1: /*
2: * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3: * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4: * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5: */
7: #ifndef lint
8: char copyright[] =
9: "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\
10: All rights reserved.\n";
11: #endif not lint
13: #ifndef lint
14: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)main.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/85";
15: #endif not lint
17: # include "robots.h"
18: # include <signal.h>
19: # include <ctype.h>
21: main(ac, av)
22: int ac;
23: char **av;
24: {
25: register char *sp;
26: register bool bad_arg;
27: register bool show_only;
28: extern char *Scorefile;
29: extern int Max_per_uid;
30: extern char *rindex();
32: show_only = FALSE;
33: if (ac > 1) {
34: bad_arg = FALSE;
35: for (++av; ac > 1 && *av[0]; av++, ac--)
36: if (av[0][0] != '-')
37: if (isdigit(av[0][0]))
38: Max_per_uid = atoi(av[0]);
39: else {
40: setuid(getuid());
41: setgid(getgid());
42: Scorefile = av[0];
43: # ifdef FANCY
44: sp = rindex(Scorefile, '/');
45: if (sp == NULL)
46: sp = Scorefile;
47: if (strcmp(sp, "pattern_roll") == 0)
48: Pattern_roll = TRUE;
49: else if (strcmp(sp, "stand_still") == 0)
50: Stand_still = TRUE;
51: if (Pattern_roll || Stand_still)
52: Teleport = TRUE;
53: # endif
54: }
55: else
56: for (sp = &av[0][1]; *sp; sp++)
57: switch (*sp) {
58: case 's':
59: show_only = TRUE;
60: break;
61: case 'r':
62: Real_time = TRUE;
63: break;
64: case 'a':
65: Start_level = 4;
66: break;
67: case 'j':
68: Jump = TRUE;
69: break;
70: case 't':
71: Teleport = TRUE;
72: break;
73: default:
74: fprintf(stderr, "robots: uknown option: %c\n", *sp);
75: bad_arg = TRUE;
76: break;
77: }
78: if (bad_arg) {
79: exit(1);
80: /* NOTREACHED */
81: }
82: }
84: if (show_only) {
85: show_score();
86: exit(0);
87: /* NOTREACHED */
88: }
90: initscr();
91: signal(SIGINT, quit);
92: crmode();
93: noecho();
94: nonl();
95: if (LINES != Y_SIZE || COLS != X_SIZE) {
96: if (LINES < Y_SIZE || COLS < X_SIZE) {
97: endwin();
98: printf("Need at least a %dx%d screen\n", Y_SIZE, X_SIZE);
99: exit(1);
100: }
101: delwin(stdscr);
102: stdscr = newwin(Y_SIZE, X_SIZE, 0, 0);
103: }
105: srand(getpid());
106: if (Real_time)
107: signal(SIGALRM, move_robots);
108: do {
109: init_field();
110: for (Level = Start_level; !Dead; Level++) {
111: make_level();
112: play_level();
113: }
114: move(My_pos.y, My_pos.x);
115: printw("AARRrrgghhhh....");
116: refresh();
117: score();
118: } while (another());
119: quit();
120: }
122: /*
123: * quit:
124: * Leave the program elegantly.
125: */
126: quit()
127: {
128: extern int _putchar();
130: mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0);
131: if (CE) {
132: tputs(CE, 1, _putchar);
133: endwin();
134: }
135: else {
136: endwin();
137: putchar('\n');
138: }
139: exit(0);
140: /* NOTREACHED */
141: }
143: /*
144: * another:
145: * See if another game is desired
146: */
147: another()
148: {
149: register int y;
151: #ifdef FANCY
152: if ((Stand_still || Pattern_roll) && !Newscore)
153: return TRUE;
154: #endif
156: if (query("Another game?")) {
157: if (Full_clear) {
158: for (y = 1; y <= Num_scores; y++) {
159: move(y, 1);
160: clrtoeol();
161: }
162: refresh();
163: }
164: return TRUE;
165: }
166: return FALSE;
167: }
Defined functions
defined in line
never used
defined in line
126; used 4 times
Defined variables