1: #include "stdio.h"
   2: #include "awk.def"
   3: #include "awk.h"
   5: cell *symtab[MAXSYM];   /* symbol table pointers */
   7: char    **FS;   /* initial field sep */
   8: char    **RS;   /* initial record sep */
   9: char    **OFS;  /* output field sep */
  10: char    **ORS;  /* output record sep */
  11: char    **OFMT; /*output format for numbers*/
  12: awkfloat *NF;   /* number of fields in current record */
  13: awkfloat *NR;   /* number of current record */
  14: char    **FILENAME; /* current filename argument */
  16: cell    *recloc;    /* location of record */
  17: cell    *nrloc;     /* NR */
  18: cell    *nfloc;     /* NF */
  20: syminit()
  21: {
  22:     setsymtab("0", tostring("0"), 0.0, NUM|STR|CON|FLD, symtab);
  23:     recloc = setsymtab("$record", record, 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab);
  24:     dprintf("recloc %o lookup %o\n", recloc, lookup("$record", symtab), NULL);
  25:     FS = &setsymtab("FS", tostring(" "), 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  26:     RS = &setsymtab("RS", tostring("\n"), 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  27:     OFS = &setsymtab("OFS", tostring(" "), 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  28:     ORS = &setsymtab("ORS", tostring("\n"), 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  29:     OFMT = &setsymtab("OFMT", tostring("%.6g"), 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  30:     FILENAME = &setsymtab("FILENAME", NULL, 0.0, STR|FLD, symtab)->sval;
  31:     nfloc = setsymtab("NF", NULL, 0.0, NUM, symtab);
  32:     NF = &nfloc->fval;
  33:     nrloc = setsymtab("NR", NULL, 0.0, NUM, symtab);
  34:     NR = &nrloc->fval;
  35: }
  37: cell **makesymtab()
  38: {
  39:     int i;
  40:     cell **cp;
  42:     cp = (char *) malloc(MAXSYM * sizeof(cell *));
  43:     if (cp == NULL)
  44:         error(FATAL, "out of space in makesymtab");
  45:     for (i = 0; i < MAXSYM; i++)
  46:         *((cell **) cp + i) = 0;
  47:     return(cp);
  48: }
  50: freesymtab(ap)  /* free symbol table */
  51: cell *ap;
  52: {
  53:     cell *cp, **tp;
  54:     int i;
  56:     if (!(ap->tval & ARR))
  57:         return;
  58:     tp = (cell **) ap->sval;
  59:     for (i = 0; i < MAXSYM; i++) {
  60:         for (cp = tp[i]; cp != NULL; cp = cp->nextval) {
  61:             xfree(cp->nval);
  62:             xfree(cp->sval);
  63:             free(cp);
  64:         }
  65:     }
  66:     xfree(tp);
  67: }
  69: cell *setsymtab(n, s, f, t, tab)
  70: char *n, *s;
  71: awkfloat f;
  72: unsigned t;
  73: cell **tab;
  74: {
  75:     register h;
  76:     register cell *p;
  77:     cell *lookup();
  79:     if (n != NULL && (p = lookup(n, tab)) != NULL) {
  80:         xfree(s);
  81:         dprintf("setsymtab found %o: %s", p, p->nval, NULL);
  82:         dprintf(" %s %g %o\n", p->sval, p->fval, p->tval);
  83:         return(p);
  84:     }
  85:     p = (cell *) malloc(sizeof(cell));
  86:     if (p == NULL)
  87:         error(FATAL, "symbol table overflow at %s", n);
  88:     p->nval = tostring(n);
  89:     p->sval = s;
  90:     p->fval = f;
  91:     p->tval = t;
  92:     h = hash(n);
  93:     p->nextval = tab[h];
  94:     tab[h] = p;
  95:     dprintf("setsymtab set %o: %s", p, p->nval, NULL);
  96:     dprintf(" %s %g %o\n", p->sval, p->fval, p->tval);
  97:     return(p);
  98: }
 100: hash(s) /* form hash value for string s */
 101: register char *s;
 102: {
 103:     register int hashval;
 105:     for (hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; )
 106:         hashval += *s++;
 107:     return(hashval % MAXSYM);
 108: }
 110: cell *lookup(s, tab)    /* look for s in tab */
 111: register char *s;
 112: cell **tab;
 113: {
 114:     register cell *p;
 116:     for (p = tab[hash(s)]; p != NULL; p = p->nextval)
 117:         if (strcmp(s, p->nval) == 0)
 118:             return(p);  /* found it */
 119:     return(NULL);   /* not found */
 120: }
 122: awkfloat setfval(vp, f)
 123: register cell *vp;
 124: awkfloat f;
 125: {
 126:     dprintf("setfval: %o %g\n", vp, f, NULL);
 127:     checkval(vp);
 128:     if (vp == recloc)
 129:         error(FATAL, "can't set $0");
 130:     vp->tval &= ~STR;   /* mark string invalid */
 131:     vp->tval |= NUM;    /* mark number ok */
 132:     if ((vp->tval & FLD) && isnull(vp->nval))
 133:         donerec = 0;
 134:     return(vp->fval = f);
 135: }
 137: char *setsval(vp, s)
 138: register cell *vp;
 139: char *s;
 140: {
 141:     dprintf("setsval: %o %s\n", vp, s, NULL);
 142:     checkval(vp);
 143:     if (vp == recloc)
 144:         error(FATAL, "can't set $0");
 145:     vp->tval &= ~NUM;
 146:     vp->tval |= STR;
 147:     if ((vp->tval & FLD) && isnull(vp->nval))
 148:         donerec = 0;
 149:     if (!(vp->tval&FLD))
 150:         xfree(vp->sval);
 151:     vp->tval &= ~FLD;
 152:     return(vp->sval = tostring(s));
 153: }
 155: awkfloat getfval(vp)
 156: register cell *vp;
 157: {
 158:     awkfloat atof();
 160:     if (vp->sval == record && donerec == 0)
 161:         recbld();
 162:     dprintf("getfval: %o", vp, NULL, NULL);
 163:     checkval(vp);
 164:     if ((vp->tval & NUM) == 0) {
 165:         /* the problem is to make non-numeric things */
 166:         /* have unlikely numeric variables, so that */
 167:         /* $1 == $2 comparisons sort of make sense when */
 168:         /* one or the other is numeric */
 169:         if (isnumber(vp->sval)) {
 170:             vp->fval = atof(vp->sval);
 171:             if (!(vp->tval & CON))  /* don't change type of a constant */
 172:                 vp->tval |= NUM;
 173:         }
 174:         else
 175:             vp->fval = 0.0; /* not a very good idea */
 176:     }
 177:     dprintf("  %g\n", vp->fval, NULL, NULL);
 178:     return(vp->fval);
 179: }
 181: char *getsval(vp)
 182: register cell *vp;
 183: {
 184:     char s[100];
 186:     if (vp->sval == record && donerec == 0)
 187:         recbld();
 188:     dprintf("getsval: %o", vp, NULL, NULL);
 189:     checkval(vp);
 190:     if ((vp->tval & STR) == 0) {
 191:         if (!(vp->tval&FLD))
 192:             xfree(vp->sval);
 193:         if ((long)vp->fval==vp->fval)
 194:             sprintf(s, "%.20g", vp->fval);
 195:         else
 196:             sprintf(s, *OFMT, vp->fval);
 197:         vp->sval = tostring(s);
 198:         vp->tval &= ~FLD;
 199:         vp->tval |= STR;
 200:     }
 201:     dprintf("  %s\n", vp->sval, NULL, NULL);
 202:     return(vp->sval);
 203: }
 205: checkval(vp)
 206: register cell *vp;
 207: {
 208:     if (vp->tval & ARR)
 209:         error(FATAL, "illegal reference to array %s", vp->nval);
 210:     if ((vp->tval & (NUM | STR)) == 0)
 211:         error(FATAL, "funny variable %o: %s %s %g %o", vp, vp->nval,
 212:             vp->sval, vp->fval, vp->tval);
 213: }
 215: char *tostring(s)
 216: register char *s;
 217: {
 218:     register char *p;
 220:     p = malloc(strlen(s)+1);
 221:     if (p == NULL)
 222:         error(FATAL, "out of space in tostring on %s", s);
 223:     strcpy(p, s);
 224:     return(p);
 225: }
 226: #ifndef yfree
 227: yfree(a) char *a;
 228: {
 229:     printf("%o\n", a);
 230:     free(a);
 231: }
 232: #endif
 233: #ifdef malloc
 234: #undef malloc
 235: char *ymalloc(u) unsigned u;
 236: {   char *p;
 237:     p = malloc(u);
 238:     printf("%o %o\n", u, p);
 239:     return(p);
 240: }
 241: #endif

Defined functions

checkval defined in line 205; used 4 times
freesymtab defined in line 50; used 1 times
getfval defined in line 155; used 14 times
getsval defined in line 181; used 18 times
hash defined in line 100; used 2 times
lookup defined in line 110; used 11 times
makesymtab defined in line 37; used 3 times
setfval defined in line 122; used 20 times
setsval defined in line 137; used 4 times
setsymtab defined in line 69; used 14 times
syminit defined in line 20; used 1 times
tostring defined in line 215; used 16 times
yfree defined in line 227; never used
ymalloc defined in line 235; never used

Defined variables

FILENAME defined in line 14; used 4 times
FS defined in line 7; used 9 times
NF defined in line 12; used 3 times
NR defined in line 13; used 4 times
OFMT defined in line 11; used 4 times
OFS defined in line 9; used 4 times
ORS defined in line 10; used 3 times
RS defined in line 8; used 5 times
nfloc defined in line 18; used 4 times
nrloc defined in line 17; used 7 times
recloc defined in line 16; used 13 times
symtab defined in line 5; used 30 times
Last modified: 1983-12-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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