1: #ifndef NOCMDL
   2: /*  C K U U S Y --  "User Interface" for Unix Kermit, part Y  */
   4: /*  Command-Line Argument Parser */
   6: /*
   7:   Author: Frank da Cruz (fdc@columbia.edu, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
   8:   Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
   9:   First released January 1985.
  10:   Copyright (C) 1985, 1992, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
  11:   York.  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this
  12:   software as long as it is not sold for profit.  This copyright notice must be
  13:   retained.  This software may not be included in commercial products without
  14:   written permission of Columbia University.
  15: */
  17: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  18: #include "ckcasc.h"
  19: #include "ckcker.h"
  20: #include "ckucmd.h"
  21: #include "ckcnet.h"
  23: #ifdef NETCONN
  24: #ifdef SUNX25
  25: #include "ckcnet.h"
  26: extern int revcall, closgr, cudata;
  27: extern char udata[MAXCUDATA];
  28: extern int x25fd;
  29: #endif /* SUNX25 */
  30: extern int telnetfd;
  31: #endif /* NETCONN */
  33: extern char *ckxsys, *ckzsys, *cmarg, *cmarg2, **xargv, **cmlist, *clcmds;
  34: extern int action, cflg, xargc, stdouf, stdinf, displa, cnflg, nfils,
  35:   local, quiet, escape, network, mdmtyp, maxrps, rpsiz, bgset, xargs,
  36:   urpsiz, wslotr, swcapr, binary, warn, parity, turn, turnch, duplex, flow,
  37:   fncact, clfils, noinit, stayflg, nettype;
  38: extern long speed, ttgspd(), zchki();
  39: extern char ttname[];
  41: #ifndef NODIAL
  42: extern int nmdm;
  43: extern struct keytab mdmtab[];
  44: #endif /* NODIAL */
  46: /*  C M D L I N  --  Get arguments from command line  */
  47: /*
  48:  Simple Unix-style command line parser, conforming with 'A Proposed Command
  49:  Syntax Standard for Unix Systems', Hemenway & Armitage, Unix/World, Vol.1,
  50:  No.3, 1984.
  51: */
  52: int
  53: cmdlin() {
  54:     char x;             /* Local general-purpose int */
  55:     cmarg = "";             /* Initialize globals */
  56:     cmarg2 = "";
  57:     action = cflg = 0;
  59: /* If we were started directly from a Kermit application file, its name is */
  60: /* in argv[1], so skip past it. */
  62:     if (xargc > 1) {
  63:     if (*xargv[0] != '-' && *xargv[1] != '-') {
  64:         if (
  65:         /* some shells don't put full pathname... */
  66:         /* zchki(xargv[0]) > 0 && */ /* ...so skip this test */
  67:         zchki(xargv[1]) > 0) {  /* if it's an existing file */
  68:         xargc -= 1;     /* skip past it */
  69:         xargv += 1;     /* ... */
  70:         }
  71:     }
  72:     }
  74:     while (--xargc > 0) {       /* Go through command line words */
  75:     xargv++;
  76:     debug(F111,"xargv",*xargv,xargc);
  77:     if (**xargv == '=') return(0);
  78: #ifdef VMS
  79:     else if (**xargv == '/') continue;
  80: #endif /* VMS */
  81:         else if (**xargv == '-') {  /* Got an option (begins with dash) */
  82:         x = *(*xargv+1);        /* Get the option letter */
  83:         if (doarg(x) < 0) doexit(BAD_EXIT,1); /* Go handle option */
  84:         } else {            /* No dash where expected */
  85:         usage();
  86:         doexit(BAD_EXIT,1);
  87:     }
  88:     }
  89:     debug(F101,"action","",action);
  90:     if (!local) {
  91:     if ((action == 'c') || (cflg != 0))
  92:         fatal("-l and -b required");
  93:     }
  94:     if (*cmarg2 != 0) {
  95:     if ((action != 's') && (action != 'r') &&
  96:         (action != 'v'))
  97:         fatal("-a without -s, -r, or -g");
  98:     }
  99:     if ((action == 'v') && (stdouf) && (!local)) {
 100:         if (isatty(1))
 101:         fatal("unredirected -k can only be used in local mode");
 102:     }
 103:     if ((action == 's') || (action == 'v') ||
 104:         (action == 'r') || (action == 'x')) {
 105:     if (local) displa = 1;
 106:     if (stdouf) { displa = 0; quiet = 1; }
 107:     }
 109:     if (quiet) displa = 0;      /* No display if quiet requested */
 110:     return(action);         /* Then do any requested protocol */
 111: }
 113: /*  D O A R G  --  Do a command-line argument.  */
 115: int
 116: #ifdef CK_ANSIC
 117: doarg(char x)
 118: #else
 119: doarg(x) char x;
 120: #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
 121: /* doarg */ {
 122:     int i, y, z; long zz; char *xp;
 124:     xp = *xargv+1;          /* Pointer for bundled args */
 125:     while (x) {
 126:     switch (x) {
 128: #ifndef NOSPL
 129: case 'C':               /* Commands for parser */
 130:     xargv++, xargc--;
 131:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 132:       fatal("No commands given for -C");
 133:     clcmds = *xargv;            /* Get the argument (must be quoted) */
 134:     break;
 135: #endif /* NOSPL */
 137: #ifndef NOICP
 138: case 'S':               /* "Stay" - enter interactive */
 139:     stayflg = 1;            /* command parser after executing */
 140:     break;              /* command-line actions. */
 141: #endif /* NOICP */
 143: #ifndef NOSERVER
 144: case 'x':               /* server */
 145:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 146:     action = 'x';
 147:     break;
 148: #endif /* NOSERVER */
 150: case 'f':               /* finish */
 151:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 152:     action = setgen('F',"","","");
 153:     break;
 155: case 'r':               /* receive */
 156:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 157:     action = 'v';
 158:     break;
 160: case 'k':               /* receive to stdout */
 161:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 162:     stdouf = 1;
 163:     action = 'v';
 164:     break;
 166: case 's':               /* send */
 167:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 168:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -s");
 169:     nfils = z = 0;          /* Initialize file counter, flag */
 170:     cmlist = xargv+1;           /* Remember this pointer */
 171:     while (--xargc > 0) {       /* Traverse the list */
 172:     xargv++;
 173:     if (**xargv == '-') {       /* Check for sending stdin */
 174:         if (strcmp(*xargv,"-") != 0) /* Watch out for next option. */
 175:           break;
 176:         z++;            /* "-" alone means send from stdin. */
 177:         } else if (zchki(*xargv) > -1   /* Check if file exists */
 178: #ifndef UNIX
 179:            /* or contains wildcard characters matching real files */
 180:            || (iswild(*xargv) && zxpand(*xargv) > 0)
 181: #endif /* UNIX */
 182:            ) {
 183:         nfils++;            /* Bump file counter */
 184:     }
 185:     }
 186:     xargc++, xargv--;           /* Adjust argv/argc */
 187:     if (nfils < 1 && z == 0)
 188: #ifdef VMS
 189:       fatal("%CKERMIT-E-SEARCHFAIL, no files for -s");
 190: #else
 191:       fatal("No files for -s");
 192: #endif /* VMS */
 193:     if (z > 1) fatal("-s: too many -'s");
 194:     if (z == 1 && nfils > 0)
 195:       fatal("invalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -s");
 196:     if (nfils == 0) {
 197:     if (isatty(0)) fatal("sending from terminal not allowed");
 198:     else stdinf = 1;
 199:     }
 201: #ifdef COMMENT
 202:     /* If only one filespec was given, indicate "internal list" rather than */
 203:     /* "expanded list", so in case it includes wildcards, C-Kermit can */
 204:     /* expand them itself. */
 205:     if (nfils == 1) {
 206:     cmarg = *cmlist;
 207:     nfils = -1;
 208:     }
 209: #endif /* COMMENT */
 211:     debug(F101,*xargv,"",nfils);
 212:     action = 's';
 213: #ifdef UNIX
 214: /* When set, this flag tells Kermit not to expand wildcard characters. */
 215: /* In UNIX, the shell has already expanded them.  In VMS, OS/2, etc, */
 216: /* Kermit must expand them.  Kermit must not expand them in UNIX because */
 217: /* a filename might itself contain metacharacters.  Imagine, for example, */
 218: /* what would happen if a directory contained a file named "*". */
 219:     clfils = 1;             /* Flag for command-line files */
 220: #endif /* UNIX */
 221:     break;
 223: case 'g':               /* get */
 224:     if (action) fatal("conflicting actions");
 225:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -g");
 226:     xargv++, xargc--;
 227:     if ((xargc == 0) || (**xargv == '-'))
 228:         fatal("missing filename for -g");
 229:     cmarg = *xargv;
 230:     action = 'r';
 231:     break;
 233: case 'c':               /* connect before */
 234:     cflg = 1;
 235:     break;
 237: case 'n':               /* connect after */
 238:     cnflg = 1;
 239:     break;
 241: case 'h':               /* help */
 242:     usage();
 243: #ifndef NOICP
 244:     if (stayflg)
 245:       break;
 246:     else
 247: #endif /* NOICP */
 248:       doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1);
 250: case 'a':               /* "as" */
 251:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -a");
 252:     xargv++, xargc--;
 253:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 254:         fatal("missing name in -a");
 255:     cmarg2 = *xargv;
 256:     break;
 258: #ifndef NOICP
 259: case 'Y':               /* No initialization file */
 260:     noinit = 1;
 261:     break;
 263: case 'y':               /* Alternate init-file name */
 264:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -y");
 265:     xargv++, xargc--;
 266:     if (xargc < 1) fatal("missing name in -y");
 267:     /* strcpy(kermrc,*xargv); ...this was already done in prescan()... */
 268:     break;
 269: #endif /* NOICP */
 271: case 'l':               /* set line */
 272: #ifdef NETCONN
 273: case 'X':               /* set host to X.25 address */
 274: case 'Z':               /* set host to X.25 file descriptor */
 275: case 'j':               /* set host (TCP/IP socket) */
 276: #endif /* NETCONN */
 277:     network = 0;
 278:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -l or -j");
 279:     xargv++, xargc--;
 280:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 281:         fatal("communication line device name missing");
 282:     strcpy(ttname,*xargv);
 283:     local = (strcmp(ttname,CTTNAM) != 0);
 284:     if (x == 'l') {
 285:     if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0)
 286:       fatal("can't open device");
 287:     debug(F101,"cmdlin speed","",speed);
 288: #ifdef COMMENT
 289: /* What can it hurt? */
 290:     if (speed < 0L)         /* If speed hasn't been set yet, */
 291: #endif /* COMMENT */
 292:       speed = ttgspd();     /* get it. */
 293: #ifdef NETCONN
 294:     } else {
 295:     if (x == 'j') {         /* IP network host name */
 296:         mdmtyp = -nettype;          /* perhaps alread set in init file */
 297:         telnetfd = 1;       /* Or maybe an open file descriptor */
 298: #ifdef SUNX25
 299:     } else if (x == 'X') {      /* X.25 address */
 300:         mdmtyp = 0 - NET_SX25;
 301:     } else if (x == 'Z') {      /* Open X.25 file descriptor */
 302:         mdmtyp = 0 - NET_SX25;
 303:         x25fd = 1;
 304: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 305:     }
 306:     if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp,0) < 0)
 307:       fatal("can't open host connection");
 308:     network = 1;
 309: #endif /* NETCONN */
 310:     }
 311:     /* add more here later - decnet, etc... */
 312:     break;
 314: #ifdef SUNX25
 315: case 'U':                               /* X.25 call user data */
 316:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling");
 317:     xargv++, xargc--;
 318:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 319:         fatal("missing call user data string");
 320:     strcpy(udata,*xargv);
 321:     if ((int)strlen(udata) <= MAXCUDATA) cudata = 1;
 322:     else fatal("Invalid call user data");
 323:     break;
 325: case 'o':                               /* X.25 closed user group */
 326:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling");
 327:     xargv++, xargc--;
 328:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 329:         fatal("missing closed user group index");
 330:     z = atoi(*xargv);           /* Convert to number */
 331:     if (z >= 0 && z <= 99) closgr = z;
 332:     else fatal("Invalid closed user group index");
 333:     break;
 335: case 'u':                               /* X.25 reverse charge call */
 336:     revcall = 1;
 337:     break;
 338: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 340: case 'b':                       /* set bits-per-second for serial */
 341:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling"); /* communication device */
 342:     xargv++, xargc--;
 343:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 344:         fatal("missing baud");
 345:     zz = atol(*xargv);          /* Convert to long int */
 346:     i = zz / 10L;
 347:     if (ttsspd(i) > -1)         /* Check and set it */
 348:       speed = zz;
 349:     else
 350:       fatal("unsupported transmission rate");
 351:     break;
 353: #ifndef NODIAL
 354: case 'm':               /* Modem type */
 355:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -m");
 356:     xargv++, xargc--;
 357:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 358:         fatal("modem type missing");
 359:     y = lookup(mdmtab,*xargv,nmdm,&z);
 360:     if (y < 0)
 361:       fatal("unknown modem type");
 362:     mdmtyp = y;
 363:     break;
 364: #endif
 366: case 'e':               /* Extended packet length */
 367:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -e");
 368:     xargv++, xargc--;
 369:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 370:         fatal("missing length");
 371:     z = atoi(*xargv);           /* Convert to number */
 372:     if (z > 10 && z <= maxrps) {
 373:         rpsiz = urpsiz = z;
 374:     if (z > 94) rpsiz = 94;     /* Fallback if other Kermit can't */
 375:     } else fatal("Unsupported packet length");
 376:     break;
 378: case 'v':               /* Vindow size */
 379:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling");
 380:     xargv++, xargc--;
 381:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 382:         fatal("missing or bad window size");
 383:     z = atoi(*xargv);           /* Convert to number */
 384:     if (z < 32) {           /* If in range */
 385:     wslotr = z;         /* set it */
 386:     if (z > 1) swcapr = 1;      /* Set capas bit if windowing */
 387:     } else fatal("Unsupported packet length");
 388:     break;
 390: case 'i':               /* Treat files as binary */
 391:     binary = 1;
 392:     break;
 394: case 'w':               /* Writeover */
 395:     warn = 0;
 396:     fncact = XYFX_X;
 397:     break;
 399: case 'q':               /* Quiet */
 400:     quiet = 1;
 401:     break;
 403: #ifdef DEBUG
 404: case 'd':               /* debug */
 405: /** debopn("debug.log"); *** already did this in prescan() **/
 406:     break;
 407: #endif /* DEBUG */
 409: case 'p':               /* set parity */
 410:     if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling");
 411:     xargv++, xargc--;
 412:     if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-'))
 413:         fatal("missing parity");
 414:     switch(x = **xargv) {
 415:     case 'e':
 416:     case 'o':
 417:     case 'm':
 418:     case 's': parity = x; break;
 419:     case 'n': parity = 0; break;
 420:     default:  fatal("invalid parity");
 421:         }
 422:     break;
 424: case 't':
 425:     turn = 1;               /* Line turnaround handshake */
 426:     turnch = XON;           /* XON is turnaround character */
 427:     duplex = 1;             /* Half duplex */
 428:     flow = 0;               /* No flow control */
 429:     break;
 431: case 'z':               /* Not background */
 432:     bgset = 0;
 433:     break;
 435: default:
 436:     fatal("invalid argument, type 'kermit -h' for help");
 437:         }
 439:     x = *++xp;              /* See if options are bundled */
 440:     }
 441:     return(0);
 442: }
 443: #else /* No command-line interface... */
 445: extern int xargc;
 446: int
 447: cmdlin() {
 448:     if (xargc > 1) printf("Sorry, command-line options disabled.\n");
 449:     return(0);
 450: }
 451: #endif /* NOCMDL */

Defined functions

cmdlin defined in line 446; used 1 times
doarg defined in line 115; used 1 times
  • in line 83
Last modified: 1992-11-24
Generated: 2016-12-26
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