1: static  char sccsid[] = "@(#)xeq.c 4.3 8/17/82";
   2: #include "head.h"
   3: #include <a.out.h>
   4: #include <stab.h>
   5: struct user u;
   6: #include <stdio.h>
   7: INT signo;
   8: INT adrflg;
   9: INT pid;
  10: ADDR userpc;
  11: L_INT cntval;
  14: /* service routines for sub process control */
  17: /*
  18:  * single step until loc with descriptor format d is modified
  19:  * return its new value.
  20:  */
  21: monex(loc, d)
  22: ADDR loc; char d; {
  23:     register ADDR oldval;
  25:     oldval = getval(loc, d, DSP);
  26:     do {
  27:         subpcs('s');
  28:     } while (oldval == getval(loc, d, DSP));
  29:     return(getval(loc, d, DSP));
  30: }
  32: /* single step count source stmts */
  33: singstep(count, cmd)
  34:     char cmd; {
  35:     register int thisline, curline;
  36:     register struct proct *thisproc;
  38:     if (sdbttym.sg_flags != userttym.sg_flags)
  39:         stty(2, &userttym);
  40:     dot = *(ADDR *) (((ADDR) &u) + PC);
  41:     thisproc = adrtoprocp(dot);
  42:     thisline = adrtolineno(dot);
  43:     if (count == 0) count = 1;
  44:     for(; count; count--) {
  45:         do {
  46:             if (cmd == 'S') {  /* MACHINE DEPENDENT */
  47:                 dot = *(ADDR *) (((ADDR) &u) + PC);
  48:                 if ((get(dot,ISP) & 0xff) == 0xfb){ /* calls */
  49:                     int retaddr;
  50:                     subpcs('s');
  51:                     retaddr =
  52:                        *(ADDR *) (((ADDR) &u) + USP) + 16;
  53:                     retaddr = dot = get(retaddr, DSP);
  54:                     subpcs('b');
  55:                     subpcs('c');
  56:                     dot = retaddr;
  57:                     subpcs('d');
  58:                     dot = *(ADDR *) (((ADDR) &u) + PC);
  59:                     if (retaddr != dot && signo == 0) {
  60:                         gtty(2, &userttym);
  61:                         if (sdbttym.sg_flags !=
  62:                             userttym.sg_flags)
  63:                             stty(2, &sdbttym);
  64:                         printf("Breakpoint at \n");
  65:                         return;
  66:                     }
  67:                     continue;
  68:                 }
  69:             }
  71:             subpcs('s');
  72:             dot = *(ADDR *) (((ADDR) &u) + PC);
  73:             curline = adrtolineno(dot);
  74:         } while (!signo &&
  75:             ((thisproc == adrtoprocp(dot) && thisline == curline) ||
  76:             curline == -1));
  77:         gtty(2, &userttym);
  78:         if (sdbttym.sg_flags != userttym.sg_flags)
  79:             stty(2, &sdbttym);
  80:         if (signo) return;
  81:     }
  82: }
  84: doscall() {
  85:     int subargs[NUMARGS];
  86:         /* subargs[0]    = address,
  87: 		 * subargs[1]    = number of arguments
  88: 		 * subargs[2:NUMARGS] = actual arguments
  89: 		 */
  90:     union {
  91:         int w[128-NUMARGS];
  92:         char c[4*(128-NUMARGS)];
  93:     }substr;
  95:     register int i, numchars, *subargp;
  96:     register char ch;
  97:     ADDR straddr, adr, praddr;
  98:     ADDR j;
 100:     praddr = extaddr(proc);
 101:     if (praddr == -1) {
 102:         printf("Cannot find %s\n", proc);
 103:         return;
 104:     }
 105:     straddr = extaddr("_dbargs");
 106:     if (straddr == -1) {
 107:         error("Program not loaded with -lg");
 108:         return;
 109:     }
 111:     numchars = 0;
 112:     subargp = subargs;
 113:     argsp++;
 114:     *subargp++ = praddr;
 115:     subargp++;
 117:     for (i=0; i<NUMARGS - 2; i++) {  /* process an argument */
 118:         ch = *argsp;
 119:         if (ch == '\'') {
 120:             *subargp++ = *(argsp+1);
 121:             argsp += 2;
 122:         } else if (ch == '"') {
 123:             *subargp++ = straddr + sizeof subargs + numchars;
 124:             argsp++;
 125:             for (;;) {
 126:                 ch = *argsp++;
 127:                 if (ch == '\\') {
 128:                     switch(ch = *argsp++) {
 129:                     case 'r':
 130:                         ch = '\015';
 131:                         break;
 132:                     case 'n':
 133:                         ch = '\012';
 134:                         break;
 135:                     case '\\':
 136:                         ch = '\\';
 137:                         break;
 138:                     }
 139:                 }
 140:                 substr.c[numchars++] = ch;
 141:                 if (ch == '"') {
 142:                     substr.c[numchars-1] = '\0';
 143:                     break;
 144:                 }
 145:                 if (ch == '\0') {
 146:                     error("Unterminated string constant");
 147:                     return;
 148:                 }
 149:                 if (numchars > sizeof substr.c) {
 150:                     error("Too many string constants");
 151:                     return;
 152:                 }
 153:             }
 154:         } else if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '-') {
 155:             *subargp++ = readint(&argsp);
 156:         } else if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
 157:             (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_') {
 158:             cpname(var, argsp);
 159:             j = varaddr(curproc()->pname, var);
 160:             if (j == -1) {
 161:                 return;
 162:             }
 163:             *subargp++ =
 164:                 sl_class == N_RSYM ?
 165:                   *(ADDR *)(((ADDR) &u) + R0 + (WORDSIZE)*j) :
 166:                   getval(j, typetodesc(sl_type, 0)[0], DSP);
 167:             do {
 168:                 argsp++;
 169:             } while (varchar(*argsp) || number(*argsp));
 170:         } else if (ch != ')') {
 171:             printf("Unexpected character %c\n", ch);
 172:             return;
 173:         }
 175:         do {
 176:             ch = *argsp++;
 177:         } while(ch == ' ');
 178:         if (ch == ')') {
 179:             if (scallx == 0) {
 180:                 scallx = 1;
 181:                 pcs = *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+PC);
 182:                 fps = *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+FP);
 183:                 aps = *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+AP);
 184:                 if (bkpts = scanbkpt(userpc)) {
 185:                     if (flagss = bkpts->flag) {
 186:                         bkpts->flag = BKPTSET;
 187:                     }
 188:                 }
 189:             }
 190:             dot = *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+PC) = extaddr("_dbsubc");
 191:             if (dot == -1) {
 192:                 error("Internal error - cannot find _dbsubc");
 193:                 return;
 194:             }
 195:             adrflg = 1;
 196:             cntval = 1;
 197:             if (pid == 0 || signo) subpcs('r');
 198:             subargs[1] = (subargp - subargs) - 2;
 199:             adr = straddr;
 200:             for (j=0; j<=(subargp-subargs); j++) {
 201:                 put(adr, DSP, subargs[j]);
 202:                 adr += WORDSIZE;
 203:             }
 204:             adr = straddr + sizeof subargs;
 205:             for (j=0; j<(numchars+WORDSIZE-1)/WORDSIZE; j++) {
 206:                 put(adr, DSP, substr.w[j]);
 207:                 adr += WORDSIZE;
 208:             }
 209:             dschar = *argsp++;
 210:             errflg = 0;
 211:             dopcs('c');
 212:             if (!signo) printf("Breakpoint");
 213:             printf(" at\n");
 214:             return;
 215:         }
 216:         while (*argsp == ' ' || *argsp == ',')
 217:             argsp++;
 218:     }
 220:     error ("Too many arguments");
 222: }
 225: /* get arguments from core file, place them in args */
 226: getargs() {
 227:     struct proct *procp;
 228:     ADDR p, av;
 229:     int ac, i;
 230:     char *argsp = args;
 231:     union {
 232:         char c[WORDSIZE];
 233:         int w;
 234:         float f;
 235:     } word;
 237:     if ((procp = initframe()) == badproc) goto old1;
 238:     do {
 239:         if (eqstr("main", procp->pname))
 240:             goto fnd;
 241:     } while ((procp = nextframe()) != badproc);
 243: old1:   cpstr(args, oldargs);
 244:     printf("%s %s\n", symfil, args);
 245:     return;
 247: fnd:    ac = get(argp, DSP);
 248:     if ((ac == 0) || (ac & 0xff)) goto old1;
 249:     ac = get(argp+4, DSP);
 250:     av = (ADDR) get(argp+8, DSP);
 252:     av += WORDSIZE;
 253:     ac--;
 255:     for (; ac; ac--) {
 256:         p = (ADDR) get(av, DSP);
 257:         av += WORDSIZE;
 258:         for (;;) {
 259:             word.w = get(p, DSP);
 260:             for (i=0; i<WORDSIZE; i++) {
 261:                 if (word.c[i] == '\0') goto l1;
 262:                 *argsp++ = word.c[i];
 263:             }
 264:             p += WORDSIZE;
 265:         }
 266: l1:     *argsp++ = ' ';
 267:     }
 268:     *argsp == '\0';
 269:     printf("%s %s\n", symfil, args);
 270:     return;
 273: }
 275: dopcs(c)
 276: char c; {
 277:     if (c != 'r' && c != 'R' && sdbttym.sg_flags != userttym.sg_flags)
 278:         stty(2, &userttym);
 279:     subpcs(c);
 280:     gtty(2, &userttym);
 281:     if (sdbttym.sg_flags != userttym.sg_flags)
 282:         stty(2, &sdbttym);
 284:     if (eqany(c, "cCsS") &&
 285:          *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+PC) == extaddr("_dbsubn")) {
 286:         if (dschar == '/') {
 287:             dispf((ADDR) 0, *argsp ? argsp : "d", N_RSYM, 0, 0, DSP);
 288:         }
 289:         else
 290:             printf("Procedure returned normally\n");
 291:         userpc = dot = *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+PC) = pcs;
 292:         *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+FP) = fps;
 293:         *(ADDR *)(((ADDR)&u)+AP) = aps;
 294:         if (bkpts)
 295:             bkpts->flag = flagss;
 296:         scallx = 0;
 297:         longjmp(env, 0);
 298:     }
 299: }
 301: /* execute commands from a breakpoint */
 302: acommand(cmds)
 303: char *cmds; {
 304:     char *p = cmds;
 305:     int endflg = 0;
 307:     setcur(0);
 308:     do {        /* process a command */
 309:         for (;;) {
 310:             if (*p == ';') {
 311:                 *p = '\n';
 312:                 break;
 313:             }
 314:             if (*p == '\n') {
 315:                 endflg++;
 316:                 break;
 317:             }
 318:             p++;
 319:         }
 320:         if (decode(cmds) == 1) {
 321:             printf("Bad command: ");
 322:             do {
 323:                 printf("%c", *cmds);
 324:             } while (*cmds++ != '\n');
 325:             return;
 326:         }
 327:         docommand();
 328:         if (!endflg)
 329:             *p = ';';
 330:         p = cmds = p + 1;
 331:     } while (!endflg);
 332: }

Defined functions

acommand defined in line 302; used 1 times
dopcs defined in line 275; used 9 times
doscall defined in line 84; used 1 times
getargs defined in line 226; used 1 times
monex defined in line 21; used 1 times
singstep defined in line 33; used 1 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 1; never used
u defined in line 5; used 14 times
Last modified: 1982-10-04
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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