1: /*
2: * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
3: * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4: * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5: *
6: * @(#)if_dereg.h 7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
7: */
9: /*
10: * DEC DEUNA interface
11: */
12: struct dedevice {
13: union {
14: short p0_w;
15: char p0_b[2];
16: } u_p0;
17: #define pcsr0 u_p0.p0_w
18: #define pclow u_p0.p0_b[0]
19: #define pchigh u_p0.p0_b[1]
20: short pcsr1;
21: short pcsr2;
22: short pcsr3;
23: };
25: /*
26: * PCSR 0 bit descriptions
27: */
28: #define PCSR0_SERI 0x8000 /* Status error interrupt */
29: #define PCSR0_PCEI 0x4000 /* Port command error interrupt */
30: #define PCSR0_RXI 0x2000 /* Receive done interrupt */
31: #define PCSR0_TXI 0x1000 /* Transmit done interrupt */
32: #define PCSR0_DNI 0x0800 /* Done interrupt */
33: #define PCSR0_RCBI 0x0400 /* Receive buffer unavail intrpt */
34: #define PCSR0_FATI 0x0100 /* Fatal error interrupt */
35: #define PCSR0_INTR 0x0080 /* Interrupt summary */
36: #define PCSR0_INTE 0x0040 /* Interrupt enable */
37: #define PCSR0_RSET 0x0020 /* DEUNA reset */
38: #define PCSR0_CMASK 0x000f /* command mask */
40: #define PCSR0_BITS "\20\20SERI\17PCEI\16RXI\15TXI\14DNI\13RCBI\11FATI\10INTR\7INTE\6RSET"
42: /* bits 0-3 are for the PORT_COMMAND */
43: #define CMD_NOOP 0x0
44: #define CMD_GETPCBB 0x1 /* Get PCB Block */
45: #define CMD_GETCMD 0x2 /* Execute command in PCB */
46: #define CMD_STEST 0x3 /* Self test mode */
47: #define CMD_START 0x4 /* Reset xmit and receive ring ptrs */
48: #define CMD_BOOT 0x5 /* Boot DEUNA */
49: #define CMD_PDMD 0x8 /* Polling demand */
50: #define CMD_TMRO 0x9 /* Sanity timer on */
51: #define CMD_TMRF 0xa /* Sanity timer off */
52: #define CMD_RSTT 0xb /* Reset sanity timer */
53: #define CMD_STOP 0xf /* Suspend operation */
55: /*
56: * PCSR 1 bit descriptions
57: */
58: #define PCSR1_XPWR 0x8000 /* Transceiver power BAD */
59: #define PCSR1_ICAB 0x4000 /* Interconnect cabling BAD */
60: #define PCSR1_STCODE 0x3f00 /* Self test error code */
61: #define PCSR1_PCTO 0x0080 /* Port command timed out */
62: #define PCSR1_ILLINT 0x0040 /* Illegal interrupt */
63: #define PCSR1_TIMEOUT 0x0020 /* Timeout */
64: #define PCSR1_POWER 0x0010 /* Power fail */
65: #define PCSR1_RMTC 0x0008 /* Remote console reserved */
66: #define PCSR1_STMASK 0x0007 /* State */
68: /* bit 0-3 are for STATE */
69: #define STAT_RESET 0x0
70: #define STAT_PRIMLD 0x1 /* Primary load */
71: #define STAT_READY 0x2
72: #define STAT_RUN 0x3
73: #define STAT_UHALT 0x5 /* UNIBUS halted */
74: #define STAT_NIHALT 0x6 /* NI halted */
75: #define STAT_NIUHALT 0x7 /* NI and UNIBUS Halted */
79: /*
80: * Port Control Block Base
81: */
82: struct de_pcbb {
83: short pcbb0; /* function */
84: short pcbb2; /* command specific */
85: short pcbb4;
86: short pcbb6;
87: };
89: /* PCBB function codes */
90: #define FC_NOOP 0x00 /* NO-OP */
91: #define FC_LSUADDR 0x01 /* Load and start microaddress */
92: #define FC_RDDEFAULT 0x02 /* Read default physical address */
93: #define FC_RDPHYAD 0x04 /* Read physical address */
94: #define FC_WTPHYAD 0x05 /* Write physical address */
95: #define FC_RDMULTI 0x06 /* Read multicast address list */
96: #define FC_WTMULTI 0x07 /* Read multicast address list */
97: #define FC_RDRING 0x08 /* Read ring format */
98: #define FC_WTRING 0x09 /* Write ring format */
99: #define FC_RDCNTS 0x0a /* Read counters */
100: #define FC_RCCNTS 0x0b /* Read and clear counters */
101: #define FC_RDMODE 0x0c /* Read mode */
102: #define FC_WTMODE 0x0d /* Write mode */
103: #define FC_RDSTATUS 0x0e /* Read port status */
104: #define FC_RCSTATUS 0x0f /* Read and clear port status */
105: #define FC_DUMPMEM 0x10 /* Dump internal memory */
106: #define FC_LOADMEM 0x11 /* Load internal memory */
107: #define FC_RDSYSID 0x12 /* Read system ID parameters */
108: #define FC_WTSYSID 0x13 /* Write system ID parameters */
109: #define FC_RDSERAD 0x14 /* Read load server address */
110: #define FC_WTSERAD 0x15 /* Write load server address */
112: /*
113: * Unibus Data Block Base (UDBB) for ring buffers
114: */
115: struct de_udbbuf {
116: short b_tdrbl; /* Transmit desc ring base low 16 bits */
117: char b_tdrbh; /* Transmit desc ring base high 2 bits */
118: char b_telen; /* Length of each transmit entry */
119: short b_trlen; /* Number of entries in the XMIT desc ring */
120: short b_rdrbl; /* Receive desc ring base low 16 bits */
121: char b_rdrbh; /* Receive desc ring base high 2 bits */
122: char b_relen; /* Length of each receive entry */
123: short b_rrlen; /* Number of entries in the RECV desc ring */
124: };
126: /*
127: * Transmit/Receive Ring Entry
128: */
129: struct de_ring {
130: short r_slen; /* Segment length */
131: short r_segbl; /* Segment address (low 16 bits) */
132: char r_segbh; /* Segment address (hi 2 bits) */
133: u_char r_flags; /* Status flags */
134: u_short r_tdrerr; /* Errors */
135: #define r_lenerr r_tdrerr
136: short r_rid; /* Request ID */
137: };
139: #define XFLG_OWN 0x80 /* If 0 then owned by driver */
140: #define XFLG_ERRS 0x40 /* Error summary */
141: #define XFLG_MTCH 0x20 /* Address match on xmit request */
142: #define XFLG_MORE 0x10 /* More than one entry required */
143: #define XFLG_ONE 0x08 /* One collision encountered */
144: #define XFLG_DEF 0x04 /* Transmit deferred */
145: #define XFLG_STP 0x02 /* Start of packet */
146: #define XFLG_ENP 0x01 /* End of packet */
148: #define XFLG_BITS "\10\10OWN\7ERRS\6MTCH\5MORE\4ONE\3DEF\2STP\1ENP"
150: #define XERR_BUFL 0x8000 /* Buffer length error */
151: #define XERR_UBTO 0x4000 /* UNIBUS tiemout
152: #define XERR_LCOL 0x1000 /* Late collision */
153: #define XERR_LCAR 0x0800 /* Loss of carrier */
154: #define XERR_RTRY 0x0400 /* Failed after 16 retries */
155: #define XERR_TDR 0x03ff /* TDR value */
157: #define XERR_BITS "\20\20BUFL\17UBTO\15LCOL\14LCAR\13RTRY"
159: #define RFLG_OWN 0x80 /* If 0 then owned by driver */
160: #define RFLG_ERRS 0x40 /* Error summary */
161: #define RFLG_FRAM 0x20 /* Framing error */
162: #define RFLG_OFLO 0x10 /* Message overflow */
163: #define RFLG_CRC 0x08 /* CRC error */
164: #define RFLG_STP 0x02 /* Start of packet */
165: #define RFLG_ENP 0x01 /* End of packet */
167: #define RFLG_BITS "\10\10OWN\7ERRS\6FRAM\5OFLO\4CRC\2STP\1ENP"
169: #define RERR_BUFL 0x8000 /* Buffer length error */
170: #define RERR_UBTO 0x4000 /* UNIBUS tiemout */
171: #define RERR_NCHN 0x2000 /* No data chaining */
172: #define RERR_MLEN 0x0fff /* Message length */
174: #define RERR_BITS "\20\20BUFL\17UBTO\16NCHN"
176: /* mode description bits */
177: #define MOD_HDX 0x0001 /* Half duplex mode */
178: #define MOD_LOOP 0x0004 /* Enable internal loopback */
179: #define MOD_DTCR 0x0008 /* Disables CRC generation */
180: #define MOD_DMNT 0x0200 /* Disable maintenance features */
181: #define MOD_ECT 0x0400 /* Enable collision test */
182: #define MOD_TPAD 0x1000 /* Transmit message pad enable */
183: #define MOD_DRDC 0x2000 /* Disable data chaining */
184: #define MOD_ENAL 0x4000 /* Enable all multicast */
185: #define MOD_PROM 0x8000 /* Enable promiscuous mode */
187: struct de_buf {
188: struct ether_header db_head; /* header */
189: char db_data[ETHERMTU]; /* packet data */
190: int db_crc; /* CRC - on receive only */
191: };
Defined struct's
Defined macros
defined in line
never used
defined in line
never used