w11 - cpp 0.794
Backend server for Rlink and w11
No Matches
Retro Namespace Reference

Declaration of class ReventLoop. More...


namespace  RethTools
namespace  Rtcl
namespace  Rtools
namespace  RtraceTools


class  Rbits
class  RerrMsg
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class  RethBuf
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  ReventFd
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  ReventLoop
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rexception
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rfd
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RfileFd
 FIXME_docs. More...
struct  RflagName
class  RiosState
 Stack object for ostream state. **. More...
class  RlinkAddrMap
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkChannel
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class  RlinkCommand
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class  RlinkCommandExpect
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkCommandList
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkConnect
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkContext
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkCrc16
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPacketBuf
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPacketBufRcv
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPacketBufSnd
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPort
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPortCuff
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPortFactory
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPortFifo
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkPortTerm
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkServer
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlinkServerEventLoop
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlogFile
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlogFileCatalog
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RlogMsg
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RosFill
 I/O appicator to generate fill characters. More...
class  RosPrintBvi
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RosPrintfBase
 Base class for print objects. **. More...
class  RosPrintfS
class  RparseUrl
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rstats
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclArgs
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclAttnShuttle
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclBvi
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclClassBase
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclClassOwned
 Implemenation (inline) of class RtclClassOwned. More...
class  RtclCmdBase
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclContext
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclGet
 Implemenation (inline) of class RtclGet. More...
class  RtclGetBase
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclGetList
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclNameSet
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclOPtr
 Implemenation (inline) of RtclOPtr. More...
class  RtclProxyBase
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclProxyOwned
 Implemenation (all inline) of class RtclProxyOwned. More...
class  RtclRlinkConnect
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRlinkPort
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRlinkServer
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11Cntl
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlDEUNA
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlDiskBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlDiskBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlDL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlDZ11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlLP11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlPC11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlRdmaBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlRdmaBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlRHRP
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlRK11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlRL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlStreamBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlStreamBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlTapeBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlTapeBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlTermBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CntlTermBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CntlTM11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11Cpu
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11CpuBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11CpuBase. More...
class  RtclRw11CpuW11a
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11Unit
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11UnitBase. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitDEUNA
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitDisk
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitDL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitDZ11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitLP11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitPC11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitRHRP
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitRK11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitRL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitStream
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitTape
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitTerm
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11UnitTM11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11Virt
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11VirtBase
 Implemenation (all inline) of RtclRw11VirtBase. More...
class  RtclRw11VirtDiskOver
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclRw11VirtDiskRam
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclSet
 Implemenation (inline) of class RtclSet. More...
class  RtclSetBase
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclSetList
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclSignalAction
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclStats
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtclSystem
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rtime
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  RtimerFd
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11Cntl
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlBase
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlBase. More...
class  Rw11CntlDEUNA
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlDL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlDZ11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlLP11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlPC11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlRHRP
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlRK11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlRL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CntlTM11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11Cpu
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11CpuW11a
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11Probe
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class  Rw11Rdma
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11RdmaDisk
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11Unit
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitDEUNA
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitDisk
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitDiskBase
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitDiskBase. More...
class  Rw11UnitDL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitDZ11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitLP11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitPC11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitRHRP
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitRK11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitRL11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitStream
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitStreamBase
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitStreamBase. More...
class  Rw11UnitTape
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitTapeBase
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitTapeBase. More...
class  Rw11UnitTerm
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitTermBase
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitTermBase. More...
class  Rw11UnitTM11
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11UnitVirt
 Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitVirt. More...
class  Rw11Virt
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtDisk
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtDiskBuffer
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtDiskFile
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtDiskOver
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtDiskRam
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtEth
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtEthTap
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtStream
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtTape
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtTapeTap
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtTerm
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtTermPty
 FIXME_docs. More...
class  Rw11VirtTermTcp
 FIXME_docs. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RerrMsg &obj)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (RlogMsg &lmsg, const T &val)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RosFill &obj)
std::string & operator<< (std::string &os, const RosFill &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RosPrintBvi &obj)
std::string & operator<< (std::string &os, const RosPrintBvi &obj)
RosPrintfS< bool > RosPrintf (bool value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a bool value.
RosPrintfS< char > RosPrintf (char value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a char value.
RosPrintfS< int > RosPrintf (signed char value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a signed char value.
RosPrintfS< unsigned int > RosPrintf (unsigned char value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a unsigned char value.
RosPrintfS< int > RosPrintf (short value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a short value.
RosPrintfS< unsigned int > RosPrintf (unsigned short value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a unsigned short value.
RosPrintfS< int > RosPrintf (int value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a int value.
RosPrintfS< unsigned int > RosPrintf (unsigned int value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a unsigned int value.
RosPrintfS< long > RosPrintf (long value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a long value.
RosPrintfS< unsigned long > RosPrintf (unsigned long value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of an unsigned long value.
RosPrintfS< double > RosPrintf (double value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a double value.
RosPrintfS< const char * > RosPrintf (const char *value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a const char* value.
RosPrintfS< const void * > RosPrintf (const void *value, const char *form, int width, int prec)
 Creates a print object for the formatted output of a const void* value.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RosPrintfBase &obj)
std::string & operator<< (std::string &os, const RosPrintfBase &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Rstats &obj)
Rtime operator+ (const Rtime &x, const Rtime &y)
Rtime operator- (const Rtime &x, const Rtime &y)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Rtime &obj)
static int signam2num (const std::string &signam)
static const char * signum2nam (int signum)
int RtclRw11CntlFactory (RtclArgs &args, RtclRw11Cpu &cpu)
std::unique_ptr< RtclRw11VirtRtclRw11VirtFactory (Rw11Virt *pobj)


static const int kOK = TCL_OK
static const int kERR = TCL_ERROR
static const int kOK = TCL_OK
static const int kERR = TCL_ERROR

Detailed Description

Declaration of class ReventLoop.

Declaration of global function RtclRw11VirtFactory.

Declaration of class RtclRw11VirtDiskRam.

Declaration of class RtclRw11VirtDiskOver.

Declaration of class RtclRw11VirtBase.

Implemenation (inline) of RtclRw11Virt.

Declaration of class RtclRw11Virt.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitTM11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitTerm.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitTape.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitStream.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitRL11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitRK11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitRHRP.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitPC11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitLP11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitDZ11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitDL11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitDisk.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitDEUNA.

Declaration of class RtclRw11UnitBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11Unit.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CpuW11a.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CpuBase.

Implemenation (inline) of RtclRw11Cpu.

Declaration of class RtclRw11Cpu.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlTM11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlTermBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlTapeBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlStreamBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlRL11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlRK11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlRHRP.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlRdmaBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlPC11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlLP11.

Declaration of global function RtclRw11CntlFactory.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlDZ11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlDL11.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlDiskBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlDEUNA.

Declaration of class RtclRw11CntlBase.

Declaration of class RtclRw11Cntl.

Declaration of class RtclRw11.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtTermTcp.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtTermPty.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtTerm.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtTerm.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtTapeTap.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtTapeTap.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtTape.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtTape.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtStream.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtEthTap.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtEth.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtEth.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtDiskRam.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtDiskOver.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtDiskFile.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtDiskBuffer.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtDiskBuffer.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11VirtDisk.

Declaration of class Rw11VirtDisk.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Virt.

Declaration of class Rw11Virt.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitVirt.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitTM11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitTermBase.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitTerm.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitTerm.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitTapeBase.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitTape.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitTape.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitStreamBase.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitStream.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitRL11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitRK11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitRHRP.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitPC11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitLP11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitDZ11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitDL11.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitDiskBase.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11UnitDisk.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitDisk.

Declaration of class Rw11UnitDEUNA.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Unit.

Declaration of class Rw11Unit.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11RdmaDisk.

Declaration of class Rw11RdmaDisk.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Rdma.

Declaration of class Rw11Rdma.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Probe.

Declaration of class Rw11Probe.

Declaration of class Rw11CpuW11a.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Cpu.

Declaration of class Rw11Cpu.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlTM11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlTM11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlRL11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlRL11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlRK11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlRK11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlRHRP.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlRHRP.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlPC11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlPC11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlLP11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlLP11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlDZ11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlDZ11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlDL11.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlDL11.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11CntlDEUNA.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlDEUNA.

Declaration of class Rw11CntlBase.

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11Cntl.

Declaration of class Rw11Cntl.

Declaration of class Rw11.

Declaration of class RtraceTools .

Implemenation (inline) of Rw11.

Declaration of class RethTools .

Implemenation (inline) of RethBuf.

Declaration of class RethBuf.

Declaration of class RtclSystem.

Declaration of class RtclSignalAction.

Declaration of class RtclBvi.

Implemenation (inline) of Rtools.

Declaration of class Rtools .

Implemenation (inline) of class RtimerFd.

Declaration of class RtimerFd.

Implemenation (inline) of Rtime.

Declaration of class Rtime .

Implemenation (inline) of Rstats.

Declaration of class Rstats .

Implemenation (inline) of RparseUrl.

Declaration of class RparseUrl.

Declaration of class RosPrintfS .

Implemenation (inline) of RosPrintfBase.

Declaration of RosPrintfBase class .

Implemenation (inline) of RosPrintf.

Declaration of RosPrintf functions.

Implemenation (inline) of RosPrintBvi.

Declaration of class RosPrintBvi .

Implemenation (inline) of RosFill.

Declaration of class RosFill .

Implemenation (inline) of RlogMsg.

Declaration of class RlogMsg.

Declaration of class RlogFileCatalog.

Implemenation (inline) of RlogFile.

Declaration of class RlogFile.

Implemenation (inline) of RiosState.

Declaration of class RiosState.

Declaration of class RfileFd.

Implemenation (inline) of class Rfd.

Declaration of class Rfd.

Implemenation (inline) of Rexception.

Declaration of class Rexception.

Declaration of class ReventFd.

Implemenation (inline) of RerrMsg.

Declaration of class RerrMsg.

Declaration of class Rbits .

Implemenation of Rbits .

Declaration of class RtclStats.

Implemenation (inline) of class RtclSetList.

Declaration of class RtclSetList.

Declaration of class RtclSetBase.

Declaration of class RtclSet.

Declaration of class RtclProxyOwned.

Implemenation (inline) of RtclProxyBase.

Declaration of class RtclProxyBase.

Declaration of class RtclOPtr.

Declaration of class RtclNameSet.

Implemenation (inline) of class RtclGetList.

Declaration of class RtclGetList.

Declaration of class RtclGetBase.

Declaration of class RtclGet.

Declaration of class RtclContext.

Declaration of class RtclCmdBase.

Declaration of class RtclClassOwned.

Implemenation (inline) of RtclClassBase.

Declaration of class RtclClassBase.

Implemenation (inline) of RtclArgs.

Declaration of class RtclArgs.

Implemenation (inline) of Rtcl.

Declaration of class Rtcl.

Declaration of class RtclRlinkServer.

Declaration of class RtclRlinkPort.

Declaration of class RtclRlinkConnect.

Implemenation (inline) of class RtclAttnShuttle.

Declaration of class RtclAttnShuttle.

Declaration of class RlinkServerEventLoop.

Implemenation (inline) of RlinkServer.

Declaration of class RlinkServer.

Declaration of class RlinkPortTerm.

Declaration of class RlinkPortFifo.

Declaration of class RlinkPortFactory.

Declaration of class RlinkPortCuff.

Implemenation (inline) of RlinkPort.

Declaration of class RlinkPort.

Declaration of class RlinkPacketBufSnd.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkPacketBuf.

Declaration of class RlinkPacketBuf.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkCrc16.

Declaration of class RlinkCrc16.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkContext.

Declaration of class RlinkContext.

Implemenation (inline) of RlinkConnect.

Declaration of class RlinkConnect.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkCommandList.

Declaration of class RlinkCommandList.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkCommandExpect.

Declaration of class RlinkCommandExpect.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkCommand.

Declaration of class RlinkCommand.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkChannel.

Declaration of class RlinkChannel.

Implemenation (inline) of class RlinkAddrMap.

Declaration of class RlinkAddrMap.

Implemenation (inline) of class ReventLoop.

For a detailed description of the usage of the RosPrintf system look into using_rosprintf.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<() [1/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RerrMsg obj 

◆ operator<<() [2/10]

template<class T >
std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( RlogMsg lmsg,
const T &  val 

◆ operator<<() [3/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RosFill obj 

◆ operator<<() [4/10]

std::string & Retro::operator<< ( std::string &  os,
const RosFill obj 

◆ operator<<() [5/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RosPrintBvi obj 

◆ operator<<() [6/10]

std::string & Retro::operator<< ( std::string &  os,
const RosPrintBvi obj 

◆ operator<<() [7/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RosPrintfBase obj 

◆ operator<<() [8/10]

std::string & Retro::operator<< ( std::string &  os,
const RosPrintfBase obj 

◆ operator<<() [9/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Rstats obj 

◆ operator+()

Rtime Retro::operator+ ( const Rtime x,
const Rtime y 

◆ operator-()

Rtime Retro::operator- ( const Rtime x,
const Rtime y 

◆ operator<<() [10/10]

std::ostream & Retro::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Rtime obj 

◆ signam2num()

static int Retro::signam2num ( const std::string &  signam)

Definition at line 85 of file RtclSystem.cpp.

Referenced by Retro::RtclSystem::SignalAction().

◆ signum2nam()

static const char * Retro::signum2nam ( int  signum)

Definition at line 97 of file RtclSystem.cpp.

Referenced by Retro::RtclSystem::SignalAction().

◆ RtclRw11CntlFactory()

int Retro::RtclRw11CntlFactory ( RtclArgs args,
RtclRw11Cpu cpu 


Definition at line 45 of file RtclRw11CntlFactory.cpp.

References Retro::RtclArgs::GetArg(), and Retro::RtclArgs::Quit().

Referenced by Retro::RtclRw11Cpu::M_add().

◆ RtclRw11VirtFactory()

std::unique_ptr< RtclRw11Virt > Retro::RtclRw11VirtFactory ( Rw11Virt pobj)


Definition at line 31 of file RtclRw11VirtFactory.cpp.

Referenced by Retro::RtclRw11UnitBase< TU, TUV, TB >::AttachDone().

Variable Documentation

◆ kOK [1/2]

const int Retro::kOK = TCL_OK

Definition at line 37 of file RtclBvi.cpp.

Referenced by Retro::RtclRlinkServer::ClassCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11::ClassCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclClassOwned< TP >::ClassCmdCreate(), Retro::RtclBvi::DoCmd(), Retro::RtclBvi::DoConv(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDEUNA::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDL11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDZ11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlLP11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlPC11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRHRP::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRK11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRL11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlTM11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::GetAddr(), Retro::RtclSystem::Isatty(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_amap(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_attn(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_close(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_default(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_default(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_default(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDEUNA::M_default(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_errcnt(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_exec(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskOver::M_flush(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_init(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskOver::M_list(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskRam::M_list(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_log(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_oob(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_open(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_print(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_print(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_server(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_start(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRHRP::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRK11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRL11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlTM11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_wtlam(), Retro::RtclSystem::SignalAction(), and Retro::RtclSystem::WaitPid().

◆ kERR [1/2]

const int Retro::kERR = TCL_ERROR

Definition at line 38 of file RtclBvi.cpp.

Referenced by Retro::RtclRlinkServer::ClassCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11::ClassCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclClassOwned< TP >::ClassCmdCreate(), Retro::RtclBvi::DoCmd(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDEUNA::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDL11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlDZ11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlLP11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlPC11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRHRP::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRK11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRL11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlTM11::FactoryCmdConfig(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::GetAddr(), Retro::RtclSystem::Isatty(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_amap(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_attn(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_close(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_default(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_default(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_default(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_dump(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_errcnt(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_exec(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskOver::M_flush(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_init(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskOver::M_list(), Retro::RtclRw11VirtDiskRam::M_list(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_log(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_oob(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_open(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_print(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_print(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_server(), Retro::RtclRw11::M_start(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRlinkServer::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRHRP::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRK11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlRL11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRw11CntlTM11::M_stats(), Retro::RtclRlinkConnect::M_wtlam(), Retro::RtclSystem::SignalAction(), and Retro::RtclSystem::WaitPid().

◆ kOK [2/2]

const int Retro::kOK = TCL_OK

Definition at line 43 of file RtclSystem.cpp.

◆ kERR [2/2]

const int Retro::kERR = TCL_ERROR

Definition at line 44 of file RtclSystem.cpp.