
	To run sendmail with the name server you must:

	1) rebuild sendmail with the -lresolv
	2) rewrite the configuration files

	The -lresolv selects the gethostby* calls that
utilize the name server and resolver.  The module that
uses the gethostby* calls is daemon.c.  An example
Makefile is src/Makefile.ns.
	The directory nscf contains example configuration
files for interfacing with the name server.  A new right
hand side syntax has been added - $[ and $].  Anything
enclosed between the two is passed to maphostname in
daemon.c to be resolved by the name server via the
gethostbyname().  For example the ruleset:

R$+<@$-.ARPA>	$@$1<@$[$2.ARPA$]>

when passed user@host.ARPA will pass host.ARPA to the
name server for qualification.  This might return if this were host@ARPA's fully
qualified name.  For additional information about the
name server and resolver see the man pages.