1: # include   "../ingres.h"
   2: # include   "../aux.h"
   3: # include   "../symbol.h"
   4: # include   "../tree.h"
   5: # include   "../pipes.h"
   6: # include   "ovqp.h"
   7: # include   "strategy.h"
  10: exactkey(ap, key)
  11: struct accessparam  *ap;
  12: struct  key     *key;
  14: /*
  15: **	Exactkey checks to see if the relation described
  16: **	by "ap" can be used in a hashed scan.
  17: **	All the key domains of the relation must
  18: **	have simple clauses of equality associated
  19: **	with them in the qualification.
  20: **
  21: **	Returns 0 if the relation can't be used.
  22: **
  23: **	Returns > 0 if it can.
  24: */
  25: {
  26:     register struct accessparam *a;
  27:     register struct key     *k;
  28:     register struct simp        *s;
  29:     int             d, i, j;
  31: #	ifdef xOTR1
  32:     if (tTf(25, -1))
  33:         printf("Exactkey\n");
  34: #	endif
  36:     a = ap;
  37:     k = key;
  38:     i = 0;
  39:     if (a->mode == EXACTKEY)
  40:     {
  42:         for (i = 0; d = a->keydno[i]; i++)
  43:         {
  45:             s = Simp;
  46:             for (j = 0; j < Nsimp; j++)
  47:             {
  48:                 if (s->relop == opEQ && s->att == d)
  49:                 {
  50:                     k->keysym = s->const;
  51:                     k->dnumber = (a->sec_index == TRUE) ? i+1 : d;
  52:                     k++;
  53: #					ifdef xOTR1
  54:                     if (tTf(25, 1))
  55:                     {
  56:                         printf("exact key on dom %d\tvalue=", d);
  57:                         prsym(s->const);
  58:                     }
  59: #					endif
  60:                     break;
  61:                 }
  62:                 s++;
  63:             }
  64:             if (j == Nsimp)
  65:             {
  66:                 i = 0;  /* failure. at lease one key isn't used */
  67:                 break;
  68:             }
  69:         }
  70:         k->dnumber = 0; /* mark end of list */
  71:     }
  72: #	ifdef xOTR1
  73:     if (tTf(25, 9))
  74:         printf("exactkey returning %d\n", i);
  75: #	endif
  76:     return (i);
  77: }
  80: rangekey(ap, l, h)
  81: struct accessparam  *ap;
  82: struct key      *l;
  83: struct key      *h;
  85: /*
  86: **	Range key checks if the relation described by
  87: **	"ap" is ISAM and there are simple clauses
  88: **	on the first key and any additional keys.
  89: **
  90: **	Rangekey accumulates both high and low keys,
  91: **	which are not necessary the same. If it
  92: **	every finds a high or a low key on the first
  93: **	domain of the relation then success=TRUE.
  94: **
  95: **	Returns  1 if Rangekey ok
  96: **		 0 if Rangekey is not ok
  97: **		-1 if Rangekey ok and all clauses are equality clauses
  98: */
  99: {
 100:     register struct key *low, *high;
 101:     register struct simp    *s;
 102:     struct accessparam  *a;
 103:     int         sec_indx, d, i;
 104:     int         rel, success, ns, lowkey, allexact;
 106: #	ifdef xOTR1
 107:     if (tTf(25, 5))
 108:         printf("Rangekey\n");
 109: #	endif
 111:     a = ap;
 112:     sec_indx  = a->sec_index == TRUE;
 113:     low = l;
 114:     high = h;
 115:     allexact = -1;  /* assume all clauses equality clauses */
 116:     s = Simp;
 117:     success = FALSE;
 118:     if (a->mode == LRANGEKEY)
 119:     {
 121:         for (ns = 0; ns < Nsimp; ns++)
 122:         {
 123:             rel = s->relop;
 124:             for (i = 0; d = a->keydno[i]; i++)
 125:             {
 126:                 if (d == s->att)
 127:                 {
 128:                     /* this is either a high range value or low range value */
 129:                     lowkey = (rel == opGTGE);
 130:                     if (lowkey || rel == opEQ)
 131:                     {
 132:                         /* low range key */
 133: #						ifdef xOTR1
 134:                         if (tTf(25, 6))
 135:                             printf("low key on dom %d\t", d);
 136: #						endif
 137:                         low->keysym = s->const;
 138:                         low->dnumber = sec_indx ? i+1 : d;
 139:                         low++;
 140:                     }
 141:                     if (!lowkey || rel == opEQ)
 142:                     {
 143:                         /* high range key */
 144: #						ifdef xOTR1
 145:                         if  (tTf(25, 6))
 146:                             printf("high key on dom %d\t", d);
 147: #						endif
 148:                         high->keysym = s->const;
 149:                         high->dnumber = sec_indx ? i+1 : d;
 150:                         high++;
 151:                     }
 152: #					ifdef xOTR1
 153:                     if (tTf(25, 6))
 154:                         prsym(s->const);
 155: #					endif
 156:                     if (i == 0)
 157:                         success = TRUE;
 158:                     if (rel != opEQ)
 159:                         allexact = 1;   /* at least one inequality */
 160:                     break;
 161:                 }
 162:             }
 163:             s++;    /* try next simple clause */
 164:         }
 165:     }
 167:     high->dnumber = 0;  /* mark end of list */
 168:     low->dnumber = 0;   /* mask end of list */
 170:     /* if success then return whether all clauses were equality */
 171:     if (success)
 172:         success = allexact;
 174: #	ifdef xOTR1
 175:     if (tTf(25, 5))
 176:         printf("rangekey returning %d\n", success);
 177: #	endif
 178:     return (success);
 179: }
 182: setallkey(relkey, keytuple)
 183: struct key  *relkey;
 184: char        *keytuple;
 186: /*
 187: **	Setallkey takes a key struct, decodes it and
 188: **	calls setkey with each value.
 189: **
 190: **	Called from strategy().
 191: **
 192: **	returns 0 if ok.
 193: **	returns -1 in the special case of a deblanked hashkey
 194: **	being bigger than the corresponding domain.
 195: */
 196: {
 197:     register struct key     *k;
 198:     register struct stacksym    *sk;
 199:     register int            dnum;
 200:     struct symbol           **s;
 201:     char                *p, temp[256];
 202:     int             l;
 204:     clearkeys(Scanr);
 205:     k = relkey;
 206:     while (dnum = k->dnumber)
 207:     {
 208:         s = &k->keysym;
 209:         sk = Stack;
 210:         getsymbol(sk, &s);  /* copy symbol to stack. caution:getsym changes the value of s. */
 211:         rcvt(sk, Scanr->relfrmt[dnum], Scanr->relfrml[dnum]);   /* convert key to correct type */
 212:         p = (char *) sk->value;
 214:         if (sk->type == CHAR)
 215:         {
 216:             /*
 217: 			** The length of a character key must
 218: 			** be made equal to the domain length.
 219: 			** The key is copied to a temp place
 220: 			** and a null byte is inserted at the
 221: 			** end. In addition, if the key without
 222: 			** blanks is longer than the domain and
 223: 			** this is an exactkey, then the query
 224: 			** is false.
 225: 			*/
 226:             p = temp;
 227:             l = cmove(sk, p);   /* copy symbol to temp removing blanks & nulls */
 228: #			ifdef xOTR1
 229:             if (tTf(26, 9))
 230:                 printf("length is %d\n", l);
 231: #			endif
 232:             if (Fmode == EXACTKEY && l > (Scanr->relfrml[dnum] & 0377))
 233:                 /* key too large. qualification is false */
 234:                 return (-1);
 235:         }
 236:         setkey(Scanr, keytuple, p, dnum);   /* set the key */
 237:         k++;
 238:     }
 239: #	ifdef xOTR1
 240:     if (tTf(26, 8))
 241:         printup(Scanr, keytuple);
 242: #	endif
 243:     return (0);
 244: }
 247: cmove(sym, dest)
 248: struct stacksym *sym;
 249: char        *dest;
 251: /*
 252: **	Cmove copies a char symbol into "dest".
 253: **	It stops when the length is reached or
 254: **	when a null byte is found.
 255: **
 256: **	returns the number of non-blank chars
 257: **	in the string.
 258: */
 259: {
 260:     register char   *d, *s;
 261:     register int    l;
 262:     int     blank;
 264:     s = cpderef(sym->value);    /* s points to the char string */
 265:     d = dest;
 266:     blank = 0;
 268:     for (l = (sym->len & 0377); l--; s++)
 269:     {
 270:         *d++ = *s;
 271:         if (*s == ' ')
 272:             blank++;
 273:         if (*s == '\0')
 274:         {
 275:             d--;
 276:             break;
 277:         }
 278:     }
 280:     *d = '\0';
 281:     return ((d - dest) - blank);    /* return length of string */
 282: }
 284: indexcheck()
 286: /*
 287: **	Indexcheck is called by scan() to check whether
 288: **	a secondary index tuple satisfies the simple
 289: **	clauses under which it was scanned.
 290: **
 291: **	Returns 1 if the tuple is ok,
 292: **		0 otherwise.
 293: */
 294: {
 295:     register int    i;
 297:     if (Fmode == EXACTKEY)
 298:         i = keycheck(&Lkey_struct, Keyl, 0);    /* check for equality */
 299:     else
 300:     {
 301:         i = keycheck(&Lkey_struct, Keyl, 1);    /* check for >= */
 302:         /* If the lowkey passed, check the highkey also */
 303:         if (i)
 304:             i = keycheck(&Hkey_struct, Keyh, -1);   /* check for <= */
 305:     }
 306: #	ifdef xOTR1
 307:     if (tTf(26, 10))
 308:         printf("indexcheck ret %d\n", i);
 309: #	endif
 310:     return (i);
 311: }
 313: keycheck(keys, keytuple, mode)
 314: struct key  *keys;
 315: char        *keytuple;
 316: int     mode;
 318: /*
 319: **	Keycheck compares Intup with keytuple
 320: **	according to the domains specified in the
 321: **	"keys" struct.
 322: **
 323: **	mode is either >0, =0, <0 depending on
 324: **	whether check is for Intup >= keytuple,
 325: **	Intup == keytuple, Intup <= keytuple respectively
 326: **
 327: **	returns TRUE or FALSE accordingly.
 328: */
 329: {
 330:     register struct key *k;
 331:     register char       *kp;
 332:     register int        dnum;
 333:     int         offset, i, type, success;
 335:     kp = keytuple;
 336:     success = TRUE;
 338:     for (k = keys; dnum = k->dnumber; k++)
 339:     {
 341:         offset = Scanr->reloff[dnum];
 342:         if (i = icompare(&Intup[offset], &kp[offset], Scanr->relfrmt[dnum], Scanr->relfrml[dnum] & I1MASK))
 343:         {
 344:             if (i < 0 && mode < 0 || i > 0 && mode > 0)
 345:                 continue;
 346:             success = FALSE;
 347:             break;
 348:         }
 349:     }
 350:     return (success);
 351: }

Defined functions

cmove defined in line 247; used 1 times
exactkey defined in line 10; used 2 times
indexcheck defined in line 284; used 1 times
keycheck defined in line 313; used 3 times
rangekey defined in line 80; used 2 times
setallkey defined in line 182; used 2 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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