/* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)if_exreg.h 7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86 */ struct exdevice { char xd_porta; /* write on porta resets EXOS */ char xd_pad_a; char xd_portb; /* write on portb interrupts EXOS */ /* read on portb returns status bits */ char xd_pad_b; }; /* EXOS I/O PORT A write definitions */ #define EX_RESET 0 /* value doesn't really matter... */ /* EXOS I/O PORT B write definitions */ #define EX_NTRUPT 0 /* EXOS I/O PORT B read definitions */ #define EX_TESTOK 1 /* set when self-diagnostics passed */ #define EX_UNREADY (1<<3) /* set until EXOS ready to read from B */ /* message buffer status field definitions */ #define MH_OWNER 1 /* mask for status bit for owner */ #define MH_HOST 0 /* if 0, the host owns the buffer */ #define MH_EXOS 1 /* if 1, the EXOS owns the buffer */ /* EXOS Link Level request codes */ #define LLTRANSMIT 0xC /* send a packet */ #define LLRTRANSMIT 0xE /* send a packet, and self-receive */ #define LLRECEIVE 0xD /* receive a packet */ #define LLNET_MODE 0x8 /* read/write mode control objects */ #define LLNET_ADDRS 0x9 /* read/write receive address slots */ #define LLNET_RECV 0xA /* read/alter receive slot enable bit */ #define LLNET_STSTCS 0xB /* read/reset network statistics objects */ /* Link Level return codes common to all requests */ #define LL_OK 0 /* successful completion */ #define LLX_MODE 0xA1 /* EXOS not in link level mode (impossible) */ /* LLTRANSMIT unique return codes */ #define LLXM_1RTRY 0x1 /* successful xmission, 1 retry */ #define LLXM_RTRYS 0x2 /* successful xmission, more than 1 retry */ #define LLXM_NSQE 0x8 /* successful xmission, no SQE TEST signal */ #define LLXM_CLSN 0x10 /* xmission failed, excess retries */ #define LLXM_NCS 0x20 /* xmission failed, no carrier sense */ #define LLXM_LNGTH 0x40 /* xmission failed, bad packet length */ #define XMIT_BITS "\7\7LENGTH\6CARRIER\5XCLSNS\4SQETST" #define LLXM_ERROR (LLXM_NSQE|LLXM_CLSN|LLXM_NCS|LLXM_LNGTH) /* LLRECEIVE unique return codes */ #define LLRC_TRUNC 0x4 /* pkt received, but truncated to fit buffer */ #define LLRC_ALIGN 0x10 /* pkt received, but with alignment error */ #define LLRC_CRC 0x20 /* pkt received, but with CRC error */ #define LLRC_BUFLEN 0x40 /* no pkt received, buffer less than 64 bytes */ /* this should never happen here */ #define RECV_BITS "\7\7BUFLEN\6CRC\5ALIGN\3TRUNC" /* LLNET_ADDRS unique return codes */ #define LLNA_BADSLOT 0xD1 /* slot doesn't exist or can't be accessed */ #define LLNA_BADADDR 0xD3 /* invalid address for designated slot */ /* LLNET_RECV unique return codes */ #define LLNR_BADSLOT 0xD1 /* slot doesn't exist or can't be accessed */ #define LLNR_BADADDR 0xD2 /* designated slot was empty */ /* address slot object indices */ #define NULLSLOT 0 /* the null slot */ #define MINMCSLOT 1 /* minimum multicast slot index */ #define MAXMCSLOT 8 /* default maximum multicast slot index */ #define PHYSSLOT 253 /* physical slot index */ #define UNVRSSLOT 254 /* universal slot index */ #define BROADSLOT 255 /* broadcast slot index */ /* request mask bit definitions */ #define WRITE_OBJ 1 /* write the object */ #define READ_OBJ 2 /* read the object */ #define ENABLE_RCV 4 /* enable reception on designated slot */ /* NET_MODE options mask bit definitions */ #define OPT_ALIGN 0x10 /* receive packets with alignment errors */ #define OPT_CRC 0x20 /* receive packets with CRC errors */ #define OPT_DSABLE 0x80 /* disconnect controller hardware */ /* NET_MODE mode field value definitions */ #define MODE_OFF 0 /* stop transmission and reception */ #define MODE_PERF 1 /* perfect multicast address filtering */ #define MODE_HW 2 /* hardware-only multicast address filtering */ #define MODE_PROM 3 /* promiscuous reception */ #define NFRAGMENTS 1 /* number fragments that the EXOS will scatter/gather */ #define EXMAXRBUF 1520 /* per EXOS 101 manual 5.3.7 (maybe 1518 would do) */ /* * N.B. Structures below are carefully constructed so that * they correspond to the message formats that NX firmware * defines. None of them should contain any compiler-instigated * padding. Be especially careful about VAX C longword alignment! */ struct stat_array { u_long sa_fsent; /* frames sent without errors */ u_long sa_xsclsn; /* frames aborted excess collisions */ u_long sa_nsqe; /* frames subject to heartbeat failure */ u_long sa_undef; /* undefined (TDR on EXOS 101) */ u_long sa_frcvd; /* frames received no errors */ u_long sa_align; /* frames received alignment error */ u_long sa_crc; /* frames received crc error */ u_long sa_flost; /* frames lost */ }; struct buf_blk { /* packet/buffer block descriptor */ u_short bb_len; /* length of block, in bytes */ u_short bb_addr[2]; /* address of block */ /* * Array above is really a single u_long field. * We kludge its definition to defeat word-alignment. * Access would look like: * longaddr = *(u_long *)bp->.mb_er.er_blks[0].bb_addr; */ }; struct net_mode { /* read/write mode control objects */ /*12*/ u_char nm_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char nm_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char nm_mask; /* bit-wise switches for read, write */ /*15*/ u_char nm_optn; /* acceptable packet reception errors */ /*16*/ u_char nm_mode; /* EXOS filtering mode */ /*17*/ }; struct net_addrs { /* read/write receive address slots */ /*12*/ u_char na_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char na_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char na_mask; /* bit-wise switches for read, write */ /*15*/ u_char na_slot; /* index of address slot */ /*16*/ u_char na_addrs[6]; /* address read and/or written */ /*22*/ }; struct net_recv { /* read/alter receive slot enable bit */ /*12*/ u_char nr_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char nr_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char nr_mask; /* bit-wise switches for read, write */ /*15*/ u_char nr_slot; /* index of address slot */ /*16*/ }; struct net_ststcs { /* read/reset network statistics objects */ /*12*/ u_char ns_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char ns_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char ns_mask; /* bit-wise switches for read, write */ /*15*/ u_char ns_rsrv; /* reserved for EXOS */ /*16*/ u_short ns_nobj; /* number of objects to work on */ /*18*/ u_short ns_xobj; /* index of first object to work on */ /*20*/ u_long ns_bufp; /* pointer to statistics buffer */ /*24*/ }; struct enet_xmit { /* send a packet on the Ethernet */ /*12*/ u_char et_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char et_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char et_slot; /* address slot matching dest address */ /*15*/ u_char et_nblock; /* number of blocks composing packet */ /*16*/ struct buf_blk et_blks[NFRAGMENTS]; /* array of block descriptors */ /*22-64*/ }; struct enet_recv { /* receive a packet on the Ethernet */ /*12*/ u_char er_rqst; /* request code */ /*13*/ u_char er_rply; /* reply code */ /*14*/ u_char er_slot; /* address slot matching dest address */ /*15*/ u_char er_nblock; /* number of blocks composing buffer */ /*16*/ struct buf_blk er_blks[NFRAGMENTS]; /* array of block descriptors */ /*22-64*/ }; /* we send requests and receive replys with the EXOS using this structure */ struct ex_msg { /*00*/ u_short mb_link; /* address of next message buffer */ /*02*/ u_char mb_rsrv; /* reserved for use by EXOS */ /*03*/ u_char mb_status; /* used bit-wise for message protocol */ /*04*/ u_short mb_length; /* length, in bytes, of the rest */ /*06*/ short mb_1rsrv; /* reserved for used by EXOS */ /*08*/ long mb_mid; /* available to user */ /*12*/ union mb_all { struct net_mode mb_net_mode; struct net_addrs mb_net_addrs; struct net_recv mb_net_recv; struct net_ststcs mb_net_ststcs; struct enet_xmit mb_enet_xmit; struct enet_recv mb_enet_recv; } mb_all; /* following field is used only by host, not read by board */ struct ex_msg *mb_next; /* host's pointer to next message */ }; #define mb_nm mb_all.mb_net_mode #define mb_na mb_all.mb_net_addrs #define mb_nr mb_all.mb_net_recv #define mb_ns mb_all.mb_net_ststcs #define mb_et mb_all.mb_enet_xmit #define mb_er mb_all.mb_enet_recv #define mb_rqst mb_nm.nm_rqst #define mb_rply mb_nm.nm_rply #define MBDATALEN (sizeof(union mb_all)+6) struct confmsg { /*00*/ u_short cm_1rsrv; /* reserved, must be 1 */ /*02*/ char cm_vc[4]; /* returns ASCII version code */ /*06*/ u_char cm_cc; /* returns config completion code */ /*07*/ u_char cm_opmode; /* specifies operation mode */ /*08*/ u_short cm_dfo; /* specifies host data format option */ /*10*/ u_char cm_dcn1; /* reserved, must be 1 */ /*11*/ u_char cm_2rsrv[2]; /* reserved, must be 0 */ /*13*/ u_char cm_ham; /* specifies host address mode */ /*14*/ u_char cm_3rsrv; /* reserved, must be 0 */ /*15*/ u_char cm_mapsiz; /* reserved, must be 0 */ /*16*/ u_char cm_byteptrn[4]; /* host data format option test pattern */ /*20*/ u_short cm_wordptrn[2]; /*24*/ u_long cm_lwordptrn; /*28*/ u_char cm_rsrvd[20]; /*48*/ u_long cm_mba; /* use 0xFFFFFFFF in link level mode */ /*52*/ u_char cm_nproc; /* use 0xFF in link level mode */ /*53*/ u_char cm_nmbox; /* use 0xFF in link level mode */ /*54*/ u_char cm_nmcast; /* use 0xFF in link level mode */ /*55*/ u_char cm_nhost; /* use 1 in link level mode */ /* the next five parameters define the request message queue */ /*56*/ u_long cm_h2xba; /* base address of message queue */ /*60*/ u_short cm_h2xhdr; /* address offset of msg Q header */ /*62*/ u_char cm_h2xtyp; /* interrupt type */ /*63*/ u_char cm_h2xval; /* interrupt value (not used) */ /*64*/ u_short cm_h2xaddr; /* interrupt vector */ /*66*/ u_short cm_h2xpad; /* pad out unused portion of vector */ /* the next five parameters define the reply message queue */ /*68*/ u_long cm_x2hba; /* base address of message queue */ /*72*/ u_short cm_x2hhdr; /* address offset of msg Q header */ /*74*/ u_char cm_x2htyp; /* interrupt type */ /*75*/ u_char cm_x2hval; /* interrupt value (not used) */ /*76*/ u_short cm_x2haddr; /* interrupt vector */ /*78*/ u_short cm_x2hpad; /* pad out unused portion of vector */ /*80*/ };