v);
 364:         printf("Can't find %s\n", f);
 365:         fflush(stdout);
 366:         _exit(100);
 367:     }
 368:     while (t != wait(&status))
 369:         ;
 370:     if ((t=(status&0377)) != 0 && t!=14) {
 371:         if (t!=2) {
 372:             printf("Fatal error in %s\n", f);
 373:             eflag = 8;
 374:         }
 375:         dexit();
 376:     }
 377:     return ((status>>8) & 0377);
 378: }
 380: nodup(l, os)
 381:     char **l, *os;
 382: {
 383:     register char *t, *s;
 384:     register int c;
 386:     s = os;
 387:     if (getsuf(s) != 'o')
 388:         return (1);
 389:     while (t = *l++) {
 390:         while (c = *s++)
 391:             if (c != *t++)
 392:                 break;
 393:         if (*t==0 && c==0)
 394:             return (0);
 395:         s = os;
 396:     }
 397:     return (1);
 398: }
 400: #define NSAVETAB    1024
 401: char    *savetab;
 402: int saveleft;
 404: char *
 405: savestr(cp)
 406:     register char *cp;
 407: {
 408:     register int len;
 410:     len = strlen(cp) + 1;
 411:     if (len > saveleft) {
 412:         saveleft = NSAVETAB;
 413:         if (len > saveleft)
 414:             saveleft = len;
 415:         savetab = (char *)malloc(saveleft);
 416:         if (savetab == 0) {
 417:             fprintf(stderr, "ran out of memory (savestr)\n");
 418:             exit(1);
 419:         }
 420:     }
 421:     strncpy(savetab, cp, len);
 422:     cp = savetab;
 423:     savetab += len;
 424:     saveleft -= len;
 425:     return (cp);
 426: }
 428: char *
 429: strspl(left, right)
 430:     char *left, *right;
 431: {
 432:     char buf[BUFSIZ];
 434:     strcpy(buf, left);
 435:     strcat(buf, right);
 436:     return (savestr(buf));
 437: }

Defined functions

callsys defined in line 345; used 6 times
dexit defined in line 284; used 3 times
error defined in line 298; used 3 times
getsuf defined in line 311; used 5 times
idexit defined in line 277; used 4 times
main defined in line 35; never used
nodup defined in line 380; used 1 times
savestr defined in line 404; used 3 times
setsuf defined in line 331; used 6 times
strspl defined in line 428; used 10 times

Defined variables

Mflag defined in line 26; used 3 times
as defined in line 15; used 7 times
av defined in line 24; used 45 times
c2 defined in line 14; used 2 times
ccom defined in line 12; used 2 times
ccom1 defined in line 13; used 2 times
cflag defined in line 25; used 9 times
chpass defined in line 28; used 9 times
clist defined in line 24; used 10 times
cpp defined in line 11; used 7 times
crt0 defined in line 17; used 3 times
debug defined in line 26; used 2 times
eflag defined in line 25; used 10 times
exfail defined in line 27; used 3 times
exflag defined in line 25; used 5 times
ld defined in line 16; used 1 times
llist defined in line 24; used 5 times
na defined in line 31; used 15 times
nc defined in line 31; used 7 times
nl defined in line 31; used 4 times
np defined in line 31; used 3 times
npassname defined in line 29; used 11 times
nxo defined in line 31; used 2 times
oflag defined in line 25; used 4 times
outfile defined in line 21; used 9 times
pflag defined in line 25; used 7 times
plist defined in line 24; used 4 times
proflag defined in line 25; used 3 times
saveleft defined in line 402; used 6 times
savetab defined in line 401; used 5 times
sccsid defined in line 1; never used
sflag defined in line 25; used 4 times
tmp0 defined in line 19; used 6 times
tmp1 defined in line 20; used 5 times
tmp2 defined in line 20; used 5 times
tmp3 defined in line 20; used 10 times
tmp4 defined in line 20; used 6 times
tmp5 defined in line 20; used 6 times
wflag defined in line 25; used 2 times

Defined macros

NSAVETAB defined in line 400; used 1 times
cunlink defined in line 33; used 8 times
Last modified: 1987-02-21
Generated: 2016-12-26
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