1: #include <X/mit-copyright.h>
   3: /* Copyright    Massachusetts Institute of Technology    1985 */
   5: /*
   6:  *	xwm - X Window System window manager main routine.
   7:  *
   8:  */
  10: #include "xwm.h"
  12: #ifdef PROFIL
  13: #include <signal.h>
  15: #ifndef lint
  16: static char *rcsid_main_c = "$Header: main.c,v 10.6 86/02/01 16:10:36 tony Rel $";
  17: #endif
  18: /*
  19:  * Dummy handler for profiling.
  20:  */
  21: ptrap()
  22: {
  23:     exit(0);
  24: }
  25: #endif
  27: static short gray_bits[16] = {
  28:     0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
  29:     0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
  30:     0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
  31:     0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555
  32: };
  34: main(argc, argv)
  35:     int argc;           /* Argument count. */
  36:     char **argv;        /* Argument vector. */
  37: {
  38:     register int i;     /* Loop index. */
  39:     register int status;    /* Routine call return status. */
  40:     register char *arg;     /* Current argument pointer. */
  41:     int x, y;           /* Mouse X and Y coordinates. */
  42:     int str_width;      /* Width in pixels of output string. */
  43:     int pop_width, pop_height;  /* Pop up window width and height. */
  44:     int temp_button_mask = 0;   /* Temporary button event mask. */
  45:     char *def_val;      /* X Default value. */
  46:     char *i_font_name;      /* Icon font name. */
  47:     char *p_font_name;      /* Pop up font name. */
  48:     char display[256];      /* Display identifier string. */
  49:     char message[128];      /* Error message buffer. */
  50:     Bitmap gray_bitmap;     /* Gray bitmap used for gray pixmap. */
  51:     Window event_win;       /* Event window. */
  52:     Window focus_win;       /* Keyboard focus window. */
  53:     WindowInfo root_info;   /* Root window info. */
  54:     XButtonEvent button_event;  /* Button input event. */
  55:     Bool focus_seq = FALSE; /* Has a focus sequence begun? */
  56:     Bool changed = FALSE;   /* Has the window changed? */
  57:     Bool none = FALSE;      /* Allow the mouse with no keys. */
  58:     Bool focus = FALSE;     /* Allow input focusing? */
  59:     Bool reverse = FALSE;   /* Reverse video? */
  61: #ifdef PROFIL
  62:     signal(SIGTERM, ptrap);
  63: #endif
  65:     /*
  66:      * Set up internal defaults.
  67:      */
  68:     i_font_name = DEF_I_FONT;
  69:     p_font_name = DEF_P_FONT;
  70:     CursorFunc = DEF_FUNC;
  71:     ButtonMask = DEF_BUTTON_MASK;
  72:     Delta = DEF_DELTA;
  73:     IBorderWidth = DEF_ICON_BORDER_WIDTH;
  74:     IPadding = DEF_ICON_PADDING;
  75:     PBorderWidth = DEF_POP_BORDER_WIDTH;
  76:     PPadding = DEF_POP_PADDING;
  78:     /*
  79:      * Initialize fixed globals.
  80:      */
  81:     Grid = FALSE;
  82:     Zap = FALSE;
  84:     /*
  85:      * Set XErrorFunction to be non-terminating.
  86:      */
  87:     XErrorHandler(XError);
  89:     /*
  90:      * Check for X defaults.
  91:      */
  92:     def_val = XGetDefault(argv[0], "IconFont");
  93:     if (def_val != NULL) i_font_name = def_val;
  95:     def_val = XGetDefault(argv[0], "BodyFont");
  96:     if (def_val != NULL) p_font_name = def_val;
  98:     def_val = XGetDefault(argv[0], "InternalBorder");
  99:     if (def_val != NULL) {
 100:     IPadding = atoi(def_val);
 101:     PPadding = atoi(def_val);
 102:     }
 104:     def_val = XGetDefault(argv[0], "BorderWidth");
 105:     if (def_val != NULL) {
 106:     IBorderWidth = atoi(def_val);
 107:     PBorderWidth = atoi(def_val);
 108:     }
 110:     def_val = XGetDefault(argv[0], "ReverseVideo");
 111:     if (def_val != NULL) {
 112:     if (strcmp (def_val, "on") == 0) reverse = TRUE;
 113:     }
 115:     /*
 116:      * Parse the command line arguments.
 117:      */
 118:     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
 119:     arg = argv[i];
 120:     switch (*arg) {
 121:     case '\0':
 122:         continue;
 123:     case '-':
 124:         arg++;
 125:         if (*arg == '\0') break;
 126:         for (; *arg; arg++) {
 127:         switch (*arg) {
 128:             case 'c':
 129:             /*
 130: 			 * Add the control key to the mouse button mask.
 131: 			 */
 132:             temp_button_mask |= ControlMask;
 133:             break;
 134:             case 'd':
 135:             /*
 136: 			 * Check for a debug flag.
 137: 			 */
 138:              Debug = TRUE;
 139:              break;
 140:             case 's':
 141:             /*
 142: 			 * Add the shift key to the mouse button mask.
 143: 			 */
 144:             temp_button_mask |= ShiftMask;
 145:             break;
 146:             case 'm':
 147:             /*
 148: 			 * Add the meta key to the mouse button mask.
 149: 			 */
 150:             temp_button_mask |= MetaMask;
 151:             break;
 152:             case 'n':
 153:             /*
 154: 			 * No keys are needed with the mouse.
 155: 			 */
 156:             none = TRUE;
 157:             break;
 158:             case 'f':
 159:             /*
 160: 			 * Require double clicking to focus input.
 161: 			 */
 162:             focus = TRUE;
 163:             break;
 164:             case 'g':
 165:             /*
 166: 			 * Display the tic tac toe grid on window change.
 167: 			 */
 168:                 Grid = TRUE;
 169:             break;
 170:             case 'r':
 171:             /*
 172: 			 * Make icons and pop-ups reverse video.
 173: 			 */
 174:             reverse = TRUE;
 175:             break;
 176:             case 'z':
 177:             /*
 178: 			 * Use zap effect?
 179: 			 */
 180:             Zap = TRUE;
 181:             break;
 182:         }
 183:         }
 184:         break;
 185:     case '+':
 186:         CursorFunc = atoi(arg + 1);
 187:         if (CursorFunc <= 0 || CursorFunc > 15) {
 188:         /*
 189: 		 * Oops, cursor function code out of range!
 190: 		 */
 191:         errno = EDOM;
 192:         sprintf(
 193:             message,
 194:             "Cursor function code '%d' out of range (0 - 14).",
 195:             CursorFunc
 196:         );
 197:         Error(message);
 198:         }
 199:         break;
 200:     case '@':
 201:         Delta = atoi(arg + 1);
 202:         if (Delta <= 0 || Delta > 100) {
 203:         /*
 204: 		 * Oops, delta value out of range!
 205: 		 */
 206:         errno = EDOM;
 207:         sprintf(
 208:             message,
 209:             "Delta value '%d' out of range (1 - 99).",
 210:             Delta
 211:         );
 212:         Error(message);
 213:         }
 214:         break;
 215:     case 'f':
 216:         if ((arg[1] == 'n') && (arg[2] == '=')) {
 217:         p_font_name = arg + 3;
 218:         }
 219:         else if ((arg[1] == 'i') && (arg[2] == '=')) {
 220:         i_font_name = arg + 3;
 221:         }
 222:         break;
 223:     default:
 224:         /*
 225: 	     * All that is left is a possible display string.
 226: 	     */
 227:         strcpy(display, arg);
 228:     }
 229:     }
 231:     /*
 232:      * Set the global mouse button event mask.
 233:      */
 235:     if (temp_button_mask) ButtonMask = temp_button_mask;
 237:     if (none) ButtonMask = 0;
 239:     /*
 240:      * Open the Display.
 241:      */
 242:     if (XOpenDisplay(display) == NULL) {
 243:     /*
 244: 	 * Oops, can't open the display!
 245: 	 */
 246:     sprintf(message, "Unable to open display '%s'.", display);
 247:     Error(message);
 248:     }
 250:     /*
 251:      * Gather information about the root window.
 252:      */
 253:     status = XQueryWindow(RootWindow, &root_info);
 254:     if (status == FAILURE) {
 255:     Error("Can't acquire root window information from X server.");
 256:     }
 258:     ScreenHeight = root_info.height;    /* True height of entire screen. */
 259:     ScreenWidth = root_info.width;  /* True width of entire screen. */
 261:     /*
 262:      * Create and store the icon background pixmap.
 263:      */
 264:     gray_bitmap = XStoreBitmap(16, 16, gray_bits);
 265:     GrayPixmap = XMakePixmap(gray_bitmap, BlackPixel, WhitePixel);
 268:     /*
 269:      * Set up icon window, icon cursor and pop-up window color parameters.
 270:      */
 271:     if (reverse) {
 272:     IconCursorFunc = GXcopyInverted;
 273:     IBorder = WhitePixmap;
 274:     IBackground = GrayPixmap;
 275:     ITextForground = WhitePixel;
 276:     ITextBackground = BlackPixel;
 277:     PBorder = BlackPixmap;
 278:     PBackground = WhitePixmap;
 279:     PTextForground = BlackPixel;
 280:     PTextBackground = WhitePixel;
 281:     }
 282:     else {
 283:     IconCursorFunc = GXcopy;
 284:     IBorder = BlackPixmap;
 285:     IBackground = GrayPixmap;
 286:     ITextForground = BlackPixel;
 287:     ITextBackground = WhitePixel;
 288:     PBorder = WhitePixmap;
 289:     PBackground = BlackPixmap;
 290:     PTextForground = WhitePixel;
 291:     PTextBackground = BlackPixel;
 292:     }
 294:     /*
 295:      * Store all the cursors.
 296:      */
 297:     StoreCursors();
 299:     /*
 300:      * Grab all 3 mouse buttons w/ respect to the root window.  Grab
 301:      * pressed status with the mouse button mask.
 302:      */
 303:     status =  XGrabButton(
 304:     RootWindow,
 305:     DotCursor,
 306:     (LeftMask | ButtonMask),
 307:         (ButtonPressed | ButtonReleased)
 308:     );
 309:     if (status == FAILURE) Error("Can't grab left mouse button.");
 310:     status = XGrabButton(
 311:     RootWindow,
 312:     ArrowCrossCursor,
 313:     (MiddleMask | ButtonMask),
 314:         (ButtonPressed | ButtonReleased)
 315:     );
 316:     if (status == FAILURE) Error("Can't grab middle mouse button.");
 317:     status = XGrabButton(
 318:     RootWindow,
 319:     CircleCursor,
 320:     (RightMask | ButtonMask),
 321:         (ButtonPressed | ButtonReleased)
 322:     );
 323:     if (status == FAILURE) Error("Can't grab right mouse button.");
 325:     /*
 326:      * Load the selected fonts and retrieve the information structure
 327:      * for each.  Set global font information pointers.
 328:      */
 329:     IFont = XGetFont(i_font_name);
 330:     if (IFont == FAILURE) {
 331:     sprintf(message, "Unable to get icon font '%s'.", i_font_name);
 332:     Error(message);
 333:     }
 335:     status = XQueryFont(IFont, &IFontInfo);
 336:     if (status == FAILURE) {
 337:     Error("Unable to query X server for icon font information.");
 338:     }
 340:     PFont = XGetFont(p_font_name);
 341:     if (PFont == FAILURE) {
 342:     sprintf(message, "Unable to get pop up font '%s'.", p_font_name);
 343:     Error(message);
 344:     }
 346:     status = XQueryFont(PFont, &PFontInfo);
 347:     if (status == FAILURE) {
 348:     Error("Unable to query X server for pop up font information.");
 349:     }
 351:     /*
 352:      * Calculate size of the resize pop-up window.
 353:      */
 354:     str_width = XQueryWidth(PText, PFont);
 355:     pop_width = str_width + (PPadding << 1);
 356:     PWidth = pop_width + (PBorderWidth << 1);
 357:     pop_height = PFontInfo.height + (PPadding << 1);
 358:     PHeight = pop_height + (PBorderWidth << 1);
 360:     /*
 361:      * Create the pop-up window.  Create it at (0, 0) for now, we will
 362:      * move it where we want later.
 363:      */
 364:     Pop = XCreateWindow(
 365:     RootWindow,
 366:     0, 0,
 367:     pop_width, pop_height,
 368:     PBorderWidth,
 369:     PBorder, PBackground
 370:     );
 371:     if (Pop == FAILURE) Error("Can't open pop-up dimension display window.");
 373:     /*
 374:      * Main command loop.
 375:      */
 376:     while (TRUE) {
 377:     /*
 378: 	 * Get the next mouse button event.  Spin our wheels until
 379: 	 * a button event is returned (ie. GetButton == TRUE).
 380: 	 * Note that mouse events within an icon window are handled
 381: 	 * in the "GetButton" function or by the icon's owner if
 382: 	 * it is not xwm.
 383: 	 */
 384:     if (!GetButton(&button_event)) continue;
 386:     /*
 387: 	 * If the button event recieved is not a ButtonPressed event
 388: 	 * then continue until we find one.
 389: 	 */
 390:     if (button_event.type != ButtonPressed) continue;
 392:     /*
 393: 	 * Ok, determine the event window and mouse coordinates.
 394: 	 */
 395:     status = XInterpretLocator(
 396:         RootWindow,
 397:         &x, &y,
 398:         &event_win,
 399:         button_event.location
 400:     );
 401:     if (status == FAILURE) continue;
 403:     /*
 404: 	 * If the event subwindow is 0 then the event
 405: 	 * occured on the root window.
 406: 	 */
 407:     if (event_win == 0) {
 408:         event_win = RootWindow;
 409:     }
 411:     /*
 412: 	 * Invoke a function based on which button was pressed.
 413: 	 */
 414:     switch (button_event.detail & ValueMask) {
 415:         case LeftButton:
 416:         /*
 417: 		 * LeftDown is used to lower or iconify a window if
 418: 		 * the event window is not the root window.  If it is the
 419: 		 * RoowWindow then circulate all windows down.
 420: 		 */
 422:         /*
 423: 		 * Abort any focus sequence that is in progress.
 424: 		 */
 425:         focus_seq = FALSE;
 427:         if (event_win == RootWindow) {
 428:             XCircWindowDown(RootWindow);
 429:         }
 430:         else {
 431:             LowerIconify(event_win, x, y);
 432:         }
 433:         break;
 435:         case MiddleButton:
 436:         /*
 437: 		 * MiddleDown is used to resize a window and establish the
 438: 		 * focus window.
 439: 		 */
 441:         /*
 442: 		 * If this is not the root window, go ahead and allow it
 443: 		 * to be changed.
 444: 		 */
 445:         changed = FALSE;
 446:         if (event_win != RootWindow) {
 447:             changed = Change(event_win, x, y);
 448:         }
 450:         if (focus) {
 451:             /*
 452: 		     * Two middle clicks will focus the keyboard...
 453: 		     */
 454:             if (focus_seq) {
 455:             /*
 456: 			 * ... and this is the second ...
 457: 			 */
 458:             if (focus_win == event_win) {
 459:                 /*
 460: 			     * ... and both have the same event window then
 461: 			     * focus the keyboard provided the window did not
 462: 			     * change.  This also ends the focus sequence.
 463: 			     */
 464:                 if (!changed) XFocusKeyboard(event_win);
 465:                 focus_seq = FALSE;
 466:                 focus_win = RootWindow;
 467:             }
 468:             else {
 469:                 /*
 470: 			     * ... both don't have the same window.  This
 471: 			     * ends the focus sequence.
 472: 			     */
 473:                 focus_seq = FALSE;
 474:                 focus_win = RootWindow;
 475:             }
 476:             }
 477:             else {
 478:             /*
 479: 			 * Begin a focus sequence, salt away the
 480: 			 * perspective focus window.
 481: 			 */
 482:             focus_seq = TRUE;
 483:             focus_win = event_win;
 484:             }
 485:         }
 486:         break;
 488:         case RightButton:
 489:         /*
 490: 		 * RightDown is used to move a window or bring it to the
 491: 		 * top of the window stack if the event window is not
 492: 		 * the root window.  If it is the root window then circulate
 493: 		 * all windows up.
 494: 		 */
 496:         /*
 497: 		 * Abort any focus sequence that is in progress.
 498: 		 */
 499:         focus_seq = FALSE;
 501:         if (event_win == RootWindow) {
 502:             XCircWindowUp(RootWindow);
 503:         }
 504:         else {
 505:             Move(event_win, x, y);
 506:         }
 507:         break;
 509:     }
 510:     }
 511: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 34; never used
ptrap defined in line 21; used 2 times

Defined variables

gray_bits defined in line 27; used 1 times
rcsid_main_c defined in line 16; never used
Last modified: 1986-02-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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