1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
   8: char copyright[] =
   9: "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\
  10:  All rights reserved.\n";
  12: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)stty.c	5.4.3 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/5/7";
  13: #endif
  15: /*
  16:  * set teletype modes
  17:  */
  19: #include <stdio.h>
  20: #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  21: #include <errno.h>
  22: #include <fcntl.h>
  23: #include <stdlib.h>
  25: struct
  26: {
  27:     char    *string;
  28:     int speed;
  29: } speeds[] = {
  30:     "0",    B0,
  31:     "50",   B50,
  32:     "75",   B75,
  33:     "110",  B110,
  34:     "134",  B134,
  35:     "134.5",B134,
  36:     "150",  B150,
  37:     "200",  B200,
  38:     "300",  B300,
  39:     "600",  B600,
  40:     "1200", B1200,
  41:     "1800", B1800,
  42:     "2400", B2400,
  43:     "4800", B4800,
  44:     "9600", B9600,
  45:     "exta", EXTA,
  46:     "19200", EXTA,
  47:     "extb", EXTB,
  48:     "38400", EXTB,
  49:     0,
  50: };
  52: unsigned    speed[] = {
  53:     0,50,75,110,134,150,200,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400
  54: };
  56: struct  MODES
  57:     {
  58:     char    *string;
  59:     int set;
  60:     int reset;
  61:     };
  63: struct  MODES   modes[] = {
  64:     "even",     EVENP, 0,
  65:     "-even",    0, EVENP,
  66:     "odd",      ODDP, 0,
  67:     "-odd",     0, ODDP,
  68:     "raw",      RAW, 0,
  69:     "-raw",     0, RAW,
  70:     "cooked",   0, RAW,
  71:     "-nl",      CRMOD, 0,
  72:     "nl",       0, CRMOD,
  73:     "echo",     ECHO, 0,
  74:     "-echo",    0, ECHO,
  75:     "-tabs",    XTABS, 0,
  76:     "tabs",     0, XTABS,
  77:     "tandem",   TANDEM, 0,
  78:     "-tandem",  0, TANDEM,
  79:     "cbreak",   CBREAK, 0,
  80:     "-cbreak",  0, CBREAK,
  81:     0
  82:     };
  84: struct MODES lmodes[] = {
  85:     "rtscts",   LRTSCTS, 0,
  86:     "-rtscts",  0, LRTSCTS,
  87:     "crtbs",    LCRTBS, LPRTERA,
  88:     "-crtbs",   0, LCRTBS,
  89:     "prterase", LPRTERA, LCRTBS+LCRTKIL+LCRTERA,
  90:     "-prterase",    0, LPRTERA,
  91:     "crterase", LCRTERA, LPRTERA,
  92:     "-crterase",    0, LCRTERA,
  93:     "crtkill",  LCRTKIL, LPRTERA,
  94:     "-crtkill", 0, LCRTKIL,
  95:     "mdmbuf",   LMDMBUF, 0,
  96:     "-mdmbuf",  0, LMDMBUF,
  97:     "litout",   LLITOUT, 0,
  98:     "-litout",  0, LLITOUT,
  99:     "pass8",    LPASS8, 0,
 100:     "-pass8",   0, LPASS8,
 101:     "tostop",   LTOSTOP, 0,
 102:     "-tostop",  0, LTOSTOP,
 103:     "flusho",   LFLUSHO, 0,
 104:     "-flusho",  0, LFLUSHO,
 105:     "nohang",   LNOHANG, 0,
 106:     "-nohang",  0, LNOHANG,
 107:     "ctlecho",  LCTLECH, 0,
 108:     "-ctlecho", 0, LCTLECH,
 109:     "pendin",   LPENDIN, 0,
 110:     "-pendin",  0, LPENDIN,
 111:     "decctlq",  LDECCTQ, 0,
 112:     "-decctlq", 0, LDECCTQ,
 113:     "noflsh",   LNOFLSH, 0,
 114:     "-noflsh",  0, LNOFLSH,
 115:     0
 116:     };
 118: struct  MODES mmodes[] = {
 119:     "dcd",      TIOCM_CD, 0,
 120:     "-dcd",     0, TIOCM_CD,
 121:     "dsr",      TIOCM_DSR, 0,
 122:     "-dsr",     0, TIOCM_DSR,
 123:     "dtr",      TIOCM_DTR, 0,
 124:     "-dtr",     0, TIOCM_DTR,
 125:     "cts",      TIOCM_CTS, 0,
 126:     "-cts",     0, TIOCM_CTS,
 127:     "rts",      TIOCM_RTS, 0,
 128:     "-rts",     0, TIOCM_RTS,
 129:     0,
 130: };
 132: struct tchars tc;
 133: struct ltchars ltc;
 134: struct sgttyb mode;
 135: struct winsize win;
 136: int lmode;
 137: int ldisc;
 138: int mstate, nmstate;
 140: struct  special {
 141:     char    *name;
 142:     char    *cp;
 143:     char    def;
 144: } special[] = {
 145:     "erase",    &mode.sg_erase,     CERASE,
 146:     "kill",     &mode.sg_kill,      CKILL,
 147:     "intr",     &tc.t_intrc,        CINTR,
 148:     "quit",     &tc.t_quitc,        CQUIT,
 149:     "start",    &tc.t_startc,       CSTART,
 150:     "stop",     &tc.t_stopc,        CSTOP,
 151:     "eof",      &tc.t_eofc,     CEOF,
 152:     "brk",      &tc.t_brkc,     CBRK,
 153:     "susp",     &ltc.t_suspc,       CSUSP,
 154:     "dsusp",    &ltc.t_dsuspc,      CDSUSP,
 155:     "rprnt",    &ltc.t_rprntc,      CRPRNT,
 156:     "flush",    &ltc.t_flushc,      CFLUSH,
 157:     "werase",   &ltc.t_werasc,      CWERASE,
 158:     "lnext",    &ltc.t_lnextc,      CLNEXT,
 159:     0
 160: };
 162: char    *arg;
 163:     char    *Nfmt = "%-8s";
 165: main(argc, argv)
 166:     int argc;
 167:     register char   **argv;
 168: {
 169:     int i, fmt = 0, ch, zero = 0;
 170:     register struct special *sp;
 171:     char    obuf[BUFSIZ];
 172:     char    *arg2;
 174:     setbuf(stderr, obuf);
 176:     opterr = 0;
 177:     while   (optind < argc && strspn(argv[optind], "-aef") == strlen(argv[optind]) &&
 178:            (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "aef:")) != EOF)
 179:         {
 180:         switch  (ch)
 181:             {
 182:             case    'e':
 183:             case    'a':
 184:                 fmt = 2;
 185:                 break;
 186:             case    'f':
 187:                 i = open(optarg, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
 188:                 if  (i < 0)
 189:                     err(1, "%s", optarg);
 190:                 if  (dup2(i, 1) < 0)
 191:                     err(1, "dup2(%d,1)", i);
 192:                 break;
 193:             case    '?':
 194:             default:
 195:                 goto args;
 196:             }
 197:         }
 198: args:
 199:     argc -= optind;
 200:     argv += optind;
 202:     ioctl(1, TIOCGETP, &mode);
 203:     ioctl(1, TIOCGETD, &ldisc);
 204:     ioctl(1, TIOCGETC, &tc);
 205:     ioctl(1, TIOCLGET, &lmode);
 206:     ioctl(1, TIOCGLTC, &ltc);
 207:     ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win);
 208:     if  (ioctl(1, TIOCMGET, &mstate) < 0)
 209:         {
 210:         if  (errno == ENOTTY)
 211:             mstate = -1;
 212:         else
 213:             warn("TIOCMGET");
 214:         }
 215:     nmstate = mstate;
 217:     if (argc == 0) {
 218:         prmodes(fmt);
 219:         exit(0);
 220:     }
 221:     arg = argv[1];
 222:     if (argc == 1 && (!strcmp(arg, "everything") || !strcmp(arg, "all"))) {
 223:         prmodes(2);
 224:         exit(0);
 225:     }
 227:     while (argc-- > 0) {
 228:         arg = *argv++;
 229:         if (eq("new")){
 230:             ldisc = NTTYDISC;
 231:             if (ioctl(1, TIOCSETD, &ldisc)<0)
 232:                 perror("ioctl");
 233:             continue;
 234:         }
 235:         if (eq("newcrt")){
 236:             ldisc = NTTYDISC;
 237:             lmode &= ~LPRTERA;
 238:             lmode |= LCRTBS|LCTLECH;
 239:             if (mode.sg_ospeed >= B1200)
 240:                 lmode |= LCRTERA|LCRTKIL;
 241:             if (ioctl(1, TIOCSETD, &ldisc)<0)
 242:                 perror("ioctl");
 243:             continue;
 244:         }
 245:         if (eq("crt")){
 246:             lmode &= ~LPRTERA;
 247:             lmode |= LCRTBS|LCTLECH;
 248:             if (mode.sg_ospeed >= B1200)
 249:                 lmode |= LCRTERA|LCRTKIL;
 250:             continue;
 251:         }
 252:         if (eq("old")){
 253:             ldisc = 0;
 254:             if (ioctl(1, TIOCSETD, &ldisc)<0)
 255:                 perror("ioctl");
 256:             continue;
 257:         }
 258:         if (eq("dec")){
 259:             mode.sg_erase = 0177;
 260:             mode.sg_kill = CTRL(u);
 261:             tc.t_intrc = CTRL(c);
 262:             ldisc = NTTYDISC;
 263:             lmode &= ~LPRTERA;
 264:             lmode |= LCRTBS|LCTLECH|LDECCTQ;
 265:             if (mode.sg_ospeed >= B1200)
 266:                 lmode |= LCRTERA|LCRTKIL;
 267:             if (ioctl(1, TIOCSETD, &ldisc)<0)
 268:                 perror("ioctl");
 269:             continue;
 270:         }
 271:         for (sp = special; sp->name; sp++)
 272:             if (eq(sp->name)) {
 273:                 if (argc-- == 0)
 274:                     goto done;
 275:                 arg2 = *argv++;
 276:                 if (strcmp(arg2, "undef") == 0)
 277:                     *sp->cp = 0377;
 278:                 else if (*arg2 == '^')
 279:                     {
 280:                     arg2++;
 281:                     *sp->cp = (*arg2 == '?') ?
 282:                         0177 : *arg2 & 037;
 283:                     }
 284:                 else
 285:                     *sp->cp = *arg2;
 286:                 goto cont;
 287:             }
 288:         if  (eq("flushout"))
 289:             {
 290:             ioctl(1, TIOCFLUSH, &zero);
 291:             continue;
 292:             }
 293:         if (eq("hup")) {
 294:             ioctl(1, TIOCHPCL, NULL);
 295:             continue;
 296:         }
 297:         if (eq("rows")) {
 298:             if (argc-- == 0)
 299:                 goto done;
 300:             win.ws_row = atoi(*argv++);
 301:         }
 302:         if (eq("cols") || eq("columns")) {
 303:             if (argc-- == 0)
 304:                 goto done;
 305:             win.ws_col = atoi(*argv++);
 306:         }
 307:         if (eq("size")) {
 308:             printf("%d %d\n", win.ws_row, win.ws_col);
 309:             exit(0);
 310:         }
 311:         for(i=0; speeds[i].string; i++)
 312:             if(eq(speeds[i].string)) {
 313:                 mode.sg_ispeed = mode.sg_ospeed = speeds[i].speed;
 314:                 goto cont;
 315:             }
 316:         if (eq("speed")) {
 317:             for(i=0; speeds[i].string; i++)
 318:                 if (mode.sg_ospeed == speeds[i].speed) {
 319:                     printf("%s\n", speeds[i].string);
 320:                     exit(0);
 321:                 }
 322:             printf("unknown\n");
 323:             exit(1);
 324:         }
 325:         for (i = 0; modes[i].string; i++)
 326:             {
 327:             if  (eq(modes[i].string))
 328:                 {
 329:                 mode.sg_flags &= ~modes[i].reset;
 330:                 mode.sg_flags |= modes[i].set;
 331:                 goto cont;
 332:                 }
 333:             }
 334:         for (i = 0; lmodes[i].string; i++)
 335:             {
 336:             if  (eq(lmodes[i].string))
 337:                 {
 338:                 lmode &= ~lmodes[i].reset;
 339:                 lmode |= lmodes[i].set;
 340:                 goto cont;
 341:                 }
 342:             }
 343:         for (i = 0; mmodes[i].string; i++)
 344:             {
 345:             if  (eq(mmodes[i].string))
 346:                 {
 347:                 nmstate &= ~mmodes[i].reset;
 348:                 nmstate |= mmodes[i].set;
 349:                 goto cont;
 350:                 }
 351:             }
 352:         if(arg)
 353:             fprintf(stderr,"unknown mode: %s\n", arg);
 354: cont:
 355:         ;
 356:     }
 357: done:
 358:     ioctl(1, TIOCSETN, &mode);
 359:     ioctl(1, TIOCSETC, &tc);
 360:     ioctl(1, TIOCSLTC, &ltc);
 361:     ioctl(1, TIOCLSET, &lmode);
 362:     ioctl(1, TIOCSWINSZ, &win);
 363:     if  (mstate != -1 && nmstate != mstate)
 364:         {
 365:         if  (ioctl(1, TIOCMSET, &nmstate) < 0)
 366:             warn("TIOCMSET");
 367:         }
 368: }
 370: eq(string)
 371: char *string;
 372: {
 374:     if  (!arg)
 375:         return(0);
 376:     if  (strcmp(arg, string))
 377:         return(0);
 378:     arg = 0;
 379:     return(1);
 380: }
 382: #define lpit(what,str) \
 383:     if (all || (lmode&what)) { \
 384:         fprintf(stderr,str+((lmode&what)!=0)); any++; \
 385:     }
 387: prmodes(all)
 388:     int all;        /* 0 for short display, !0 for long display */
 389: {
 390:     register m;
 391:     int any, i;
 392:     register struct special *sp;
 394:     if(ldisc==NETLDISC)
 395:         fprintf(stderr, "net discipline, ");
 396:     else if (ldisc==NTTYDISC)
 397:         fprintf(stderr, "new tty, ");
 398:     else if (ldisc == 0)
 399:         fprintf(stderr, "old tty, ");
 400:     else
 401:         fprintf(stderr, "discipline %d, ");
 402:     if(mode.sg_ispeed != mode.sg_ospeed) {
 403:         fprintf(stderr,"input speed %u baud", speed[mode.sg_ispeed]);
 404:         fprintf(stderr,"output speed %u baud", speed[mode.sg_ospeed]);
 405:     } else
 406:         fprintf(stderr,"speed %u baud",  speed[mode.sg_ispeed]);
 407:     if (all)
 408:         fprintf(stderr, ", %d rows, %d columns", win.ws_row, win.ws_col);
 409:     fprintf(stderr, all ? "\n" : "; ");
 410:     m = mode.sg_flags;
 411:     if (all) {
 412:         if(m & EVENP)   fprintf(stderr,"even ");
 413:         if(m & ODDP)    fprintf(stderr,"odd ");
 414:     }
 415:     if  (all || m&RAW)
 416:         fprintf(stderr,"-raw "+((m&RAW)!=0));
 417:     if  (all || (m&CRMOD)==0)
 418:         fprintf(stderr,"-nl "+((m&CRMOD)==0));
 419:     if  (all || (m&ECHO)==0)
 420:         fprintf(stderr,"-echo "+((m&ECHO)!=0));
 421:     if  (all || (m&TANDEM))
 422:         fprintf(stderr,"-tandem "+((m&TANDEM)!=0));
 423:     fprintf(stderr,"-tabs "+((m&XTABS)!=XTABS));
 424:     if  (all || (m&CBREAK))
 425:         fprintf(stderr,"-cbreak "+((m&CBREAK)!=0));
 426:     lpit(LRTSCTS, "-rtscts ");
 427:     if  (all)
 428:         {
 429:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 430:         if  (mstate != -1)
 431:             {
 432:             fprintf(stderr, "modem control: ");
 433:             fprintf(stderr,"-dcd "+((mstate & TIOCM_CD)!=0));
 434:             fprintf(stderr,"-dsr "+((mstate & TIOCM_DSR)!=0));
 435:             fprintf(stderr,"-dtr "+((mstate & TIOCM_DTR)!=0));
 436:             fprintf(stderr,"-cts "+((mstate & TIOCM_CTS)!=0));
 437:             fprintf(stderr,"-rts "+((mstate & TIOCM_RTS)!=0));
 438:             fputc('\n', stderr);
 439:             }
 440:         }
 441:     if (ldisc == NTTYDISC) {
 442:         int newcrt = (lmode&(LCTLECH|LCRTBS)) == (LCTLECH|LCRTBS) &&
 443:             (lmode&(LCRTERA|LCRTKIL)) ==
 444:               ((mode.sg_ospeed > B300) ? LCRTERA|LCRTKIL : 0);
 445:         int nothing = 1;
 446:         if (newcrt) {
 447:             if (all)
 448:                 fprintf(stderr, "crt: (crtbs crterase crtkill ctlecho) ");
 449:             else
 450:                 fprintf(stderr, "crt ");
 451:             any++;
 452:         } else {
 453:             lpit(LCRTBS, "-crtbs ");
 454:             lpit(LCRTERA, "-crterase ");
 455:             lpit(LCRTKIL, "-crtkill ");
 456:             lpit(LCTLECH, "-ctlecho ");
 457:             lpit(LPRTERA, "-prterase ");
 458:         }
 459:         lpit(LTOSTOP, "-tostop ");
 460:         if (all) {
 461:             fputc('\n', stderr);
 462:             any = 0;
 463:             nothing = 0;
 464:         }
 465:         lpit(LFLUSHO, "-flusho ");
 466:         lpit(LMDMBUF, "-mdmbuf ");
 467:         lpit(LLITOUT, "-litout ");
 468:         lpit(LPASS8, "-pass8 ");
 469:         lpit(LNOHANG, "-nohang ");
 470:         if (any) {
 471:             fputc('\n', stderr);
 472:             any = 0;
 473:             nothing = 0;
 474:         }
 475:         lpit(LPENDIN, "-pendin ");
 476:         lpit(LDECCTQ, "-decctlq ");
 477:         lpit(LNOFLSH, "-noflsh ");
 478:         if (any || nothing)
 479:             fputc('\n', stderr);
 480:     } else if (!all)
 481:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 483:     if (all) {
 484:         for (i = 0, sp = special; i < 9; i++, sp++)
 485:             fprintf(stderr, Nfmt, sp->name);
 486:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 487:         for (i = 0, sp = special; i < 9; i++, sp++)
 488:             pit(sp);
 489:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 490:         for (i = 9, sp = &special[9]; sp->name; i++, sp++)
 491:             fprintf(stderr, Nfmt, sp->name);
 492:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 493:         for (i = 9, sp = &special[9]; sp->name; i++, sp++)
 494:             pit(sp);
 495:         fputc('\n', stderr);
 496:     }
 497: }
 499: pit(sp)
 500:     struct special *sp;
 501:     {
 502:     register int    c = *sp->cp & 0xff;
 503:     char    junk[6];
 504:     register char *p = junk;
 506:     if  (c == 0xff)
 507:         {
 508:         fprintf(stderr, Nfmt, "<undef>");
 509:         return;
 510:         }
 511:     if  (c & 0200)
 512:         {
 513:         *p++ = 'M';
 514:         *p++ = '-';
 515:         c &= ~ 0200;
 516:         }
 517:     if  (c == 0177)
 518:         {
 519:         *p++ = '^';
 520:         *p++ = '?';
 521:         }
 522:     else if (c < ' ')
 523:         {
 524:         *p++ = '^';
 525:         *p++ = c += '@';
 526:         }
 527:     *p++ = '\0';
 528:     fprintf(stderr, Nfmt, junk);
 529:     }

Defined functions

eq defined in line 370; used 17 times
main defined in line 165; never used
pit defined in line 499; used 2 times
prmodes defined in line 387; used 2 times

Defined variables

Nfmt defined in line 163; used 4 times
arg defined in line 162; used 9 times
copyright defined in line 8; never used
ldisc defined in line 137; used 13 times
lmode defined in line 136; used 17 times
lmodes defined in line 84; used 4 times
ltc defined in line 133; used 8 times
mmodes defined in line 118; used 4 times
mode defined in line 134; used 21 times
modes defined in line 63; used 4 times
mstate defined in line 138; used 11 times
nmstate defined in line 138; used 5 times
sccsid defined in line 12; never used
special defined in line 144; used 5 times
speed defined in line 52; used 6 times
tc defined in line 132; used 9 times
win defined in line 135; used 8 times

Defined struct's

MODES defined in line 56; used 6 times
special defined in line 140; used 6 times

Defined macros

lpit defined in line 382; used 15 times
Last modified: 1997-05-08
Generated: 2016-12-26
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