   2: /*  @(#)main.c 1.5 92/02/17
   3:  *
   4:  *  Takes a mail file, a news article or an ordinary file
   5:  *  and pretty prints it on a Postscript printer.
   6:  *
   7:  *  Copyright (c) Steve Holden and Rich Burridge.
   8:  *                All rights reserved.
   9:  *
  10:  *  Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
  11:  *  copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
  12:  *
  13:  *  No responsibility is taken for any errors inherent either
  14:  *  to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
  15:  *  to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
  16:  */
  18: #include "mp.h"
  20: /* Command line option flags */
  22: bool article  = FALSE ;       /* Set for news in "Article from " format. */
  23: bool content  = FALSE ;       /* Set if Content-Length: has message length. */
  24: bool digest   = FALSE ;       /* Are we are printing a mail digest (-d) */
  25: bool elm_if   = FALSE ;       /* ELM mail frontend intermediate file format */
  26: bool folder   = FALSE ;       /* Set if we are printing a mail folder. */
  27: bool landscape = FALSE ;      /* Set if we are printing in landscape mode. */
  28: bool print_orig = FALSE ;     /* Print From rather than To in mail header. */
  29: bool print_ps = TRUE ;        /* Print PostScript files if set. */
  30: bool text_doc = FALSE ;       /* Printing normal text (-o) */
  32: /* Header definitions. */
  34: char *POSTSCRIPT_MAGIC = "%!" ;            /* First line of PS file. */
  35: char *FROMHDR       = "From:" ;
  36: char *FROM_HDR      = "From " ;            /* UNIX From header */
  37: char *APP_FROMHDR   = "Apparently_from:" ;
  38: char *TOHDR         = "To:" ;
  39: char *APP_TOHDR     = "Apparently_to:" ;
  40: char *CCHDR         = "Cc:" ;
  41: char *SUBJECTHDR    = "Subject:" ;
  42: char *DATEHDR       = "Date:" ;
  43: char *NEWSGROUPSHDR = "Newsgroups:" ;
  44: char *NEWSGROUPHDR  = "Newsgroup:" ;
  45: char *REPLYHDR      = "Reply_to:" ;
  46: char *CONTENT_LEN   = "Content-Length:" ;
  48: /* Header lines. */
  50: char *from            = NULL ;    /* From: */
  51: char *from_           = NULL ;    /* From_ (UNIX from) */
  52: char *apparently_from = NULL ;    /* Apparently_from: */
  53: char *to[MAXCONT+1] ;             /* To: (can have multiple lines) */
  54: char *apparently_to   = NULL ;    /* Apparently_to: */
  55: char *cc[MAXCONT+1] ;             /* Cc: (can have multiple lines) */
  56: char *subject         = NULL ;    /* Subject: (can be set from command line) */
  57: char *gsubject        = NULL ;    /* Global subject set from command line. */
  58: char *date            = NULL ;    /* Date: */
  59: char *newsgroups      = NULL ;    /* Newsgroups: (news articles only) */
  60: char *reply_to        = NULL ;    /* Reply-to: */
  61: char *content_len     = NULL ;    /* Content-Length: */
  63: /* Strings used in page processing. */
  65: char curfname[MAXPATHLEN] ;       /* Current file being printed. */
  66: char *message_for = "" ;          /* "[Mail,News,Listing] for " line */
  67: char *nameptr ;                   /* Used to getenv the NAME variable. */
  68: char *optarg ;                    /* Optional command line argument. */
  69: char *owner       = NULL ;        /* Name of owner (usually equal to 'to') */
  70: char *progname    = NULL ;        /* Name of this program. */
  71: char *prologue    = PROLOGUE ;    /* Name of PostScript prologue file. */
  72: char proname[MAXPATHLEN] ;        /* Full pathname of the prologue file. */
  73: char *whoami      = NULL ;        /* Login name of user. */
  75: /* Other globals. */
  77: document_type doc_type = DO_MAIL ;  /* Printing type - default mail */
  78: paper_type paper_size = US ;        /* Paper size - default US */
  80: int clen = 0 ;              /* Current line length (including newline). */
  81: int colct = 0;              /* Column count on current page. */
  82: int cmdfiles = 0 ;          /* Set if file to print given on command line. */
  83: int linect = 0 ;            /* Line count on current page. */
  84: int llen = LINELENGTH ;     /* Number of characters per line. */
  85: int mlen = 0 ;              /* Number of characters in message (-C option). */
  86: int numcols = 1 ;           /* Number of columns per page */
  87: int optind ;                /* Optional command line argument indicator. */
  88: int pageno = 1 ;            /* Page number within message. */
  89: int plen = PAGELENGTH ;     /* Number of lines per page. */
  90: int tpn    = 0 ;            /* Total number of pages printed. */
  92: /* Read-ahead variables. */
  94: char nextline[MAXLINE] ;  /* Read-ahead of the mail message, minus nl */
  96: bool end_of_file = FALSE ;     /* EOF indicator */
  97: bool end_of_line ;             /* Is a newline removed from this line */
  98: bool end_of_page = FALSE ;     /* end-of-page indicator - ^L on input */
 100: FILE *fp ;                     /* File pointer for current file. */
 103: int
 104: main(argc, argv)
 105: int argc ;
 106: char **argv ;
 107: {
 108:   to[0] = cc[0] = NULL ;
 110:   progname = argv[0] ;        /* Save this program name. */
 112: /*  Try to get location of the mp prologue file from an environment variable.
 113:  *  If it's not found, then use the default value.
 114:  */
 116:   if ((prologue = getenv("MP_PROLOGUE")) == NULL) prologue = PROLOGUE ;
 117:   SPRINTF(proname, "%s/mp.pro.ps", prologue) ;
 119:   get_options(argc, argv) ;   /* Read and process command line options. */
 121:   show_prologue(proname) ;    /* Send prologue file to output. */
 123:   FPUTS("%%EndProlog\n", stdout) ;
 125:   if (argc - optind != 0) cmdfiles = 1 ;
 126:   if (!cmdfiles)
 127:     {
 128:       fp = stdin ;                 /* Get input from standard input. */
 129:       STRCPY(curfname, "stdin") ;
 130:       printfile() ;                /* Pretty print *just* standard input. */
 131:     }
 132:   else
 133:     for (; optind < argc; ++optind)
 134:       {
 135:         STRCPY(curfname, argv[optind]) ;    /* Current file to print. */
 136:         if ((fp = fopen(curfname, "r")) == NULL)
 137:           {
 138:             FPRINTF(stderr, "%s: cannot open %s\n", progname, curfname) ;
 139:             continue ;
 140:           }
 141:         colct = 0 ;
 142:         pageno = 1 ;       /* Initialise current page number. */
 143:         end_of_file = 0 ;  /* Reset in case there's another file to print. */
 144:         printfile() ;      /* Pretty print current file. */
 145:       }
 147:   show_trailer() ;         /* Send trailer file to output. */
 149:   exit(0) ;
 150: /*NOTREACHED*/
 151: }
 154: int
 155: printfile()    /* Create PostScript to pretty print the current file. */
 156: {
 157:   int blankslate ;    /* Nothing set up for printing. */
 158:   bool eop ;          /* Set if ^L (form-feed) found. */
 160:   readline() ;
 161:   if (end_of_file)
 162:     {
 163:       FPRINTF(stderr, "mp: empty input file, nothing printed\n") ;
 164:       exit(1) ;
 165:     }
 167:   if (!text_doc)
 168:     parse_headers(FALSE) ;    /* Parse headers of mail or news article */
 169:   init_setup() ;              /* Set values for remaining globals. */
 171:   startfile();
 172:   startpage() ;               /* Output initial definitions. */
 173:   blankslate = 0 ;
 174:   eop        = FALSE ;
 176: /* Print the document */
 178:   if (doc_type != DO_TEXT)
 179:     {
 180:       show_headers(FALSE) ;
 181: #ifdef WANTED
 182:       FPUTS("sf ", stdout) ;
 183: #endif /*WANTED*/
 184:     }
 186:   while (!end_of_file)
 187:     {
 188:       if (blankslate)
 189:         {
 190:           startfile() ;
 191:           startpage() ;               /* Output initial definitions. */
 192:           blankslate = 0 ;
 193:         }
 195:       if (content && folder && mlen <= 0)
 196:         {
 198: /*  If the count has gone negative, then the Content-Length is wrong, so go
 199:  *  back to looking for "\nFrom".
 200:  */
 202:           if (mlen < 0) content = FALSE ;
 203:           else if ((hdr_equal(FROM_HDR) || hdr_equal(FROMHDR)) &&
 204:                     isupper(nextline[0]))
 205:             {
 206:               eop    = FALSE ;
 207:               linect = plen ;
 208:               reset_headers() ;
 209:               parse_headers(FALSE) ;
 210:               show_headers(FALSE) ;
 211:             }
 212:           else content = FALSE ;
 213:         }
 215:       if (!content && folder &&
 216:           (!elm_if && hdr_equal(FROM_HDR) ||
 217:             elm_if && hdr_equal(FROMHDR)) && isupper(nextline[0]))
 218:         {
 219:           eop    = FALSE ;
 220:           linect = plen ;
 221:           reset_headers() ;
 222:           parse_headers(FALSE) ;
 223:           show_headers(FALSE) ;
 224:         }
 225:       if (digest &&
 226:          (hdr_equal(FROMHDR) || hdr_equal(DATEHDR) || hdr_equal(SUBJECTHDR)) &&
 227:           isupper(nextline[0]))
 228:         {
 229:           linect = plen ;
 230:           parse_headers(TRUE) ;
 231:           show_headers(TRUE) ;
 232:         }
 234:       if (print_ps && hdr_equal(POSTSCRIPT_MAGIC))
 235:         {
 236:           if (numcols) endcol() ;
 237:           endpage() ;
 238:           endfile() ;
 239:           process_postscript() ;
 240:           blankslate = 1 ;
 241:         }
 242:       else if (folder && end_of_page) eop = TRUE ;
 243:       else
 244:         {
 245:           if (eop == TRUE) end_of_page = TRUE ;
 246:           textshow(nextline) ;
 247:           eop = FALSE ;
 248:         }
 250:       if (content) mlen -= clen ;
 252:       readline() ;
 253:     }
 255:   if (!blankslate)
 256:     {
 257:       if (numcols) endcol() ;
 258:       endpage() ;
 259:       endfile() ;
 260:     }
 262:   FCLOSE(fp) ;
 263: }
 266: int
 267: process_postscript()
 268: {
 269:   int firstline = 1 ;   /* To allow a newline after the first line. */
 271:   startpage() ;
 272:   while (!hdr_equal(FROMHDR)    && !hdr_equal(DATEHDR) &&
 273:          !hdr_equal(SUBJECTHDR) && !end_of_file)
 274:     {
 275:       PRINTF("%s", nextline) ;
 276:       if (firstline) FPUTS("\n", stdout) ;
 277:       firstline = 0 ;
 278:       if (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) == NULL) end_of_file = TRUE ;
 279:     }
 280:   endpage() ;
 281: }
 284: int
 285: show_trailer()
 286: {
 287:   FPUTS("%%Trailer\n", stdout) ;
 288:   PRINTF("%%%%Pages: %1d\n", tpn) ;
 289: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 103; never used
printfile defined in line 154; used 2 times
process_postscript defined in line 266; used 1 times
show_trailer defined in line 284; used 1 times

Defined variables

APP_FROMHDR defined in line 37; used 2 times
APP_TOHDR defined in line 39; used 2 times
CCHDR defined in line 40; used 3 times
CONTENT_LEN defined in line 46; used 2 times
DATEHDR defined in line 42; used 5 times
FROMHDR defined in line 35; used 7 times
FROM_HDR defined in line 36; used 5 times
NEWSGROUPHDR defined in line 44; used 2 times
NEWSGROUPSHDR defined in line 43; used 3 times
POSTSCRIPT_MAGIC defined in line 34; used 1 times
REPLYHDR defined in line 45; used 2 times
SUBJECTHDR defined in line 41; used 5 times
TOHDR defined in line 38; used 3 times
apparently_from defined in line 52; used 6 times
apparently_to defined in line 54; used 6 times
article defined in line 22; never used
cc defined in line 55; used 7 times
clen defined in line 80; used 2 times
cmdfiles defined in line 82; used 3 times
colct defined in line 81; used 8 times
content defined in line 23; used 5 times
content_len defined in line 61; used 3 times
curfname defined in line 65; used 5 times
date defined in line 58; used 10 times
digest defined in line 24; used 1 times
elm_if defined in line 25; used 2 times
end_of_file defined in line 96; used 5 times
end_of_line defined in line 97; never used
end_of_page defined in line 98; used 2 times
folder defined in line 26; used 3 times
from defined in line 50; used 12 times
from_ defined in line 51; used 6 times
gsubject defined in line 57; used 3 times
landscape defined in line 27; never used
linect defined in line 83; used 8 times
llen defined in line 84; used 4 times
message_for defined in line 66; used 6 times
mlen defined in line 85; used 5 times
nameptr defined in line 67; used 2 times
newsgroups defined in line 59; used 12 times
nextline defined in line 94; used 22 times
numcols defined in line 86; used 6 times
optarg defined in line 68; used 14 times
optind defined in line 87; used 8 times
owner defined in line 69; used 18 times
pageno defined in line 88; used 4 times
plen defined in line 89; used 5 times
print_orig defined in line 28; never used
print_ps defined in line 29; used 1 times
progname defined in line 70; used 7 times
prologue defined in line 71; used 9 times
proname defined in line 72; used 8 times
reply_to defined in line 60; used 6 times
subject defined in line 56; used 8 times
text_doc defined in line 30; used 1 times
to defined in line 53; used 7 times
tpn defined in line 90; used 4 times
whoami defined in line 73; used 4 times
Last modified: 1992-02-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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