1: /*
   2:  * minirb.c By Chuck Forsberg Omen Technology INC
   3:  *        "The High Reliability Communications Software"
   4:  *
   5:  * A bootstrap program for Unix to receive files from computers running
   6:  *  YMODEM Batch (Professional-YAM, PowerCom, ZCOMM, etc.).
   7:  *
   8:  *  Minirb uses system(3) to call stty, avoiding system dependent code.
   9:  *   program strips CR and CPMEOF (^Z) characters (see putsec()).
  10:  *  Please refer to rz.c for comments, etc.
  11:  */
  12: char * Version = "minirb 2.00 05-25-87";
  14: #include <stdio.h>
  15: #include <signal.h>
  16: #include <setjmp.h>
  18: #define OK 0
  19: #define FALSE 0
  20: #define TRUE 1
  21: #define ERROR (-1)
  22: #define CAN ('X'&037)
  23: #define SOH 1
  24: #define STX 2
  25: #define EOT 4
  26: #define ACK 6
  27: #define NAK 025
  28: #define TIMEOUT (-2)
  29: #define RETRYMAX 9
  30: #define WCEOT (-10)
  32: FILE *fout;
  33: long Bytesleft;
  34: int Blklen;
  35: char secbuf[1024];
  36: char linbuf[1024];
  37: int Lleft=0;
  38: jmp_buf tohere;
  40: alrm() { longjmp(tohere, -1); }
  42: bibi(n) {
  43:  canit(); mode(0);
  44:  fprintf(stderr, "minirb: caught signal %d; exiting", n);
  45:  exit(128+n);
  46: }
  48: mode(n) {
  49:  if (n) system("stty raw -echo");
  50:  else system("stty echo -raw");
  51: }
  53: main() {
  54:  mode(1);
  55:  if (signal(SIGINT, bibi) == SIG_IGN) {
  56:   signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGKILL, SIG_IGN);
  57:  } else {
  58:   signal(SIGINT, bibi); signal(SIGKILL, bibi);
  59:  }
  60:  printf("minirb: Now send file(s) with \042sb file ...\042 command\r\n");
  62:  if (wcreceive()==ERROR)
  63:   canit();
  64:  mode(0); exit(0);
  65: }
  67: wcreceive() {
  68:  for (;;) {
  69:   if (wcrxpn(secbuf) == ERROR) break;
  70:   if (secbuf[0]==0) return OK;
  71:   if (procheader(secbuf)==ERROR || wcrx()==ERROR) break;
  72:  }
  73:  canit(); return ERROR;
  74: }
  77: wcrxpn(rpn) char *rpn; {
  78:  register c;
  80:  purgeline();
  81: et_tu:
  82:  sendline(NAK); Lleft=0;
  83:  while ((c = wcgetsec(rpn, 100)) != 0) {
  84:   if (c == WCEOT) { sendline(ACK); Lleft=0; readline(1); goto et_tu; }
  85:   return ERROR;
  86:  }
  87:  sendline(ACK); return OK;
  88: }
  90: wcrx() {
  91:  register int sectnum, sectcurr, sendchar, cblklen;
  93:  sectnum=0; sendchar=NAK;
  94:  for (;;) {
  95:   sendline(sendchar); Lleft=0;
  96:   sectcurr=wcgetsec(secbuf, 50);
  97:   if (sectcurr==(sectnum+1 & 0377)) {
  98:    sectnum++; cblklen = Bytesleft>Blklen ? Blklen:Bytesleft;
  99:    putsec(secbuf, cblklen);
 100:    if ((Bytesleft-=cblklen) < 0) Bytesleft = 0;
 101:    sendchar=ACK;
 102:   }
 103:   else if (sectcurr==(sectnum&0377)) sendchar=ACK;
 104:   else if (sectcurr==WCEOT) {
 105:    if (fclose(fout)==ERROR) return ERROR;
 106:    sendline(ACK); Lleft=0; return OK;
 107:   }
 108:   else if (sectcurr==ERROR) return ERROR;
 109:   else return ERROR;
 110:  }
 111: }
 113: wcgetsec(rxbuf, maxtime) char *rxbuf; int maxtime; {
 114:  register checksum, wcj, firstch; register char *p; int sectcurr, errors;
 115:  for (errors=0; errors<RETRYMAX; errors++) {
 116:   if ((firstch=readline(maxtime))==STX) { Blklen=1024; goto get2; }
 117:   if (firstch==SOH) {
 118:    Blklen=128;
 119: get2:
 120:    sectcurr=readline(1); checksum=0;
 121:    if ((sectcurr+(readline(1)))==0377) {
 122:     for (p=rxbuf,wcj=Blklen; --wcj>=0; ) {
 123:      if ((firstch=readline(1)) < 0) goto bilge;
 124:      checksum += (*p++ = firstch);
 125:     }
 126:     if ((firstch=readline(1)) < 0) goto bilge;
 127:     if (((checksum-firstch)&0377)==0) return sectcurr;
 128:    }
 129:   }
 130:   else if (firstch==EOT) return WCEOT;
 131:   else if (firstch==CAN) return ERROR;
 132: bilge:
 133:   while(readline(1)!=TIMEOUT)
 134:    ;
 135:   maxtime=40; sendline(NAK); Lleft=0;
 136:  }
 137:  canit(); return ERROR;
 138: }
 140: readline(timeout) int timeout; {
 141:  register n; static char *cdq;
 143:  if (--Lleft >= 0) return (*cdq++ & 0377);
 144:  n = timeout/10;
 145:  if (n < 2) n = 3;
 146:  if (setjmp(tohere)) { Lleft = 0; return TIMEOUT; }
 147:  signal(SIGALRM, alrm); alarm(n);
 148:  Lleft=read(0, cdq=linbuf, 1024); alarm(0);
 149:  if (Lleft < 1) return TIMEOUT;
 150:  --Lleft; return (*cdq++ & 0377);
 151: }
 153: purgeline() { Lleft = 0; lseek(0, 0L, 2); }
 156: procheader(name) char *name; {
 157:  register char *p;
 159:  Bytesleft = 2000000000L; p = name + 1 + strlen(name);
 160:  if (*p) sscanf(p, "%ld", &Bytesleft);
 161:  if ((fout=fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) return ERROR;
 162:  return OK;
 163: }
 165: putsec(p, n) char *p; int n;
 166: { for (; --n>=0; ++p) if (*p != 015 && *p != 032) putc(*p, fout); }
 168: sendline(c) { char d; d = c; write(1, &d, 1); }
 170: char canistr[] = { 24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,0 };
 172: canit() { printf(canistr); Lleft=0; }
 174: /* END of minirb.c */

Defined functions

alrm defined in line 40; used 1 times
bibi defined in line 42; used 3 times
canit defined in line 172; used 4 times
main defined in line 53; never used
mode defined in line 48; used 3 times
procheader defined in line 156; used 1 times
  • in line 71
purgeline defined in line 153; used 1 times
  • in line 80
putsec defined in line 165; used 1 times
  • in line 99
readline defined in line 140; used 7 times
sendline defined in line 168; used 6 times
wcgetsec defined in line 113; used 2 times
wcreceive defined in line 67; used 1 times
  • in line 62
wcrx defined in line 90; used 1 times
  • in line 71
wcrxpn defined in line 77; used 1 times
  • in line 69

Defined variables

Blklen defined in line 34; used 5 times
Bytesleft defined in line 33; used 6 times
Lleft defined in line 37; used 12 times
Version defined in line 12; never used
canistr defined in line 170; used 1 times
linbuf defined in line 36; used 1 times
secbuf defined in line 35; used 5 times
tohere defined in line 38; used 2 times

Defined macros

ACK defined in line 26; used 5 times
CAN defined in line 22; used 1 times
EOT defined in line 25; used 1 times
ERROR defined in line 21; used 14 times
FALSE defined in line 19; never used
NAK defined in line 27; used 3 times
OK defined in line 18; used 4 times
RETRYMAX defined in line 29; used 1 times
SOH defined in line 23; used 1 times
STX defined in line 24; used 1 times
TIMEOUT defined in line 28; used 3 times
TRUE defined in line 20; never used
WCEOT defined in line 30; used 3 times
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