1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)pigs.c	5.4 (Berkeley) 12/11/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: /*
  12:  * Pigs display from Bill Reeves at Lucasfilm
  13:  */
  15: #include "systat.h"
  16: #include <sys/dir.h>
  17: #include <sys/time.h>
  18: #include <sys/proc.h>
  19: #include <sys/dk.h>
  20: #include <pwd.h>
  22: WINDOW *
  23: openpigs()
  24: {
  26:     return (subwin(stdscr, LINES-5-1, 0, 5, 0));
  27: }
  29: closepigs(w)
  30:     WINDOW *w;
  31: {
  33:     if (w == NULL)
  34:         return;
  35:     wclear(w);
  36:     wrefresh(w);
  37:     delwin(w);
  38: }
  40: int maxind;
  41: int     factor;
  42: float   total;
  43: struct  passwd *getpwuid();
  44: char    pidname[30];
  45: long    stime[CPUSTATES];
  46: double  idle;
  48: showpigs()
  49: {
  50:         register short auid;
  51:         register int i, j, y;
  52:         register float max;
  53:         register struct p_times *ptptr;
  54:         struct p_times temppt;
  55:         register struct users *knptr;
  56:         char *getpname(), *pnamp;
  58:     if (pt == NULL)
  59:         return;
  60:         /* Accumulate the percent of cpu per user. */
  61:         ptptr = pt;
  62:         numprocs = 0;
  63:         total = 0.0;
  64:         for (i = 0; i < nproc; i++) {
  65:                 /* discard inactive processes */
  66:                 if (ptptr->pt_uid == -1) {
  67:                         ptptr++;
  68:                         continue;
  69:                 }
  70:                 /* Accumulate the percentage. */
  71:                 total += ptptr->pt_pctcpu;
  72:                 numprocs++;
  73:                 ptptr++;
  74:         }
  76:         pt[numprocs].pt_pctcpu = idle;
  77:     total += idle;
  78:         pt[numprocs].pt_uid = -1;
  79:         pt[numprocs].pt_pid = -1;
  80:         pt[numprocs].pt_pp = NULL;
  82:     if (total < 1.0)
  83:         total = 1.0;
  84:         factor = 50.0/total;
  86:         /* Find the top few by executing a "bubble pass" ten times. */
  87:     y = numprocs + 1;
  88:     if (y > wnd->_maxy-1)
  89:         y = wnd->_maxy-1;
  90:         for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
  91:                 ptptr = &pt[i];
  92:                 max = -10000.0;
  93:                 maxind = i;
  94:                 for (j = i; j < numprocs + 1; j++) {
  95:                         if (ptptr->pt_pctcpu > max) {
  96:                                 max = ptptr->pt_pctcpu;
  97:                                 maxind = j;
  98:                         }
  99:                         ptptr++;
 100:                 }
 101:                 if (maxind != i) {
 102:                         temppt = pt[i];
 103:                         pt[i] = pt[maxind];
 104:                         pt[maxind] = temppt;
 105:                 }
 106:         }
 107:         y = 1;
 108:         ptptr = pt;
 109:     i = numprocs + 1;
 110:     if (i > wnd->_maxy-1)
 111:         i = wnd->_maxy-1;
 112:         for (; i > 0 && ptptr->pt_pctcpu > 0.01; i--) {
 113:                 /* Find the user's name. */
 114:                 knptr = known;
 115:                 auid = ptptr->pt_uid;
 116:                 for (j = numknown - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
 117:                         if (knptr->k_uid == auid) {
 118:                                 namp = knptr->k_name;
 119:                                 break;
 120:                         }
 121:                         knptr++;
 122:                 }
 123:                 if (j < 0) {
 124:                         if (numknown < 30) {
 125:                                 knptr = &known[numknown];
 126:                                 namp = strncpy(knptr->k_name,
 127:                                     getpwuid(auid)->pw_name, 15);
 128:                                 knptr->k_name[15] = '\0';
 129:                                 knptr->k_uid = auid;
 130:                                 numknown++;
 131:                         } else
 132:                                 namp = getpwuid(auid)-> pw_name;
 133:                 }
 134:                 pnamp = getpname(ptptr->pt_pid, ptptr->pt_pp);
 135:                 wmove(wnd, y, 0);
 136:                 wclrtoeol(wnd);
 137:                 mvwaddstr(wnd, y, 0, namp);
 138:                 sprintf(pidname, "%10.10s", pnamp);
 139:                 mvwaddstr(wnd, y, 9, pidname);
 140:                 wmove(wnd, y++, 20);
 141:                 for (j = ptptr->pt_pctcpu*factor + 0.5; j > 0; j--)
 142:                         waddch(wnd, 'X');
 143:                 ptptr++;
 144:         }
 145:     wmove(wnd, y, 0); wclrtobot(wnd);
 146: }
 148: static struct nlist nlst[] = {
 149: #define X_PROC          0
 150:         { "_proc" },
 151: #define X_NPROC         1
 152:         { "_nproc" },
 153: #define X_USRPTMAP      2
 154:         { "_Usrptmap" },
 155: #define X_USRPT         3
 156:         { "_usrpt" },
 157: #define X_CPTIME    4
 158:     { "_cp_time" },
 159:         { "" }
 160: };
 162: initpigs()
 163: {
 165:     if (nlst[X_PROC].n_type == 0) {
 166:         nlist("/vmunix", nlst);
 167:         if (nlst[X_PROC].n_type == 0) {
 168:             error("namelist on /vmunix failed");
 169:             return(0);
 170:         }
 171:     }
 172:         if (procp == NULL) {
 173:                 procp = getw(nlst[X_PROC].n_value);
 174:                 nproc = getw(nlst[X_NPROC].n_value);
 175:         }
 176:     if (kprocp == NULL)
 177:                 kprocp = (struct proc *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct proc));
 178:         if (usrpt != NULL)
 179:         return(1);
 180:     usrpt = (struct pte *)nlst[X_USRPT].n_value;
 181:     Usrptma = (struct pte *)nlst[X_USRPTMAP].n_value;
 182:     if (pt == NULL)
 183:         pt = (struct p_times *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct p_times));
 184:     lseek(kmem, (long)nlst[X_CPTIME].n_value, L_SET);
 185:     read(kmem, stime, sizeof stime);
 186:     return(1);
 187: }
 189: fetchpigs()
 190: {
 191:         register int i;
 192:         register struct p_times *prt;
 193:         register float time;
 194:         register struct proc *pp;
 195:     long ctime[CPUSTATES];
 196:     double t;
 198:     if (nlst[X_PROC].n_type == 0)
 199:         return;
 200:     if (kprocp == NULL) {
 201:         kprocp = (struct proc *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct proc));
 202:         if (kprocp == NULL)
 203:             return;
 204:     }
 205:     if (pt == NULL) {
 206:         pt = (struct p_times *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct p_times));
 207:         if (pt == NULL)
 208:             return;
 209:     }
 210:         prt = pt;
 211:         lseek(kmem, procp, L_SET);
 212:         read(kmem, kprocp, sizeof (struct proc) * nproc);
 213:         for (i = 0, pp = kprocp; i < nproc; i++, pp++) {
 214:                 time = pp->p_time;
 215:                 if (time == 0 || (pp->p_flag & SLOAD) == 0)
 216:                         continue;
 217:                 prt->pt_pid = pp->p_pid;
 218:                 prt->pt_pp = pp;
 219:                 prt->pt_pctcpu = pp->p_pctcpu / (1.0 - exp(time * lccpu));
 220:                 prt->pt_uid = pp->p_uid;
 221:                 prt++;
 222:         }
 223:         for (; prt < &pt[nproc]; prt++)
 224:                 prt->pt_uid = -1;
 225:     lseek(kmem, (long)nlst[X_CPTIME].n_value, L_SET);
 226:     read(kmem, ctime, sizeof ctime);
 227:     t = 0;
 228:     for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
 229:         t += ctime[i] - stime[i];
 230:     if (t == 0.0)
 231:         t = 1.0;
 232:     idle = (ctime[CP_IDLE] - stime[CP_IDLE]) / t;
 233:     for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
 234:         stime[i] = ctime[i];
 235: }
 237: labelpigs()
 238: {
 240:     wmove(wnd, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(wnd);
 241:         mvwaddstr(wnd, 0, 20,
 242:                 "/0   /10  /20  /30  /40  /50  /60  /70  /80  /90  /100");
 243: }

Defined functions

closepigs defined in line 29; used 2 times
fetchpigs defined in line 189; used 2 times
initpigs defined in line 162; used 2 times
labelpigs defined in line 237; used 2 times
openpigs defined in line 22; used 2 times
showpigs defined in line 48; used 2 times

Defined variables

factor defined in line 41; used 2 times
idle defined in line 46; used 3 times
maxind defined in line 40; used 5 times
nlst defined in line 148; used 10 times
pidname defined in line 44; used 2 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
stime defined in line 45; used 5 times
total defined in line 42; used 6 times

Defined macros

X_CPTIME defined in line 157; used 2 times
X_NPROC defined in line 151; used 1 times
X_PROC defined in line 149; used 4 times
X_USRPT defined in line 155; used 1 times
X_USRPTMAP defined in line 153; used 1 times
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