1: static  char sccsid[] = "@(#)runpcs.c 4.2 8/17/82";
   2: #
   3: /*
   4:  *
   5:  *	UNIX debugger
   6:  *
   7:  */
   9: #include "head.h"
  10: #include <a.out.h>
  11: #include <stab.h>
  12: struct user u;
  13: #include <stdio.h>
  15: #ifndef SIGTRAP
  16: #define SIGTRAP SIGTRC
  17: #endif
  19: MSG     NOFORK;
  20: MSG     ENDPCS;
  21: MSG     BADWAIT;
  23: ADDR        sigint;
  24: ADDR        sigqit;
  25: ADDR        userpc;
  27: /* breakpoints */
  28: BKPTR       bkpthead;
  30: CHAR        lastc;
  32: INT     fcor;
  33: INT     fsym;
  34: STRING      errflg;
  35: int     errno;
  36: INT     signo;
  38: L_INT       dot;
  39: STRING      symfil;
  40: INT     wtflag;
  41: INT     pid;
  42: INT     adrflg;
  43: L_INT       loopcnt;
  50: getsig(sig)
  51: {   return(sig);
  52: }
  54: runpcs(runmode,execsig)
  55: {
  56:     REG BKPTR   bkpt;
  57:     IF adrflg THEN userpc=dot; FI
  58:     WHILE --loopcnt>=0
  59:     DO
  60:         if (debug) printf("\ncontinue %x %d\n",userpc,execsig);
  61:         IF runmode==SINGLE
  62:         THEN delbp(); /* hardware handles single-stepping */
  63:         ELSE /* continuing from a breakpoint is hard */
  64:             IF bkpt=scanbkpt(userpc)
  65:             THEN execbkpt(bkpt,execsig); execsig=0;
  66:             FI
  67:             setbp();
  68:         FI
  69:         ptrace(runmode,pid,userpc,execsig);
  70:         bpwait(); chkerr(); execsig=0; delbp(); readregs();
  72:     loop1:  IF (signo==0) ANDF (bkpt=scanbkpt(userpc))
  73:         THEN /* stopped by BPT instruction */
  74:             if (debug) printf("\n BPT code; '%s'%o'%o'%d",
  75:                 bkpt->comm,bkpt->comm[0],EOR,bkpt->flag);
  76:             dot=bkpt->loc;
  77:             IF bkpt->comm[0] != EOR
  78:             THEN acommand(bkpt->comm);
  79:             FI
  80:             IF bkpt->flag==BKPTEXEC
  81:             ORF ((bkpt->flag=BKPTEXEC)
  82:                 ANDF bkpt->comm[0]!=EOR)
  83:             THEN execbkpt(bkpt,execsig); execsig=0; loopcnt++;
  84:                  goto loop1;
  85:             ELSE bkpt->flag=BKPTSET; bkpt->count=bkpt->initcnt;
  86:             FI
  87:         ELSE execsig=signo;
  88:              if (execsig) break;
  89:         FI
  90:     OD
  91:         if (debug) printf("Returning from runpcs\n");
  92: }
  94: #define BPOUT 0
  95: #define BPIN 1
  96: INT bpstate;
  98: endpcs()
  99: {
 100:     REG BKPTR   bkptr;
 101:         if (debug) printf("Entering endpcs with pid=%d\n");
 102:     IF pid
 103:     THEN ptrace(EXIT,pid,0,0); pid=0; userpc=1;
 104:          FOR bkptr=bkpthead; bkptr; bkptr=bkptr->nxtbkpt
 105:          DO IF bkptr->flag
 106:         THEN bkptr->flag=BKPTSET;
 107:         FI
 108:          OD
 109:     FI
 110:     bpstate=BPOUT;
 111: }
 113: #ifdef VFORK
 114: nullsig()
 115: {
 117: }
 118: #endif
 120: setup()
 121: {
 122:     close(fsym); fsym = -1;
 123: #ifdef VFORK
 124:     IF (pid = vfork()) == 0
 125: #else
 126:     IF (pid = fork()) == 0
 127: #endif
 128:     THEN ptrace(SETTRC,0,0,0);
 129:          signal(SIGINT,sigint); signal(SIGQUIT,sigqit);
 130: #ifdef VFORK
 131:          signal(SIGTRAP,nullsig);
 132: #endif
 133:         if (debug) printf("About to doexec  pid=%d\n",pid);
 134:          doexec(); _exit(0);
 135:     ELIF pid == -1
 136:     THEN error(NOFORK);
 137:     ELSE bpwait(); readregs();
 138:     if (debug) printf("About to open symfil = %s\n", symfil);
 139:          fsym=open(symfil,wtflag);
 140:          IF errflg
 141:          THEN printf("%s: cannot execute\n",symfil);
 142:         if (debug) printf("%d %s\n", errflg, errflg);
 143:           endpcs();
 144:          FI
 145:     FI
 146:     bpstate=BPOUT;
 147: }
 149: execbkpt(bkptr,execsig)
 150: BKPTR   bkptr;
 151: {
 152:     if (debug) printf("exbkpt: %d\n",bkptr->count);
 153:     delbp();
 154:     ptrace(SINGLE,pid,bkptr->loc,execsig);
 155:     bkptr->flag=BKPTSET;
 156:     bpwait(); chkerr(); readregs();
 157: }
 159: extern STRING environ;
 161: doexec()
 162: {
 163:     char *argl[MAXARG], args[LINSIZ];
 164:     register char c, redchar, *argsp, **arglp, *filnam;
 166:     arglp = argl;
 167:     argsp = args;
 168:     *arglp++ = symfil;
 169:     c = ' ';
 171:     do {
 172:         while (eqany(c, " \t")) {
 173:             c = rdc();
 174:         }
 175:         if (eqany(c, "<>")) {
 176:             redchar = c;
 177:             do {
 178:                 c = rdc();
 179:             } while (eqany(c, " \t"));
 180:             filnam = argsp;
 181:             do {
 182:                 *argsp++ = c;
 183:                 c = rdc();
 184:             } while (!eqany(c, " <>\t\n"));
 185:             *argsp++ = '\0';
 186:             if (redchar == '<') {
 187:                 close(0);
 188:                 if (open(filnam,0) < 0) {
 189:                     printf("%s: cannot open\n",filnam);
 190:                     fflush(stdout);
 191:                     _exit(0);
 192:                 }
 193:             } else {
 194:                 close(1);
 195:                 if (creat(filnam,0666) < 0) {
 196:                     printf("%s: cannot create\n",filnam);
 197:                     fflush(stdout);
 198:                      _exit(0);
 199:                 }
 200:             }
 201:         } else if (c != '\n') {
 202:             *arglp++ = argsp;
 203:             do {
 204:                 *argsp++ = c;
 205:                 c = rdc();
 206:             } while(!eqany(c, " <>\t\n"));
 207:             *argsp++ = '\0';
 208:         }
 209:     } while (c != '\n');
 210:     *arglp = (char *) 0;
 211:     if (debug) {
 212:         char **dap;
 213:         printf("About to exect(%s, %d, %d)\n",symfil,argl,environ);
 214:         for (dap = argl; *dap; dap++) {
 215:             printf("%s, ", *dap);
 216:         }
 217:     }
 218:     exect(symfil, argl, environ);
 219:     perror("Returned from exect");
 220: }
 222: BKPTR   scanbkpt(adr)
 223: ADDR adr;
 224: {
 225:     REG BKPTR   bkptr;
 226:     FOR bkptr=bkpthead; bkptr; bkptr=bkptr->nxtbkpt
 227:     DO IF bkptr->flag ANDF bkptr->loc==adr
 228:        THEN break;
 229:        FI
 230:     OD
 231:     return(bkptr);
 232: }
 234: delbp()
 235: {
 236:     REG ADDR    a;
 237:     REG BKPTR   bkptr;
 238:     IF bpstate!=BPOUT
 239:     THEN
 240:         FOR bkptr=bkpthead; bkptr; bkptr=bkptr->nxtbkpt
 241:         DO  IF bkptr->flag
 242:             THEN a=bkptr->loc;
 243:                 ptrace(WIUSER,pid,a,
 244:                     (bkptr->ins&0xFF)|(ptrace(RIUSER,pid,a,0)&~0xFF));
 245:             FI
 246:         OD
 247:         bpstate=BPOUT;
 248:     FI
 249: }
 251: setbp()
 252: {
 253:     REG ADDR        a;
 254:     REG BKPTR   bkptr;
 256:     IF bpstate!=BPIN
 257:     THEN
 258:         FOR bkptr=bkpthead; bkptr; bkptr=bkptr->nxtbkpt
 259:         DO IF bkptr->flag
 260:            THEN a = bkptr->loc;
 261:             bkptr->ins = ptrace(RIUSER, pid, a, 0);
 262:             ptrace(WIUSER, pid, a, BPT | (bkptr->ins&~0xFF));
 263:             IF errno
 264:             THEN error("cannot set breakpoint: ");
 265:                  printf("%s:%d @ %d\n", adrtoprocp(dot)->pname,
 266:                 adrtolineno(dot), dot);
 267:             FI
 268:            FI
 269:         OD
 270:         bpstate=BPIN;
 271:     FI
 272: }
 274: bpwait()
 275: {
 276:     REG ADDR w;
 277:     ADDR stat;
 279:     signal(SIGINT, 1);
 280:     if (debug) printf("Waiting for pid %d\n",pid);
 281:     WHILE (w = wait(&stat))!=pid ANDF w != -1 DONE
 282:     if (debug) printf("Ending wait\n");
 283:     if (debug) printf("w = %d; pid = %d; stat = %o;\n", w,pid,stat);
 284:     signal(SIGINT,sigint);
 285:     IF w == -1
 286:     THEN pid=0;
 287:          errflg=BADWAIT;
 288:     ELIF (stat & 0177) != 0177
 289:     THEN IF signo = stat&0177
 290:          THEN sigprint();
 291:          FI
 292:          IF stat&0200
 293:          THEN error(" - core dumped");
 294:           close(fcor);
 295:           setcor();
 296:          FI
 297:          pid=0;
 298:          errflg=ENDPCS;
 299:     ELSE signo = stat>>8;
 300:              if (debug) printf("PC = %d, dbsubn = %d\n",
 301:         ptrace(RUREGS, pid, PC, 0), extaddr("_dbsubn"));
 302:          IF signo!=SIGTRAP ANDF
 303:         ptrace(RUREGS, pid, PC, 0) != extaddr("_dbsubn")
 304:          THEN sigprint();
 305:          ELSE signo=0;
 306:          FI
 307:     FI
 308: }
 310: REGLIST reglist[];
 311: readregs()
 312: {
 313:     /*get REG values from pcs*/
 314:     REG i;
 315:     FOR i=24; --i>=0;
 316:     DO *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+reglist[i].roffs) =
 317:             ptrace(RUREGS, pid, reglist[i].roffs, 0);
 318:     OD
 319:     userpc= *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+PC);
 320: }
 322: char
 323: readchar() {
 324:     lastc = *argsp++;
 325:     if (lastc == '\0') lastc = '\n';
 326:     return(lastc);
 327: }
 329: char
 330: rdc()
 331: {
 332:     register char c;
 334:     c = *argsp++;
 335:     return(c == '\0' ? '\n' : c);
 336: }

Defined functions

bpwait defined in line 274; used 3 times
delbp defined in line 234; used 5 times
doexec defined in line 161; used 1 times
endpcs defined in line 98; used 3 times
execbkpt defined in line 149; used 2 times
getsig defined in line 50; used 2 times
nullsig defined in line 114; used 1 times
rdc defined in line 329; used 5 times
readchar defined in line 322; used 2 times
readregs defined in line 311; used 3 times
runpcs defined in line 54; used 1 times
scanbkpt defined in line 222; used 6 times
setbp defined in line 251; used 1 times
  • in line 67
setup defined in line 120; used 2 times

Defined variables

errno defined in line 35; used 1 times
sccsid defined in line 1; never used
u defined in line 12; used 2 times

Defined macros

BPIN defined in line 95; used 2 times
BPOUT defined in line 94; used 4 times
SIGTRAP defined in line 16; used 3 times
Last modified: 1982-10-04
Generated: 2016-12-26
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