HP(4)                                                                    HP(4)

       hp - MASSBUS disk interface

       disk hp0 at mba0 drive 0

       Files  with  minor device numbers 0 through 7 refer to various portions
       of drive 0; minor devices 8 through 15 refer  to  drive  1,  etc.   The
       standard  device  names  begin with ‘‘hp’’ followed by the drive number
       and then a letter a-h for partitions 0-7 respectively.  The character ?
       stands here for a drive number in the range 0-7.

       The  block  file’s  access  the  disk via the system’s normal buffering
       mechanism and may be read and written without regard to  physical  disk
       records.   There  is  also  a ‘raw’ interface which provides for direct
       transmission between the disk and the user’s read or write  buffer.   A
       single  read  or  write  call  results in exactly one I/O operation and
       therefore raw I/O is considerably more efficient when  many  words  are
       transmitted.   The  names of the raw files conventionally begin with an
       extra ‘r.’

       In raw I/O counts should be a multiple of 512 bytes  (a  disk  sector).
       Likewise seek calls should specify a multiple of 512 bytes.

       This  driver handles both standard DEC controllers and Emulex SC750 and
       SC780 controllers.  Standard DEC drive types are  recognized  according
       to  the  MASSBUS  drive  type  register.  For the Emulex controller the
       drive type register should be configured to indicate the  drive  is  an
       RM02.  When this is encountered, the driver checks the holding register
       to find out the disk geometry and, based on this  information,  decides
       what the drive type is.  The following disks are supported: RM03, RM05,
       RP06, RM80, RP05, RP07, ML11A, ML11B, CDC 9775, CDC 9730, AMPEX  Capri‐
       corn  (32  sectors/track),  FUJITSU  Eagle  (48 sectors/track), Fujitsu
       2361, and AMPEX 9300.  The origin and size (in sectors) of the  pseudo-
       disks on each drive are as follows:

       RM03 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-99
            hp?b      16000     33440     100-309
            hp?c      0         131680    0-822
            hp?d      49600     15884     309-408
            hp?e      65440     55936     409-758
            hp?f      121440    10080     759-822
            hp?g      49600     82080     309-822

       RM05 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-26
            hp?b      16416     33440     27-81
            hp?c      0         500384    0-822
            hp?d      341696    15884     562-588
            hp?e      358112    55936     589-680
            hp?f      414048    86176     681-822
            hp?g      341696    158528    562-822
            hp?h      49856     291346    82-561

       RP06 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-37
            hp?b      15884     33440     38-117
            hp?c      0         340670    0-814
            hp?d      49324     15884     118-155
            hp?e      65208     55936     156-289
            hp?f      121220    219296    290-814
            hp?g      49324     291192    118-814

       RM80 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-36
            hp?b      16058     33440     37-114
            hp?c      0         242606    0-558
            hp?d      49910     15884     115-151
            hp?e      68096     55936     152-280
            hp?f      125888    120466    281-558
            hp?g      49910     192510    115-558

       RP05 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-37
            hp?b      15884     33440     38-117
            hp?c      0         171798    0-410
            hp?d      2242      15884     118-155
            hp?e      65208     55936     156-289
            hp?f      121220    50424     290-410
            hp?g      2242      122320    118-410

       RP07 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-9
            hp?b      16000     66880     10-51
            hp?c      0         1008000   0-629
            hp?d      376000    15884     235-244
            hp?e      392000    307200    245-436
            hp?f      699200    308600    437-629
            hp?g      376000    631800    235-629
            hp?h      83200     291346    52-234

       CDC 9775 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-12
            hp?b      16640     66880     13-65
            hp?c      0         1077760   0-841
            hp?d      376320    15884     294-306
            hp?e      392960    307200    307-546
            hp?f      700160    377440    547-841
            hp?g      376320    701280    294-841
            hp?h      84480     291346    66-293

       CDC 9730 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-49
            hp?b      16000     33440     50-154
            hp?c      0         263360    0-822
            hp?d      49600     15884     155-204
            hp?e      65600     55936     205-379
            hp?f      121600    141600    380-822
            hp?g      49600     213600    155-822

       AMPEX Capricorn partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-31
            hp?b      16384     33440     32-97
            hp?c      0         524288    0-1023
            hp?d      342016    15884     668-699
            hp?e      358400    55936     700-809
            hp?f      414720    109408    810-1023
            hp?g      342016    182112    668-1023
            hp?h      50176     291346    98-667

       FUJITSU Eagle partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-16
            hp?b      16320     66880     17-86
            hp?c      0         808320    0-841
            hp?d      375360    15884     391-407
            hp?e      391680    55936     408-727
            hp?f      698880    109248    728-841
            hp?g      375360    432768    391-841
            hp?h      83520     291346    87-390

       FUJITSU 2361 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyls
            hp?a      0         15884     0-12
            hp?b      16640     66880     13-65
            hp?c      0         1077760   0-841
            hp?d      376320    15884     294-306
            hp?e      392960    307200    307-546
            hp?f      700160    377408    547-841
            hp?g      363520    701248    294-841
            hp?h      84480     291346    66-293

       AMPEX 9300 partitions
            disk      start     length    cyl
            hp?a      0         15884     0-26
            hp?b      16416     33440     27-81
            hp?c      0         495520    0-814
            hp?d      341696    15884     562-588
            hp?e      358112    55936     589-680
            hp?f      414048    81312     681-814
            hp?g      341696    153664    562-814
            hp?h      49856     291346    82-561

       It  is unwise for all of these files to be present in one installation,
       since there is overlap in addresses and  protection  becomes  a  sticky
       matter.   The hp?a partition is normally used for the root file system,
       the hp?b partition as a paging area, and the hp?c partition  for  pack-
       pack copying (it maps the entire disk).  On disks larger than about 205
       Megabytes, the hp?h partition is inserted prior to  the  hp?d  or  hp?g
       partition; the hp?g partition then maps the remainder of the pack.  All
       disk partition tables are calculated using the diskpart(8) program.

       /dev/hp[0-7][a-h]   block files
       /dev/rhp[0-7][a-h]  raw files

       hk(4), uda(4), up(4)

       hp%d%c: hard error sn%d mbsr=%b er1=%b er2=%b.  An unrecoverable  error
       occurred  during transfer of the specified sector of the specified disk
       partition.  The MASSBUS status register is printed in  hexadecimal  and
       with  the  error  bits  decoded  if any error bits other than MBEXC and
       DTABT are set.  In any case the contents of the two error registers are
       also  printed  in octal and symbolically with bits decoded.  (Note that
       er2 is what old rp06 manuals would call er3; the terminology is that of
       the  rm  disks).  The error was either unrecoverable, or a large number
       of retry attempts (including offset positioning  and  drive  recalibra‐
       tion) could not recover the error.

       hp%d: write locked.  The write protect switch was set on the drive when
       a write was attempted.  The write operation is not recoverable.

       hp%d: not ready.  The drive was spun down  or  off  line  when  it  was
       accessed.  The I/O operation is not recoverable.

       hp%d%c:  soft ecc sn%d.  A recoverable ECC error occurred on the speci‐
       fied sector of the specified disk partition.  This happens  normally  a
       few  times a week.  If it happens more frequently than this the sectors
       where the errors are occurring should be  checked  to  see  if  certain
       cylinders  on the pack, spots on the carriage of the drive or heads are

       During autoconfiguration one of the following messages  may  appear  on
       the  console indicating the appropriate drive type was recognized.  The
       last message indicates the drive is of a unknown type.

       hp%d: 9775 (direct).
       hp%d: 9730 (direct).
       hp%d: 9300.
       hp%d: 9762.
       hp%d: capricorn.
       hp%d: eagle.
       hp%d: 2361.
       hp%d: ntracks %d, nsectors %d: unknown device.

       In raw I/O read and write(2) truncate file offsets  to  512-byte  block
       boundaries,  and  write  scribbles  on  the  tail of incomplete blocks.
       Thus, in programs that are likely to access raw  devices,  read,  write
       and lseek(2) should always deal in 512-byte multiples.

       DEC-standard error logging should be supported.

       A  program to analyze the logged error information (even in its present
       reduced form) is needed.

       The partition tables for the file systems should be read  off  of  each
       pack,  as  they are never quite what any single installation would pre‐
       fer, and this would make packs more portable.

4th Berkeley Distribution        June 1, 1986                            HP(4)
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