1: ; Copyright (c) 1981 Harvard-Radcliffe Student Timesharing System
   2: ; Science Center, Harvard University
   4:         .rsect  shrcode con
   6: ;this routine handles errors
   7: ;the message is in register a
   8: ;and the return  is on the stack
  11: errort: inc     brkl+2          ;increment break level
  12:         clrb    intflg          ;get ok
  13:         mov     np,-(sp)        ;push on 7 "safe" words
  14:         mov     np,-(sp)
  15:         mov     np,-(sp)
  16:         mov     np,-(sp)
  17:         mov     np,-(sp)
  18:         mov     np,-(sp)
  19:         mov     #brksnag,-(sp)  ;and put on snag safely
  20:         mov     b,14(sp)        ;now really save b
  21:         mov     sp,b
  22:         add     #14,b
  23:         mov     j1,-(b)         ;and safely save the other registers
  24:         mov     j2,-(b)
  25:         mov     j3,-(b)
  26:         mov     ltop,-(b)
  27:                                 ;and np is already there
  28:         call    geterr          ;get message in b so putstr can output it
  29:         npush   #anil           ;set tty port
  30:         call    dmpport
  31:         mov     #erport,@np     ;set error port
  32:         call    putstr          ;output message
  33:         mov     sp,j1           ;this is to set up for call to ...
  34:         call    findframe
  35:         br      12$             ;error return (no frame...)
  36:         mov     #broken,b
  37:         call    putstr
  38:         call    printr          ;findframe returned form
  39: 12$:    call    dmpport
  40:         loadnil @np             ;set up port for break level
  41: errloop= .
  42: 1$:     mov     #linefeed,b     ;go into break loop
  43:         call    putstr
  44:         mov     #brkl,a
  45:         call    numout
  46:         mov     bprompt,b
  47:         call    putstr          ;output prompt
  48:         call    dmpport
  49: .if     df,width
  50:         clrb    poport+1        ;reset line width to zero!!!!
  51: .endc
  52:                 ;below, if regular lisp, just call the read/eval/print
  53:                 ;routines. if transfer lisp, put in the top level form
  54:                 ; and call eval.
  56: .if     eq,xfer
  57:         call    @readh          ;call proper readr
  58:         call    eval            ;eval it
  59:         call    printr          ;and print it
  60: .iff
  61:         mov     readh,a         ;get read control list
  62:         call    eval            ;an eval it
  63: .endc
  64:         br      1$              ;and go forever
  68: ;findframe takes arg in j1 (assumed to point into stack)
  69: ;returns in a the previous form
  70: ;j1 points to stack at correct place for next findframe
  72: ;
  73: ; if this is xfer lisp, it ignores the driver forms, feval1,feval2
  74: ; fevq1,feq2
  76: findframe:
  77:         cmp     j1,cptop
  78:         bhis    10$
  79:         cmp     (j1),#brksnag   ;skip over the special frames
  80:         beq     11$
  81:         cmp     (j1),#r4rres
  82:         beq     12$
  83:         cmp     (j1),#r3rres
  84:         beq     13$
  85:         cmp     (j1),#r2rres
  86:         beq     14$
  87:         cmp     (j1),#r1rres
  88:         beq     15$
  89: .if     ne,xfer
  90:         cmp     (j1),#eexit1
  91:         beq     40$
  92:  .iftf
  93:         cmp     (j1)+,#eexit
  94:         bne     findframe
  95:  .ift
  96:         br      41$
  97:   40$:  tst     (j1)+
  98:   41$:
  99: .endc
 100:         cmp     (j1)+,(j1)+     ;adjust j1 to get to form
 101:         mov     (j1)+,a
 103: .if     ne,xfer
 104:         cmp     a,#feval1
 105:         beq     findframe
 106:         cmp     a,#feval2
 107:         beq     findframe
 108:         cmp     a,#fevq1
 109:         beq     findframe
 110:         cmp     a,#fevq2
 111:         beq     findframe
 112:         cmp     a,#fevq3
 113:         beq     findframe
 114:         cmp     a,#feval3
 115:         beq     findframe
 117:         .globl  feval1,feval2,fevq1,fevq2,feval3,fevq3
 119: .endc
 121:         add     #2,(sp)
 122: 10$:    ret
 123: 11$:    cmp     (j1)+,(j1)+     ;adjust stack for the size of different frames
 124: 12$:    tst     (j1)+
 125: 13$:    tst     (j1)+
 126: 14$:    tst     (j1)+
 127: 15$:    cmp     (j1)+,(j1)+
 128:         br      findframe
 130:         .rsect  shrcode
 131: once:
 132:  .if    eq,bell411
 133:         mov     %1,pidsav               ;save process id
 134:  .iff
 135:         .mcall  $getpid
 137:         $getpid                         ;use system call
 138:         mov     %0,pidsav
 139: .endc
 140:         mov     sp,nptop                ;save unix handed sp
 141:         sub     #npresc,sp
 142:         mov     sp,npres
 143:         sub     #nplen,sp               ;figure out allocation for nstack
 144:         mov     sp,cptop
 145:         tst     (sp)                    ;force monitor to allocate enough
 146:         mov     npbottom,np
 147:         loadnil @np
 148:         $indir
 149:         $$break                         ;set our high core allocation
 150:         mov     #headr-<^pl errorm>,a
 151:         call    geterr
 152:         call    putstr
 154:         .rsect  shrcode
 155: lsploop:
 156:  .if    eq,fpsim
 157:         $sig
 158:                 ^d8             ;trap for floating error
 159:                 1
 160: .endc
 162:         $sig
 163:                 2               ;and ^c trap
 164:         inthandler
 166:  .if    ndf,notrap
 167:         $sig
 168:         ^d10
 169:         buserr                  ;and signal for buss error + segfault
 170:  .endc
 172:         $sig
 173:         ^d11
 174:         segfault
 176:  .if    ne,brksig
 177:         $sig
 178:         brksig
 179:         1.                      ;reset break
 180:  .endc
 182:         clr     brkl+2          ;set break level to zero
 183:         clrb    intflg          ;clear the flags
 184:         clrb    noint
 185:         clrb    nsext
 187:  .if    eq,fpsim
 188:         ldfps   #300            ;set floating point status
 189:         ldd     ten,ac0         ;and load constants
 190:         ldd     tenth,ac1       ;in floating ac's
 191:         std     ac0,ac4
 192:         std     ac1,ac5
 193: .endc
 195:         mov     cptop,sp        ;set up stack ptr
 196:         tst     (sp)            ;make sure core for from mon.
 197:         mov     cptop,np        ;and nstack
 198:         mov     npres,nplim     ;set up top of np
 199:         npush   #anil           ;set standard ports
 200:         mov     np,ltop         ;and initilize ltop
 201: 1$:     mov     prompt,b
 202:         call    putstr          ;write prompt
 203:         loadnil a               ;leave nice things in ac's so no problems
 204:         mov     a,b             ;occur
 205:         call    dmpport         ;write prompt
 206: .if     df,width
 207:         clrb    poport+1
 208: .endc
 209: .if     eq,xfer
 210:         call    @readh
 211:         call    eval
 212:         call    printr
 213: .iff
 214:         mov     readh,a
 215:         call    eval            ;and do the eval
 216: .endc
 217: ;2$:	mov	xoblist,a
 218: ;	call	printr
 219:         br      1$
 224:         .rsect  shrcode
 225: inthandler: push  %0
 226:                 $sig
 227:                    2            ;reset trap
 228:            inthandler
 229:            pop  %0
 230:            incb intflg
 231:            tstb noint
 232:            bne  10$
 233:            cmpb intflg,#5       ;panic???
 234:            bge  1$
 235: 10$:       tstb keybin          ;^c during type in
 236:            bne  int$11
 237:            rti
 238: 1$:        generm       </5 ^c's panic--return to last top level/>
 239:            mov  #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 240: int$12:    loadnil      @np
 241:            call geterr
 242:            call putstr
 243:            clrb intflg
 244:            cmp  (sp)+,(sp)+     ;flush of ps word
 245:            jmp  retbk1
 246: int$11:
 248:            clrb keybin
 249:            generm       </^c during type in/>
 250:            mov  #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 251:            br   int$12
 254:         .rsect  shrcode
 255: segfault:
 256:                         ;we want to figure out if is real mf or
 257:                         ;just a stack overflow
 258:                         ;what we'll do is arm for m.f. and push stuff on
 259:                         ;stack, and see what happens
 261:         $sig                    ;signal
 262:         11.                     ;mem fault
 263:         seger1                  ;below
 264:         cmp     -(sp),-(sp)     ;double dose
 265:         cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+     ;if we're here, was real m.f.
 266:         mov     (sp)+,j3        ;flush off "test word", and leave
 267:         mov     (sp)+,j2        ;pc+ps in j2+j3 for db (if core dump)
 268:         $sig
 269:         11.
 270:         0                       ;rearm to d.s.a
 271:         error   </seg violation />
 273: seger1:
 274:         tst     gcolf           ;gcol stack oflow
 275:         beq     seger2
 276:         jmp     gcolovr
 277: seger2:
 278:         mov     cptop,sp
 279:         generm  </control stack overflow; reset generated/>
 280:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 281:         jmp     hnstko
 282: buserr:
 283:         tst     gcolf           ;are we in gcol???
 284:         beq     ber1$           ;no, skip around
 285:         mov     np,-(sp)
 286:         mov     npbottom,np     ;leave so db can possibly help
 287:         loadnil @np             ;clear out
 288:         call    dmpport         ;try to get message out
 289:         generm  <//<12>/***buss error during gcol-- lisp exit***/<12>/***********/>
 290:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 291:         call    geterr
 292:         clr     %0
 293:         $write
 294:         strbuf
 295:         50.
 296:         iot                     ;and leave a core dump behind
 297: ber1$:
 298:         mov     (sp)+,j3
 299:         mov     (sp)+,j2        ;ps and pc to j3 and j2
 300:         error   </bus error />
 302:         .rsect  shrcode
 304: ;	geterr is called with location of error in file in a.
 305: ;	returns with b pointing to string, or indicating error #
 307: geterr:
 308: .if     eq,     version7
 309: .ift                                    ; i.e. version7==0 (V6, PWB) seek
 310:         mov     a,$$seek+2
 311:         clr     $$seek+4                ;want to seek absolutely
 312: .iff                                    ; i.e. version7==1 V7 long seek
 313:         clr     $$seek+2                ; 16-bit only, clear hiword
 314:         mov     a,$$seek+4
 315:         clr     $$seek+6                ;want to seek absolutely
 316: .endc
 317:         push    %0
 318:         $open
 319:         erf
 320:         0
 321:         bcs     29$
 322:         mov     %0,a
 323:         $indir
 324:         $$seek
 325:         mov     #strbuf,b
 326:         mov     a,%0
 327:         $read
 328:         strbuf
 329:         strlen
 330:         mov     a,%0
 331:         $close
 332:         br      39$
 333: 29$:                            ;here we have no file; print error
 334:         incb    noint
 335: .if     eq, version7
 336: .ift                            ;V6/PWB index
 337:         mov     $$seek+2,-(sp)
 338: .iff                            ;V7 index
 339:         mov     $$seek+4,-(sp)
 340: .endc
 341:         clr     -(sp)
 342:         mov     sp,a
 343:         call    numstr
 344:         cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+
 345:         decb    noint
 346:         movb    #'#,-(b)
 347: 39$:    loadnil a
 348:         pop     %0
 349:         ret
 350:         .psect  initcd  con
 352: init:   mov     (sp),%3
 353:         mov     %1,-(sp)
 354:         dec     %3
 355:         beq     50$
 356:         $create
 357:         erf
 358:         604                     ;rw--r
 359:         bcs 50$
 360:         mov     %0,-(sp)
 361:         $write
 362:         <^pl errorm>
 363:         <^ph errorm>-<^pl errorm>
 364:         mov     (sp)+,%0
 365:         $close
 366: 50$:
 368: .if     ne,xfer
 369:         .globl  xbcdm
 370:         $create
 371:         xbcdm                   ;the bcd map
 372:         604                     ;rw--r
 373:         bcs     51$
 374:         mov     %0,-(sp)
 375:         $write
 376:         <^pl bcdmap>
 377:         <^ph bcdmap> - <^pl bcdmap>
 378:         mov     (sp)+,%0
 379:         $close
 380: 51$:
 382: .endc
 383:         mov     #once,where     ;only once for this code
 384:         mov     #qmap,a
 385: 22$:    movb    #3,(a)+
 386:         cmp     a,#qmap+<<frstdtpr/400>&377>    ;watch out for sign...
 387:         blo     22$
 388: 2$:     movb    #1,(a)+
 389:         cmp     a,#qmap+<<<^pl datom>/400>&377>
 390:         blo     2$
 391: 32$:    movb    #2,(a)+
 392:         cmp     a,#qmap+<<<^ph datom>/400>&377>
 393:         blo     32$
 394: 3$:     movb    #-5,(a)+
 395: .if ne,smlint
 396:         cmp     a,#qmap+377-5
 397:         blo     3$
 398: 33$:    clrb    (a)+
 399:         cmp     a,#qmap+377
 400:         bne     33$
 401: .iff
 402:         cmp     a,#qmap+377
 403:         bne     3$
 404: .endc
 405: 4$:     movb    #4,qmap+<<<piport/400>&377>>
 406:         movb    #4,qmap+<<<piport+<nports*10>>/400>&377>
 407: .if     ne,nilas0
 408:         movb    #2,qmap
 409: .endc
 410:         mov     (sp)+,%1
 411:         jmp     once
 413: .if     eq,fpsim
 414:         .psect  shrwddat con
 415: ten:    .word   41040,0,0,0
 416: tenth:  .word   37314,146314,146314,146315
 418: .endc
 421:         .rsect  shrcode con
 422: cantcont:       call    errort
 423:         error   </can't continue/>
 426:         .globl  $rettrue
 428: $rettrue:
 429:         mov     #atrue,a
 430:         ret
 432: .if     eq,nilas0
 434:         .globl  $retnil
 436: $retnil:
 437:         loadnil a
 438:         ret
 439: .endc
 441: ;gatom is called with the number of words in the printname
 442: ;(i.e. int((length(name(atom))+2)/2)) in a.
 443: ;return atom initilized to nil,nil,nil in a
 444: ;no regiaters killed.
 446: gatom:  add     #3,a            ;get real word length
 447:         save4
 448: 1$:     mov     #fratom,j1      ;get atom freelist
 449: 2$:     mov     (j1),j2         ;get entry we're interested in
 450:         jmpifnil        j2,10$,nl
 451:         cmp     2(j2),a         ;see about lengths
 452:         blt     5$              ;;if too small,loop
 453:         mov     2(j2),b         ;now get length
 454:         sub     a,b             ;see how much left
 455:         cmp     b,#4            ;if less than four words left
 456:         bge     4$              ;throw piece away
 457:         mov     (j2),(j1)       ;with this instruction
 458: 4$:     mov     b,2(j2)         ;now fix length of freelist entry
 459:         asl     b               ;convert freelist entry to bytes
 460:         add     b,j2            ;and get the end of the entry
 461:         mov     j2,a            ;which is our atom
 462:         loadnil (j2)+
 463:         loadnil (j2)+
 464:         loadnil (j2)
 465:         saveret         ;and go home
 466: 5$:     mov     j2,j1           ;move to next entry
 467:         br      2$              ;and loop
 468: 10$:    mov     a,j3            ;allocate a new page
 469:         call    globalc
 470:         tst     a
 471:         beq     19$             ;correct return???
 472:         movb    #2,qmap(a)      ;and set the type properly
 473:         swab    a               ;get address
 474:         mov     fratom,(a)      ;fix up freelist
 475:         mov     #200,2(a)       ;and fix up entry
 476:         mov     a,fratom        ;put entry first on list
 477:         mov     j3,a            ;move a back
 478:         br      1$              ;and do it again
 481: ;here we have no room; do error stuff
 483: 19$:
 485: .if     ne,xfer
 486:         call    noroom
 487: nrooma:
 489: .iff
 490:         error   </cannot allocate another atom page/>
 491:         ;must be non-cont since strbuff will be clobbered!!!!
 492: .endc
 496: ;globallc is called
 497: ;returns in a the page number of the allocated page
 498: ;which is converted to an address by swab
 499: ;to give a page back simply set the qmap bit to
 500: ;-3
 501: ;if no more room is present, returns 0 in a
 503:         .rsect  shrcode
 504: globallc:
 505:         clr     a
 506:         save1
 507: 10$:    cmpb    qmap(a),#-3     ;simply search map till
 508:         beq     2$              ;we find a free page
 509:         blt     3$              ;or we find monitor core
 510:         incb    a
 511:         bne     10$             ;loop till done
 512:         br      4$
 513: 3$:     mov     a,j3            ;and get good addr
 514:         swab    j3
 515:         add     #400,j3         ;with proper address
 516:         bit     #17777,j3       ;see about bits
 517:         bne     30$             ;if all are zero, we gotta worry
 518:         add     #400,j3         ;if was last page, force first page on next seg
 519: 30$:    mov     $$break+2,-(sp) ;save old address
 520:         mov     j3,$$break+2    ;and put in new
 521:         mov     (sp)+,j3        ;re-recover old
 522:         $indir
 523:         $$break
 524:         bcc     32$             ;if error, complain
 525:         mov     j3,$$break+2    ;reset old address
 526: 4$:     clr     a               ;and set error return
 527: 32$:
 528: 2$:     saveret
 532: ;xnums stores a number in core from regiser a&b
 534: xnums:
 535: .if     eq,smlint
 536:          br     3$
 537: .endc
 538:         tst     a               ;see if in small int range, ie +/-xxx
 539:         beq     2$
 540:         cmp     a,#-1
 541:         bne     3$
 542:         cmp     b,#-^d319
 543:         blo     3$
 544: 4$:     mov     b,a             ;now make small int
 545:         asl     a
 546:         add     #-^d640,a
 547: 17$:    mov     a,b
 548:         ret
 550: 2$:     cmp     b,#^d319
 551:         blo     4$
 552: 3$:     asl     a               ;shift high order word
 553:         bvs     xnumer
 554: 7$:     jmpnnil frnumber,6$     ;any cells???
 555:         call    gcol
 556: 6$:     mov     frnumber,-(sp)  ;move cell ptr to stack
 557:         mov     @(sp),frnumber  ;and fix free list
 558:         mov     a,@(sp)         ;put in a
 559:         mov     (sp)+,a         ;and get ptr to cell
 560:         mov     b,2(a)          ;load second word
 561:         br      17$
 563: xnumer: error   </arithmetic overflow/>
 566: .if     eq,fpsim
 570: xnumsac0:
 571:         incb    noint           ;no 5 ^c's for a minute
 572:         stcdl   ac0,-(sp)
 573:         mov     (sp)+,a
 574:         mov     (sp)+,b
 575:         decb    noint           ;turn back on
 576:         cfcc
 577:         bcs     xnumer
 578:         br      xnums
 579: .endc
 580:  .if eq,fpsim
 581:         .globl  xnumg0,xnumg1,xnumsac
 584: xnumg0:brifsmalint      a,f1$
 585:         asr     (a)     ;fix representation
 586:         ldcld   (a),ac0 ;and load in ac0
 587:         asl     (a)     ;restore int
 588:         ret             ;;;and go home
 589: f1$:    push    a
 590:         sub     #-^d640,a
 591:         asr     a
 592:         seti
 593:         ldcid   a,ac0
 594:         setl
 595:         pop     a
 596:         ret
 598: .endc
 600:         .rsect  shrcode con
 601: nperror:        cmp     np,nptop
 602:         bhis    npe1$
 603:         mov     nptop,nplim
 604:         save1                   ;save register a
 605:         mov     a,j3
 606:         error   </name stack overflow/>,npe2$
 607: npe2$:  mov     j3,a
 608:         mov     2(sp),j3
 609:         cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+
 610:         ret
 611: npe1$:
 612:         generm  </hard name stack overflow; reset executed/>
 613:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 614: hnstko:
 615:         mov     npbottom,np
 616:         call    geterr
 617:         loadnil @np
 618:         call    putstr
 619:         jmp     lsploo
 623:         .rsect  shrcode con
 624: ;;gets a doted pair
 625: gdtpr:  jmpifnil        frdtpr,10$
 626:         mov     frdtpr,a
 627:         mov     (a),frdtpr
 628:         ret
 629: 10$:    call    gcol
 630:         br      gdtpr
 632:  .if    eq,fpsim
 633: ; counterpart of xnumg0
 635: xnumg1: brifsmalint     a,g1$
 636:         asr     (a)
 637:         ldcld   (a),ac1
 638:         asl     (a)
 639:         ret
 640: g1$:    push    a
 641:         sub     #-^d640,a
 642:         asr     a
 643:         seti
 644:         ldcid   a,ac1
 645:         setl
 646:         pop     a
 647:         ret
 649:  .endc
 651: ;xnum1 pputs number in register a&b
 653: xnum1: brifsmalint      a,1$
 654:         mov     2(a),b
 655:         mov     (a),a
 656:         asr     a
 657:         ret
 658: 1$:     mov     a,b
 659:         sub     #-^d640,b
 660:         asr     b
 661:         sxt     a
 662:         ret
 663: ;num2 puts register in j1&j2
 664: xnum2: brifsmalint      a,1$
 665:         mov     2(a),j2
 666:         mov     (a),j1
 667:         asr     j1
 668:         ret
 669: 1$:     mov     a,j2
 670:         sub     #-^d640,j2
 671:         asr     j2
 672:         sxt     j1
 673:         ret
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