1: /*
2: * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
3: * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4: * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5: *
6: * @(#)trap.h 1.1 (2.10BSD Berkeley) 12/1/86
7: */
9: /*
10: * Trap type values
11: */
12: #define T_BUSFLT 000 /* bus error */
13: #define T_INSTRAP 001 /* illegal instruction */
14: #define T_BPTTRAP 002 /* bpt/trace trap */
15: #define T_IOTTRAP 003 /* iot trap */
16: #define T_POWRFAIL 004 /* power failure */
17: #define T_EMTTRAP 005 /* emt trap */
18: #define T_SYSCALL 006 /* system call */
19: #define T_PIRQ 007 /* program interrupt request */
20: #define T_ARITHTRAP 010 /* floating point trap */
21: #define T_SEGFLT 011 /* segmentation fault */
22: #define T_PARITYFLT 012 /* parity fault */
23: #define T_SWITCHTRAP 014 /* process switch */
24: /*
25: * T_RANDOMTRAP is used by autoconfig/do_config.c when it substitutes
26: * the trap routine for the standard device interrupt routines when
27: * probing a device in case the device probe routine causes an interrupt.
28: * Ignored in trap.c
29: */
30: #define T_RANDOMTRAP 016 /* random trap */
31: #define T_ZEROTRAP 017 /* trap to zero */
33: /*
34: * User mode flag added to trap code passed to trap routines
35: * if trap is from user space.
36: */
37: #define USER 020
38: #define SUPV 040
Defined macros
defined in line
38; used 2 times
defined in line
37; used 3 times
Usage of this include