1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c	5.2.2 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/3/28";
   9: #endif
  11: /*
  12:  * Getty table initializations.
  13:  *
  14:  * Melbourne getty.
  15:  */
  16: #include <sgtty.h>
  17: #include "gettytab.h"
  19: extern  struct sgttyb tmode;
  20: extern  struct tchars tc;
  21: extern  struct ltchars ltc;
  22: extern  char hostname[];
  24: struct  gettystrs gettystrs[] = {
  25:     { "nx" },           /* next table */
  26:     { "cl" },           /* screen clear characters */
  27:     { "im" },           /* initial message */
  28:     { "lm", "login: " },        /* login message */
  29:     { "er", &tmode.sg_erase },  /* erase character */
  30:     { "kl", &tmode.sg_kill },   /* kill character */
  31:     { "et", &tc.t_eofc },       /* eof chatacter (eot) */
  32:     { "pc", "" },           /* pad character */
  33:     { "tt" },           /* terminal type */
  34:     { "ev" },           /* enviroment */
  35:     { "lo", "/bin/login" },     /* login program */
  36:     { "hn", hostname },     /* host name */
  37:     { "he" },           /* host name edit */
  38:     { "in", &tc.t_intrc },      /* interrupt char */
  39:     { "qu", &tc.t_quitc },      /* quit char */
  40:     { "xn", &tc.t_startc },     /* XON (start) char */
  41:     { "xf", &tc.t_stopc },      /* XOFF (stop) char */
  42:     { "bk", &tc.t_brkc },       /* brk char (alt \n) */
  43:     { "su", &ltc.t_suspc },     /* suspend char */
  44:     { "ds", &ltc.t_dsuspc },    /* delayed suspend */
  45:     { "rp", &ltc.t_rprntc },    /* reprint char */
  46:     { "fl", &ltc.t_flushc },    /* flush output */
  47:     { "we", &ltc.t_werasc },    /* word erase */
  48:     { "ln", &ltc.t_lnextc },    /* literal next */
  49:     { 0 }
  50: };
  52: struct  gettynums gettynums[] = {
  53:     { "is" },           /* input speed */
  54:     { "os" },           /* output speed */
  55:     { "sp" },           /* both speeds */
  56:     { "to" },           /* timeout */
  57:     { "f0" },           /* output flags */
  58:     { "f1" },           /* input flags */
  59:     { "f2" },           /* user mode flags */
  60:     { "pf" },           /* delay before flush at 1st prompt */
  61:     { 0 }
  62: };
  64: struct  gettyflags gettyflags[] = {
  65:     { "ht", 0 },            /* has tabs */
  66:     { "nl", 1 },            /* has newline char */
  67:     { "ep", 0 },            /* even parity */
  68:     { "op", 0 },            /* odd parity */
  69:     { "ap", 0 },            /* any parity */
  70:     { "ec", 1 },            /* no echo */
  71:     { "co", 0 },            /* console special */
  72:     { "cb", 0 },            /* crt backspace */
  73:     { "ck", 0 },            /* crt kill */
  74:     { "ce", 0 },            /* crt erase */
  75:     { "pe", 0 },            /* printer erase */
  76:     { "rw", 1 },            /* don't use raw */
  77:     { "xc", 1 },            /* don't ^X ctl chars */
  78:     { "ig", 0 },            /* ignore garbage */
  79:     { "ps", 0 },            /* do port selector speed select */
  80:     { "hc", 1 },            /* don't set hangup on close */
  81:     { "ub", 0 },            /* unbuffered output */
  82:     { "ab", 0 },            /* auto-baud detect with '\r' */
  83:     { "dx", 0 },            /* set decctlq */
  84:     { "hf", 0 },            /* set HardwareFlowcontrol */
  85:     { 0 }
  86: };

Defined variables

gettyflags defined in line 64; used 26 times
gettynums defined in line 52; used 14 times
gettystrs defined in line 24; used 27 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1997-03-29
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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