1: /* $Header: last.c,v 4.3 85/05/01 11:42:16 lwall Exp $
2: *
3: * $Log: last.c,v $
4: * Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:42:16 lwall
5: * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd.
6: *
7: */
9: #include "EXTERN.h"
10: #include "common.h"
11: #include "rn.h"
12: #include "util.h"
13: #include "intrp.h"
14: #include "INTERN.h"
15: #include "last.h"
17: char *lastname = Nullch; /* path name of .rnlast file */
19: void
20: last_init(tcbuf)
21: char *tcbuf;
22: {
23: lastname = savestr(filexp(LASTNAME));
24: if ((tmpfp = fopen(lastname,"r")) != Nullfp) {
25: fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp);
26: tcbuf[strlen(tcbuf)-1] = '\0';
27: lastngname = savestr(tcbuf);
28: fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp);
29: lasttime = atol(tcbuf);
30: fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp);
31: lastactsiz = atol(tcbuf);
32: fclose(tmpfp);
33: }
34: else {
35: lastngname = nullstr;
36: lasttime = 0;
37: lastactsiz = 0;
38: }
39: }
41: /* put out certain values for next run of rn */
43: void
44: writelast()
45: {
46: if ((tmpfp = fopen(lastname,"w")) != Nullfp) {
47: fprintf(tmpfp,"%s\n%ld\n%ld\n",
48: (ngname==Nullch?nullstr:ngname),(long)lasttime,(long)lastactsiz);
49: fclose(tmpfp);
50: }
51: else
52: printf(cantcreate,lastname) FLUSH;
53: }
Defined functions
Defined variables