1: /
   2: /  test trace flag routine.
   3: /
   4: /  this is a highly tooled routine for efficiency reasons.
   5: /  The equivalent C code is:
   6: /	tTf(m, n)
   7: /	{
   8: /		extern char	tTany;
   9: /		extern int	tT[];
  10: /
  11: /		if (n < 0)
  12: /			return (tT[m]);
  13: /		else
  14: /			return ((tT[m] >> n) & 01);
  15: /	}
  16: /
  17: /	Call:
  18: /		if (tTf(m, n)) ...
  19: /		Tests bit n of trace flag m (or any bit of m if n
  20: /			< 0)
  21: /
  22: /	History:
  23: /		12/13/78 (eric) -- written from C
  24: /
  26: .globl  _tTf
  27: .globl  _tTany
  28: .globl  _tT
  30: _tTf:
  31:         movb    _tTany,r0       / test for any flags on
  32:         beq     1f              / no, exit
  33:         mov     2(sp),r0        / yes, get specific flag
  34:         asl     r0
  35:         mov     _tT(r0),r0
  36:         mov     4(sp),r1        / what bit?
  37:         blt     1f              / any: just return
  38:         neg     r1              / move to low-order bit
  39:         ash     r1,r0
  40:         bic     $177776,r0      / clear all others
  41: 1:
  42:         rts     pc

Defined functions

_tTf declared in line 26; defined in line 30; used 397 times
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