PLOT(3X)                                                              PLOT(3X)

       plot:  openpl,  erase,  label,  line,  circle,  arc, move, cont, point,
       linemod, space, closepl - graphics interface



       char s[];

       line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

       circle(x, y, r)

       arc(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1)

       move(x, y)

       cont(x, y)

       point(x, y)

       char s[];

       space(x0, y0, x1, y1)


       These subroutines generate graphic output in a relatively  device-inde‐
       pendent manner.  See plot(5) for a description of their effect.  Openpl
       must be used before any of the others to open the device  for  writing.
       Closepl flushes the output.

       String  arguments  to label and linemod are null-terminated, and do not
       contain newlines.

       Various flavors of these functions exist for different output  devices.
       They are obtained by the following ld(1) options:

       -lplot  device-independent  graphics  stream  on  standard  output  for
               plot(1) filters
       -l300   GSI 300 terminal
       -l300s  GSI 300S terminal
       -l450   GSI 450 terminal
       -l4013  Tektronix 4013 terminal
       -l4014  Tektronix 4014 and 4015 terminals with  the  Enhanced  Graphics
               Module  (Use  -l4013  for 4014’s or 4015’s without the Enhanced
               Graphics Module)
               AED 512 color graphics terminal
               BBN bitgraph graphics terminal
               Dumb terminals without cursor addressing or line printers
       -lplot  DEC Gigi terminals
       -lvt0   DEC vt100 terminals
               Hewlett Packard 2648 graphics terminal
               Hewlett Packard 7221 graphics terminal
               Imagen laser printer (default 240 dots-per-inch resolution).

       On many devices, it is necessary  to  pause  after  erase(),  otherwise
       plotting  commands  are  lost.   The  pause is normally done by the tty
       driver if at login time, tset found a df field in the termcap(5)  entry
       for  the  terminal.   If  a pause is needed but not automatically being
       generated, add
       after each erase().

       plot(5), plot(1G), plot(3F), graph(1G)

7th Edition                      May 15, 1986                         PLOT(3X)
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