1: /*
   2:  *  VMODEM.H
   3:  *  VMS support for UMODEM program
   4:  *
   5:  *	#INCLUDE files defining structures associated with terminal
   6:  *	information structure TT_INFO.
   7:  *	Information about the terminal is passed around in UMODEM in a
   8:  *	STRUCT TT_INFO.
   9:  *
  10:  *  Walter Reiher
  11:  *  Harvard University
  12:  *  Department of Chemistry
  13:  *  12 Oxford Street
  14:  *  Cambridge, MA 02138
  15:  *  March 10, 1983
  16:  */
  18: struct  tt_mode             /*  Info for a IO$_SETMODE call  */
  19: {
  20:     char            class;
  21:     char            type;
  22:     short           page_width;
  23:     char            bcharacteristics[3];
  24:     char            page_length;
  25:     int         echaracteristics;
  26: };
  28: struct  tt_mode_iosb            /*  Terminal IO$_SENSEMODE IOSB  */
  29: {
  30:     short           status;
  31:     char            t_speed;
  32:     char            r_speed;
  33:     char            CR_fill;
  34:     char            LF_fill;
  35:     char            parity_flags;
  36:     char            unused2;
  37: };
  39: struct  tt_info             /*  Summary of terminal infomation  */
  40: {
  41:     struct  tt_mode     dev_characteristics;
  42:     struct  tt_mode_iosb    dev_modes;
  43: };

Defined struct's

tt_info defined in line 39; used 6 times
tt_mode defined in line 18; used 2 times
  • in line 41(2)
tt_mode_iosb defined in line 28; used 4 times

Usage of this include

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